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The Crusade for Crusade...

Yeah, I read that and a few others from <a target="_blank" href=http://www.jmsnews.com>JMSNEWS</a>

Thanks though
does anyone know who to contact at WB about saving and resurrecting Crusade or maybe even a LotR series since sci-fi has pretty much canned it?

does anyone know who to contact at sci-fi?
does anyone have an address for a contact at WB?
does anyone have bonnie hammer's address
does anyone know who to contact at sci-fi?

Bonnie Hammer would seem the sensible choice, although given their recent Rangers decision, I'd say the chance of Sci-Fi doing anything with Crusade (which they passed on to do Rangers in the first place) is pretty much nil.

does anyone know who to contact at WB about saving and resurrecting Crusade or maybe even a LotR series since sci-fi has pretty much canned it?

There is nothing that WB can do to "save" Crusade or Rangers unless there is a network willing to buy one or both shows. Presumbably they've already explored their options there, without any prompting from us, because that is the sensible thing to do from a business standpoint. A studio can't spend millions of dollars to produce a television series if there is no one to distribute it.

does anyone have bonnie hammer's address

GShan gave it to you several messages up in the thread.


Hello B5 fans

my name is jason and i live in Australia.

I have watched and loved Babylon 5 over the years and found it very hard to swallow the end of B5. Then when i learned of Crusade it all began again the B5 universe was back. I have watached all 13 episodes on video and and when i went to find more i am finding that it has not been made.

The long ranger movie has not aired in Australia yet and i hope it does.

How can JMS allow the universe he created to be left in such a shambles. for at this rate the Draak win, we must have closure.

I read something on the bslr.com page that JMS had Said -
"I set out to tell the story I wanted to tell, and I told it. If something else in the B5 universe comes along, terrific, I'm there...but if not, that's okay too. It's like Zack said in Sleeping in Light, which was meant as a sorta coda to the production of the show...everything we set out to do, we did, and nobody can ever take that away."

This is true they have told an amazing story, but it is far from finished and if JMS and the B5/Crusade?long Ranger crew give up here then why did we bother to give them all thoses years of lives watching a show that does not end.

There are million of b5 fans over the world and we are all waiting for you JMS to please finish what you have started. if you were not going to finish Crusade why start it?

Please give the fans what they want forget the networks. If they are worried about the ratings they got at superbowl time then show it again on a normal day are the fans will prove the true ratings.

Love live the B5 universe
AMEN to that, you should post this on the <a target="_blank" href=http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&group=rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated> moderated B5 Forum </a> (but you might want to check your spelling first)
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
[yellowDoes anyone know how to get a hold of JMS personally?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Best I can suggest is rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated , and title your post with "ATTN JMS".
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>The long ranger movie has not aired in Australia yet and i hope it does.<hr></blockquote>

/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif I'm guessing that you've confused The Lone Ranger with B5: Legend of the Rangers.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>How can JMS allow the universe he created to be left in such a shambles?<hr></blockquote>

It isn't his call. He doesn't personally have $30 million dollars to spend producing a season of Rangers or Crusade, and even if he did nobody would see it if some network (in the U.S.) didn't want to air it.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>How can JMS allow the universe he created to be left in such a shambles. for at this rate the Draak win, we must have closure.<hr></blockquote>

The Drakh don't win, and we do have closure:

1) In the series it is clear from "Sleeping in Light" (where Ivanova and Franklin are living on Earth and Vir is Emperor of a Centauri Republic on good terms with the Interstellar Alliance) and "Deconstruction" (where a million years hence the IA and the Rangers still exist, and the Humans have evolved to a Vorlon-like state.)

2) In the Centauri Trilogy we are given all the details of how the Drakh are defeated and the Centauri freed.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>This is true they have told an amazing story, but it is far from finished...<hr></blockquote>

The B5 story is finished. Whatever the Crusade story would have been, we know that the Drakh plague was cured and that whatever else happened with Gideon and the Excalibur (and Martel and the Liandra, for that matter) it didn't have enough of a long-term affect to prevent the evolution of the Humans, or the survival of the Rangers. What we're missing is details, not the overall arc of the main story.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>...if JMS and the B5/Crusade?long Ranger crew give up here then why did we bother to give them all thoses years of lives watching a show that does not end?<hr></blockquote>

See above, re: who controls what in these situations. And why do we bother watching any shows? Last time I checked none of them came with a promise that they were going to last beyond 13 weeks - if they made it that far. TV shows get cancelled without "ending" all the time. That's the way life is sometimes. It is hardly the fault of the creators. Often it is nobody's fault - not enough people tune in to a show to make it profitable for a network, and it gets dumped. The people involved move on and get other jobs. It is only the fans who somehow expect the shows to return. Anytime you watch a new series there is a chance that it is going to vanish from the airwaves. If this is too painful an experience for some folks they should sell their televisions and take up stamp-collecting or reading.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>There are million of b5 fans over the world and we are all waiting for you JMS to please finish what you have started. if you were not going to finish Crusade why start it?<hr></blockquote>

He didn't set out to do 13 episodes, so this was hardly premeditated. He did 5 episodes working with the old team at TNT L.A. and everything was fine. Then TNT Atlanta got involved, the relationship deteriorated and production was shut down. It wasn't his choice to end it, and he doesn't have the power to start it up again, so exactly what are you blaming him for?

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>forget the networks.<hr></blockquote>

Right, he can do the show with sock puppets in his back yard. For anything other than that, he needs a network.


No way would he use his backyard. Then all of the weirdo fans would know where he lives! /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

I just can't see a sock puppet Galen striking the same chord with viewers. /ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
well how about these puppets??? hehe

<a target="_blank" href=http://www.gwarbco.com/CRUSADEWARS/>http://www.gwarbco.com/CRUSADEWARS/</a>

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