Well, the worker caste wasn't so much looked down on as Ignored by the others.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> "You had forgotten the worker caste, hadn't you?
When our two sides fight, they're the ones caught in the middle, forgotten until it's their time to serve; to build; and to die.
They build the temples we pray in, the ships you fight in.
They look to us to guide their hands.
But prayers are fleeting and wars forgotten.
What is built endures. They do not wish to conquer or convert, only to build the future.
And now, they will have that chance.
The religious caste and the warrior caste will advise and councel. We will serve, as is proper. Religion and war must act in the service of the people, not the other way around.
This place.. this place is reserved in memory of Neroon, until the day it is taken by the One who is to come.
You are the heart, the hands, and the voice of our people. Judge wisely and well."
Delenn to the new Grey council in Babylon 5:"Moments of Transition" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
At that moment, Delenn was speaking as the Leader of the entire Minbari race, having "won" that right when Neroon took her place in the Starfire Wheel.
The essence of her last few words are that she is Abdicating that position as leader and declaring a period of mourning for Neroon.
After the period of mourning, the Minbari will choose a New leader, the "one who is to come".
BTw, this is NOT a reference to anything having to do with the Rangers or The One.
It's just a phrase which describes the future leader of the Grey Council.
Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."