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The Crusade for Crusade...



i know there have literally been thousands of posts on countless boards concerning this topic, but i felt it necessary at this time to bring it up oncemore. i feel, as many others do, that Crusade was a great series, despite the influence of TNT. i feel that, regardless, Crusade had potential, immesurable potential, and could easily have surpassed B5 by the end of its first year. Crusade expanded and built upon what B5 began in me, my lovely wife christa, and many of my friends. before B5 i had never been a fan of science fiction, with the exception of the original series of Dune novels. i was always a fan of the LotR story, Arthurian legend, ancient tales of Beowulf and Sadi, the story of Gilgamesh and the epic stories associated with the South Western spirit Kokopelli. Despite my own native american background i am and always have had a fascination with English literature, and the tales and legends of bygone civilizations of the middle east, africa, asia and europe, before B5 i had no love for science fiction. B5 did not specifically change that, but it did something though, it grabbed me, hooked me, broke me down and changed me, than built me back up again. i found B5 at that difficult time in the lives of most young adults who are just coming into their own in the world, so much of the emotion expressed in B5 mirrored what i felt, so much of the spirituality reflected what i myself long ago and oncemore believe in. B5 had a strong, powerful effect on me. and Crusade, despite its short life, had an even stronger one. the adventure that was (and perhaps will be again) Crusade touched something in me, and that something has still not left me. listen to the music, watch the episodes again, pay attention to the characters and the story, the ideas, and the message. for everyone the message was different in B5, and so it seems with Crusade. i recently did all of these things for the first time since TNT cancelled the series, i watched and considered every episode, and i have come to the conclusion that the Crusade story must not be allowed to pass into obscurity, it must not be allowed to be forgotten, or told only in the pages of un-aired scripts and paperback novels (although the technomage, centauri, and psi-corps books were excellently done), rather, i feel Crusade must be told as it was meant to be told, on television, for however many seasons JMS may intend it to last, not in some miniseries or 2 hour movie. it is the responsibility of every fan, every person who feels the way i do about this series to do all they can, to write their letters, send their emails, and post their messages in full sight of JMS (on the boards he regularly monitors) and on the scifi message boards, where we can be seen and heard and our message felt and understood. i for one want Crusade back, even at the expense of a rangers series, i want Crusade back. we only got a 2 hour movie with all new, younger characters, as opposed to a lead in movie, ACTA, and 13 episodes of Crusade. when i weigh them on each other Crusade comes out on top everytime. i feel that if we tell sci fi now, tell bony hammer now, tell JMS, the actors who would be involved, Warner Brothers, and the sponsors NOW that we want Crusade back, that we will support a Crusade series, that we can get it, sooner rather than latter. i now encourage everyone to write, email and post to these people, to make a difference, to save Crusade.

Save Crusade!
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow>B5 had a strong, powerful effect on me. and Crusade, despite its short life, had an even stronger one.
the adventure that was (and perhaps will be again) Crusade touched something in me, and that something has
still not left me.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

And this is one of the reasons why I've been unable to let it go.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow> listen to the music, watch the episodes again, pay attention to the characters and the story, the ideas,
and the message. for everyone the message was different in B5, and so it seems with Crusade. i recently did
all of these things for the first time since TNT cancelled the series, i watched and considered every episode,
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

When Crusade was first aired on Sci-Fi, I did the same thing, but for the purpose of coming up with a correct
airing order. Well, there in no correct airing order, but as I was re-watching the episodes, quite by accident, I
found that I was liking the episodes and particularly the characters, more and more. In addition, I was picking
up on the small details and the connections that I hadn't seen before.

When I first watched it in the TNT order, I didn't like a lot of it. A good deal of the episodes seemed rather
empty, and it seemed like the show was wandering aimlessly. My second viewing on Sci-Fi changed that.
Things seemed to fit together better, and because I was picking up on more stuff, details and connections, the
episodes seemed to be packed with more material.

It seems that one of the worst things that somebody can do, is to watch Crusade in the TNT order, decide they
hate it, and then close their mind forever.
Indeed, it seems that many people may have done exactly that
(including those over at rec.arts.sf.tv, who bash Crusade, and one in particular who admits he hasn't seen all 13

What we can do, is to show Crusade to our friends in the JMS/Sci-Fi order, and be there to answer their
questions. After all, the more converts we have, the more letters Sci-Fi will get urging them to resurrect Crusade.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow> and i have come to the conclusion that the Crusade story must not be allowed to pass into obscurity, it
must not be allowed to be forgotten, or told only in the pages of un-aired scripts and paperback novels
(although the technomage, centauri, and psi-corps books were excellently done), rather, i feel Crusade must be
told as it was meant to be told, on television, for however many seasons JMS may intend it to last, not in some
miniseries or 2 hour movie. it is the responsibility of every fan, every person who feels the way i do about this
series to do all they can, to write their letters, send their emails, and post their messages in full sight of JMS (on
the boards he regularly monitors) and on the scifi message boards, where we can be seen and heard and our
message felt and understood.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

<a target="_blank" href=http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue256/letters.html>http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue256/letters.html</a>
It'd be a good idea to keep Crusade visible here, every week. Maybe after awhile, somebody will get the message.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow> i for one want Crusade back, even at the expense of a rangers series, i want Crusade back.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Yes, I feel the same way. If I had to choose between Rangers and Crusade, I'd pick Crusade.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow> we only got a 2 hour movie with all new, younger characters, as opposed to a lead in movie, ACTA,
and 13 episodes of Crusade. when i weigh them on each other Crusade comes out on top everytime.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Well, that only stands to reason. We have more invested in Crusade.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow> i feel that if we tell sci fi now, tell bonnie hammer now, tell JMS, the actors who would be involved,
Warner Brothers, and the sponsors NOW that we want Crusade back, that we will support a Crusade series, that
we can get it, sooner rather than later. i now encourage everyone to write, email and post to these people, to
make a difference, to save Crusade.

Save Crusade! </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

This is what I did in the letters I've written to Sci-Fi in support of Rangers. In each of those letters, I've expressed support for Crusade. In the letter I recently wrote to WHV about the B5 DVDs, I also expressed support for Crusade.
This is a letter i will be sending into Sci-Fi, to JMS, and to anyone else necessary, please review it and reply with your questions, comments, and feelings on it, it will be sent in about 2 weeks from now, I will be reviewing this folder daily for any replies.

Due to Public Demand, I feel that Crusade should be resurrected by Sci-Fi, and if withholding B5LR for it, so be it. Crusade was stopped before it had a chance to begin, TNT decided that it did not hold good with the picture of TNT's other shows, and so, they cancelled it after its 13th episode. TNT cancelled the show with two or more scripted episodes left on the table, and from what I have heard of the other 2+ scripts, they weigh heavily on the outcome of the of the remainder of the first season, and reveal serious information to the appearance of the Shadow Destroyers seen in the 4th season, during the civil war, and possibly shed some light on Galen and the Techno-mages. People feel real seriously for Babylon 5 and Crusade, and if the series was continued, ratings would jump tremendously. What I suggest to Sci-Fi, JMS, and to whatever sponsors may find this interesting, to test my theory, if you do not believe it, I suggest you perform a public opinion poll, and ask if they would like to see more episodes of Babylon 5: Crusade, and if they turn out favorably, pull everyone together, and create the remaining episodes of the season without any promises of going further than that. Put the episodes on in a time without too much competition, but early enough to still be in Primetime (Saturday night at 11:00pm eastern, 10:00pm central; with a repeat at 6:00pm eastern, 5:00pm central on the following Sunday after its original airing). As I said, people care very much for this show, and do not wish to follow the story on the internet, or in books, they want to see the show the way it was meant to be seen, on TV. Listed below is various comments made by individuals who feel as strongly about B5, Crusade, and B5LR as I do: {This will show personal interjections and add-ons by me at the end of others statements}

Godkiller Writes
I know there have literally been thousands of posts on countless boards concerning this topic, but I felt it necessary at this time to bring it up once more. I feel, as many others do, that Crusade was a great series, despite the influence of TNT. I feel that, regardless, Crusade had potential, immeasurable potential, and could easily have surpassed B5 by the end of its first year. Crusade expanded and built upon what B5 began in me, my lovely wife Christa, and many of my friends. before B5 I had never been a fan of science fiction, with the exception of the original series of Dune novels. I was always a fan of the LotR story, Arthurian legend, ancient tales of Beowulf and Sadi, the story of Gilgamesh and the epic stories associated with the South Western spirit Kokopelli. Despite my own native American background I am and always have had a fascination with English literature, and the tales and legends of bygone civilizations of the middle east, Africa, Asia and Europe, before B5 I had no love for science fiction. B5 did not specifically change that, but it did something though, it grabbed me, hooked me, broke me down and changed me, than built me back up again. I found B5 at that difficult time in the lives of most young adults who are just coming into their own in the world, so much of the emotion expressed in B5 mirrored what I felt, so much of the spirituality reflected what I myself long ago and once more believe in. B5 had a strong, powerful effect on me. and Crusade, despite its short life, had an even stronger one. the adventure that was (and perhaps will be again) Crusade touched something in me, and that something has still not left me. listen to the music, watch the episodes again, pay attention to the characters and the story, the ideas, and the message. for everyone the message was different in B5, and so it seems with Crusade. I recently did all of these things for the first time since TNT cancelled the series, I watched and considered every episode, and I have come to the conclusion that the Crusade story must not be allowed to pass into obscurity, it must not be allowed to be forgotten, or told only in the pages of un-aired scripts and paperback novels (although the techno mage, centauri, and psi-corps books were excellently done), rather, I feel Crusade must be told as it was meant to be told, on television, for however many seasons JMS may intend it to last, not in some miniseries or 2 hour movie. it is the responsibility of every fan, every person who feels the way I do about this series to do all they can, to write their letters, send their emails, and post their messages in full sight of JMS (on the boards he regularly monitors) and on the Sci-Fi message boards, where we can be seen and heard and our message felt and understood. I for one want Crusade back, even at the expense of a rangers series, I want Crusade back. we only got a 2 hour movie with all new, younger characters, as opposed to a lead in movie, ACTA, and 13 episodes of Crusade. when I weigh them on each other Crusade comes out on top every time. I feel that if we tell Sci-Fi now, tell bony hammer now, tell JMS, the actors who would be involved, Warner Brothers, and the sponsors NOW that we want Crusade back, that we will support a Crusade series, that we can get it, sooner rather than latter. I now encourage everyone to write, email and post to these people, to make a difference, to save Crusade.

Save Crusade!

Quote: Originally posted by Godkiller:
B5 had a strong, powerful effect on me. and Crusade, despite its short life, had an even stronger one.
the adventure that was (and perhaps will be again) Crusade touched something in me, and that something has
still not left me.

KoshN Writes:
And this is one of the reasons why I've been unable to let it go.
When Crusade was first aired on Sci-Fi, I did the same thing, but for the purpose of coming up with a correct
airing order. Well, there in no correct airing order, but as I was re-watching the episodes, quite by accident, I
found that I was liking the episodes and particularly the characters, more and more. In addition, I was picking
up on the small details and the connections that I hadn't seen before.

When I first watched it in the TNT order, I didn't like a lot of it. A good deal of the episodes seemed rather
empty, and it seemed like the show was wandering aimlessly. My second viewing on Sci-Fi changed that.
Things seemed to fit together better, and because I was picking up on more stuff, details and connections, the
episodes seemed to be packed with more material.

It seems that one of the worst things that somebody can do, is to watch Crusade in the TNT order, decide they
hate it, and then close their mind forever. Indeed, it seems that many people may have done exactly that
(including those over at rec.arts.sf.tv, who bash Crusade, and one in particular who admits he hasn't seen all 13

What we can do, is to show Crusade to our friends in the JMS/Sci-Fi order, and be there to answer their
questions. After all, the more converts we have, the more letters Sci-Fi will get urging them to resurrect Crusade.
If I had to choose between Rangers and Crusade, I'd pick Crusade.
This is what I did in the letters I've written to Sci-Fi in support of Rangers. In each of those letters, I've expressed support for Crusade. In the letter I recently wrote to WHV about the B5 DVDs, I also expressed support for Crusade.
A tele-movie would not be enough, and neither would be integration into the Rangers series. My hope is that Rangers will revitalize interest in B5 and Crusade.

I'd like to see some supplementary episodes filmed to complete the first season (at the very least: To the Ends of the Earth, Value Judgments, and End of the Line, and then a new second season.

TaichiDave Writes:
I'm with KoshN.
Rangers may yet open the door for Crusade's rebirth.
JMS has said books would not be a viable option. A single tele-movie may clear up a plot thread or two, but the overall story would remain far from told.
Now, if they filmed and aired Ends of the Earth and End of the Line as a two hour tele-film, I think it would spark renewed interest.

BlackStar Writes:
I wouldn't be happy with a tele-movie at all. And, I don't think it would be the right way to go. What I hope is that Rangers becomes successful and then Sci-Fi decides to take on Crusade as well.
Then, we can point at TNT and laugh, saying "Look what you lost, you silly bastards!"

Galen2005 States:
I agree that books wouldn't do it justice -- it would take way too many of them to tell the stories JMS had planned. On top of that, Crusade didn't seem like a single story line that could be nicely trilogized, unlike the storylines of the three trilogies so far.

Joseph DeMartino States:
( replying on a comment about series timing being just one of those synchronicities)
Hardly, When JMS had to decide on exactly when Rangers should take place he did the math and picked late 2265 precisely because it would put season two of a possible series in 2267. That gives him enough time to ramp up production on Crusade if there is any interest, and put both series in the same time frame (for crossovers and the like.)
As for reviving the show and recasting: Depends on what happens with the actors. At the moment only Marjean Holden (Beastmaster) has a long-term series commitment that I'm aware of. (I've heard that David Allen Brooks (Max) is doing a soap, but while his website mentions several, it doesn't indicate that he's currently on one. Anyway, soap contracts are easier for actors to get out of.)

Hypatia Says:
I blame TNT for doing its best to kill the show, instead of selling it off to a friendlier market. There was a buyer, at least Sci-Fi. TNT must have decided it would rather kill the series than let it survive on another network.
I will literally never forgive TNT for this. And I had a chance awhile ago to voice that to good old Nielson. Not at a time that could help B5 or Crusade, but I did enjoy writing in that general comments area.

Stephn Walters writes:
I would like to interject that I love the fact that there is so much support for these people and for the series. That being said, the idea for some sort of crossover is really just a dream. The one thing that I have noticed about TV is that the really good shows are cancelled because they require to much thinking on the part of the everyday in"duh"vidual, and the bad shows are, well, bad. So we are left to wallow in the filth of corporate money grubbing. I really think that the Sci-fi channel has a winning show on its hands and they are watching us, trying to see what we do. Let's stop wishing on what we had and try to make better something that we do have. Pitch it to everyone you know and let's not talk about what-if and maybes

(techno mage Roanna) Passionate speculation is one of fandom's chief joys. Wishing is the beginning of making, after all. The desire precedes the action, and there's absolutely no reason we cannot support both shows/stories.

Cleron States:
if they manage to some how pull it off id like to see it completely redone "the eps not peeps"... the first series has too many TNT stamps on it {if this were done, it would have to be personally overseen and controlled by JMS himself.}

(Galen 2005): Actually, I would like to see those crappy bellboy uniforms undone -- the rest can stay as is.

Gkar’s Eye states: {and I agree}
The one major change I would love for them to make on Crusade is the scene where Lt. John Matheson, second in command (Daniel Dae Kim) has a flashback of a telepath dying. That was supposed to be Lyta, but it wasn't. It would be cool if they could re-film it with her, so that she could be introduced into the show.

(Sinclair97): I think that as Galen once said "There is always hope because it is the one thing nobody has figured out how to kill yet!"

These have been statements taken from the B5LR.com message board and a few other places, everything they have said here, I personally agree with, and so will the majority of the Fans and people who have really watched Crusade. Sci-Fi is the perfect place for all B5 shows, the audience watch for shows like this, not like TNT, where they have people who are not very intellectually able, who just tune in for the basketball, and sex filled show, no, Sci-Fi is the perfect place for B5 and Crusade, people who actually have good brains and actually care for these type of shows.

I have also posted this on the Sci-Fi message board under recent tv/Crusade/need help/third article

I do hope that I have not offended anyone besides TNT with this Article,
Gabriel Shans
Long time B5/Crusade fan
spread the word to all of your Crusade lovin friends, in 2 weeks i want to hit Sci-Fi with a flood of Letters, emails, call-ins, and posts everywhere about restarting Crusade, infact, talk to all of your friends, not just the Crusade friends, talk to everyone, and get them to email, post, and write about it, have your friends watch B5, and get them to watch Crusade if you have all or some of the episodes recorded. once they see how good the b5 universe is, they should be hooked

Does anyone know how to get a hold of JMS personally?
I can't, this is my letter to sci-fi and JMS, it is kinda hard to send a letter that is 4 lines or less, and i need others to read it and do the same as in about two weeks
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>I can't, this is my letter to sci-fi and JMS, it is kinda hard to send a letter that is 4 lines or less, and i need others to read it and do the same as in about two weeks </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I said paragraphs not letters.
Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>Does anyone know how to get a hold of JMS personally? </font color=yellow>

I do (and it is easy to figure out) however, I wouldn't recommend sending a pesonal email to JMS unless it is absolutely necessary. I suggest reading his request about sending personal email to him at <a target="_blank" href=http://www.jmsnews.com/scripts/MsgStore.dll?MfcISAPICommand=GetMsg&List=1&Topic=1085&Flags=0&Query=BrowseCmd&QFlags=0&ls=1086&qs=0&qt=0>JMS News</a>

If you want him to read something, post it in the newsgroup: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I was more wanting to send this letter by regular mail, seems not to be taken so lightly when it's in hardcopy? so like i said, does anybody know how to get a hold of JMS's mailing address
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>I said paragraphs not letters.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

sorry, i just thought you ment the post, but i was serious about everyone who likes crusade begin a series of bombardment on scifi
I'm not sure you should be bugging JMS with this. I'm sure he knows that people want Crusade back, and he's not the person you need to convince to revive the show. You've got the right idea, sending letters to Sci-Fi. I'm going to recommend you check out the <a target="_blank" href=http://www.astro.umd.edu/~fleming/>Crusade for Crusade</a> website, if you haven't already. It lists some mailing addresses you can write to.

Right now, though, it seems to me that Rangers is our best hope for Crusade. Sci-Fi just spent a lot of money on "To Live and Die In Starlight", and that's the show that's going to go forward, if any. If Rangers does well, we may see Crusade revived sometime in the future. So, this is the show we want to encourage Sci-Fi to go ahead with.

Just the opinions of someone who wants Crusade back just as much as you do. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dulann:
<font color=yellow>I'm not sure you should be bugging JMS with this. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I have been to the Crusade for Crusade website, but i haven't gone through it all, and besides, in my eyes LotR was okay, but it needed alot of help on its visual effects, primarily, HyperSpace and Jump Points
I wasn't planning on bugging him with this, but I thought it best that i warn him of my actions, and the actions i want everyone else to do in just over a week.
I agree with Lyta. If you want to send this to JMS, post it in the moderated newsgroup.


With that in mind, he wouldn't appreciate recieving this via email. JMS does read the moderated newsgroup, so if the subject line contains "ATTN: JMS", he will see it.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>I have been to the Crusade for Crusade website, but i haven't gone through it all, and besides, in my eyes LotR was okay, but it needed alot of help on its visual effects, primarily, HyperSpace and Jump Points</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>I, for one, loved the new Hyperspace. From what I've read, what we saw in Rangers is what JMS originally envisioned, but was unable to create in the original series. Much more chaotic than the old Hyperspace, which is what he intended. I have mixed feelings on the new Jump Points, though.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>I don't know the moderated message board web address</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated

If you don't have a newsreader, I recommend Outlook Express, since it comes pre-installed with Windows these days. Alternatively, you can access it through your web browser <a target="_blank" href=http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&group=rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated>here</a>.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>in my eyes LotR was okay, but it needed alot of help on its visual effects.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>That's completly irrelevant. Things don't always work they way we want them to, you know.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dulann:
<font color=yellow>If you don't have a newsreader, I recommend Outlook Express, since it comes pre-installed with Windows these days.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>Sigh, Lookout Express encourages bad quoting and likes to send of multiple copies of your messeages if your connection to the news server is slow.

Try the web interface first, and if you like it newsgroups, check out X-News, Agent or Mozilla.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>spread the word to all of your Crusade lovin friends, in 2 weeks i want to hit Sci-Fi with a flood of Letters, emails, call-ins, and posts everywhere about restarting Crusade, infact, talk to all of your friends, not just the Crusade friends, talk to everyone, and get them to email, post, and write about it, have your friends watch B5, and get them to watch Crusade if you have all or some of the episodes recorded. once they see how good the b5 universe is, they should be hooked

Does anyone know how to get a hold of JMS personally?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

are you really serious about this Gshans? i have heard many people say they were going to organize a massive support for Crusade, and they never seem to follow through like they say they do. i am not saying that you are any less loyal to the Crusade for Crusade, i am only stating the reason why i myself am organizing this "rally" for Crusade, because i am tired of seeing everyone else' efforts fail. some have made great efforts, gone to great leangths, to bring back the Crusade series, now i do my part. if you or anyone else reading this are truly interested in saving this series, than by all means, do all that you can.

to anyone at all who feels as strongly about Crusade as i do, please do all that can be done to save Crusade. Contact Mrs. Hammer both by email and with HAND WRITEN letters, most especially contact WB and the sponsors, post your pro crusade messages on the moderated message boards where JMS can see them, let him know of our continuing cause, and rally support for the cause, recruiting as many as possible and encouraging them to do the same. in this way we may save Crusade from fading into obscurity, or being relegated to a fate unbecoming such a great series (miniseries, telemovie, books, ect). Crusade deservs better than that, it deservs to be shown on television in its five year entirety, as it was meant to be.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Godkiller:
<font color=yellow>are you really serious about this Gshans? i have heard many people say they were going to organize a massive support for Crusade, and they never seem to follow through like they say they do.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I am really serious about this, and i do intend to follow through, even if i do it on my own, unfortunately, I am a newcomer to the whole Rally thing and need as much help as possible getting this thing going, if i have enough support, then i think i can be successful, if i don't, i will fail miserably, and be laughed at for the rest of my life by you guys for trying to do something that might be considered out of my league.
Indeed, SAVE CRUSADE, at almost any cost

I am also looking into some of the old companies that worked on B5, if we want excaliburs and whitestars to look right, we need the people who originally made them

on a side note, I would like to see Crusades Hyperspace stay the same, since it was the original hyperspace in crusade, same with the jump points, if possible

Another thing, i saw a thing on b5tech.com, someone used lightwave to create a jumpgate and did practically a perfect job on all accounts, just saying this since i saw b5lr used maya and the studio that used lightwave closed, so if e can do a great whitestar and jumpgate than why can't JMS find someone who can, it seems that the most of the public likes tho old jumpgates and hyperspace of B5 and Crusade

I recieved this earlier today from a company i e-mailed and asked if they would be willing to work on crusade if it was ressurected:
I am one of the original Emmy winners for B5. I would be amazed if you could resurrect any of the Crusade shows. We did the original FX for B5 and yes, we set the standard. Yes we would be willing to work on the show if the money was right.

regarding the b5 universe, anything is possible when there are fans like us

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