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  • Jan
    Jan reacted to Springer's post in the thread Show off your B5 collectibles with Like Like.
    I saw Jerry Doyle use a great deal of restraint once at a Wolf 359 con at Heathrow. During a signing everybody was using flash...
  • Springer
    Springer replied to the thread Show off your B5 collectibles.
    I saw Jerry Doyle use a great deal of restraint once at a Wolf 359 con at Heathrow. During a signing everybody was using flash...
  • Jan
    Jan reacted to Springer's post in the thread Show off your B5 collectibles with Like Like.
    What I meant about SDCC is that (from a distance as I've never been - wrong country) it seems very heavily commercialised, like it's...
  • Jan
    Jan replied to the thread Show off your B5 collectibles.
    I can see that impression from a distance and the studios DO pump all sorts of promotion into the con (which made for a very different...
  • Springer
    Springer replied to the thread Show off your B5 collectibles.
    What I meant about SDCC is that (from a distance as I've never been - wrong country) it seems very heavily commercialised, like it's...
  • Jan
    Jan replied to the thread Show off your B5 collectibles.
    Every con is different. You mentioned SDCC - a not-for-profit con - but there's little in the way of paid autograph signings and the...