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Latest on Jeremiah


MGM's Sci-Fi Newsletter

It has the latest news that Jeremiah will be airing sometime in March 2002. It also has some background info on the series.

Jeremiah photos

Some nice photos of Luke and Malcolm. I found the links on their site as you to register and so I did. However, now it doesn't recognize my email address and it appears you can just copy the links without logging in. Hopefully that link will work for everyone.

Jeremiah web site

[Edit Note] As I was checking the links to make sure they worked, I noticed they updated the section about Jeremiah with a "Special Premiere" on Sunday March 3rd, 8PM ET/PT, on ShowTime's Sci-Friday. Yipee! Time to order Showtime Channel ...

STARGUIDE - Stargate News

I found their news interesting. It looks like they report on Stargate items but apparently, Jeremiah is going to be bundled together to help boost ratings.

Finally, here is a copy of an email that I recieved from one of my mailing lists. Addresses edited out for respect to their privacy.

To: nw-b5@yahoogroups.com
From: Dennis N. Kristos <speek1@v...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:41:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [nw-b5]<*> [sftvnews] Jeremiah, New Stargate SG-1 on Showtime in March (fwd)

Hi All,

FYI... Just got these newsbit on when "Jeremiah" can be expected to premiere on Showtime in the US. Also, at the MGM website, the first photos (mostly shots of Luke Perry, but they've included one of Malcolm Jamal-Warner) from the Jeremiah pilot titled "The Long Road" are posted for viewing.

PS. No word yet on the Canadian airdate and who'll be airing the show.

Best, ---= Dennis =--- <*>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 22:30:05 -0000
From: leewsftv <leewsftv@y...>
To: sftvnews@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sftvnews] Jeremiah, New Stargate SG-1 on Showtime in March

Showtime to start Jeremiah and new Stargate SG-1's in March.

I've gotten some word that came from some mailing list (which I haven't been able to verify) that Showtime will debut Jeremiah at the end of March (March 29th) with the opening movie and will then air it at 10:45 each week after Stargate SG-1. When they had originally planed to start Jeremiah earlier, the ad campaign would have had tag lines like "What if the world changed overnight? What if Six Billion people died?." They elected to hold off running those ads and delayed the start of the series post 9-11. I hope to find out more soon ....

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited January 12, 2002).]
Very interesting, thanks. The information about both Luke Perry's and Malcom-Jamal Warner's return to TV being Jeremiah is confidence inspiring. I'd love to see an interview done with them, thought we'd have seen at least one done by now.

Marc Cosgrove

"From chaos, order came. As was inevitable." -Summoning light
Thanks for the info, as always, Lyta.

I've tried to follow the Jeremiah news as much as I can and the project does sound interesting - not just because it's JMS and has Luke Perry in it
- but also because the premise sounds promising.

But I'm trying not to get too excited about it. No point in that, I guess. It's just something I'll have to keep an eye open about, should it eventually turn up some place where I could actually watch it.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
Thanks for the reminder Sigma! I don't check that site everyday (like this one) and it was good to see some of those behind the scenes photos.

The clip was ok but it didn't really draw me in much. I am still curious (and still need to get Showtime) but I was kind of hoping for something a bit catching. However, did anyone notice that our Alex Zahara was featured in the clip? It was short and I am fairly certain it was him. Here is a
screen shot that I took:

Alex Zahara as Ezekiel

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited February 10, 2002).]
Ok, time for some more links to Jeremiah information.

First, check out MGM's Sci-Fi Newsletter for the latest Jeremiah news and information. If you don't want to "login" or give them your email address, use the following links to access their content:

Interview w/ JMS
He talks about why he did the show as well as a lot more details about it. The interview also touches on his other comic projects like the Rising Stars feature movie and the Amazing Spider-Man #36 comic.

Jan 18th, 2002: Press Tour Transcript
JMS, Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamal Warner participated in a panel discussion to promote Jeremiah. It is really funny and packed with a ton of information!

Article with Scott Mitchell Rosenberg
He adapted Jeremiah to television as well as Men in Black. Another perspective on JMS' newest project.

Now on to some other web sites ...

Comics2Film on Jeremiah
Looks like they are keeping up on all the latest information on the project and have been following it ever since it was announced.

TV Tome on Jeremiah
This is kind of like the imdb.com but without all the advertising and commercial crap. They even have an episode guide so it will be interesting to see how they do as the show airs.

ISN News on Jeremiah
A pretty decent summary. Sandra's web sites are always full of great inforamtion and news.

Jeremiah Bios on MGM's Newsletter
It includes bios on Tricia Helfer (Sarah, Jeremiah's love interest) and Alex Zahara (Ezekiel).

Hermann Huppen on Jeremiah
Information from the creator of the Jeremiah original comic book. They are working on translating his site so keep checking back.

Lambiek.net on Hermann
A short bio on Hermann Huppen which also has some images of what I assume are from the original comic book?

Jeremiah Comic Book Covers
Information and cover art for the comics.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
Ok, here is another one ... it is a neat flash site with a link to enter to "Win an ASS Kicking" sweepstakes where you can appear on the show during the second season (or a GameCube).
Contest runs from Jan.31.2002 to Mar.31.2002 with the winner announced on Apr.12.2002.


Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited February 02, 2002).]
You guys are welcome!

That clip didn't thrill me but after reading the features on MGM's newsletter really got me jazzed about the show.

PS: Hope I win that cameo appearance!

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
PS: Hope I win that cameo appearance!

Maybe you can convince them to let me on, too.

"I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves." -Ludwig Wittgenstein
blackstar@welivefortheone.b5lr.com | BlackStar's Gallery

I still -look- like I am in my mid-twenties and plus I am closer to Van, BC. Also, I enjoy beating people up too. I am a complete shoe-in!

Blackstar, you will have to do something extraordinary to replace my husband as my "guest".

You know, now that I have said that -I- want to win ... I have probably jinxed myself. Oh well!

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
Come on, say it. We all want to win. There's no harm in saying you don't.

I mean, who wouldn't? You get to go up to Vancouver, hang around a television set for a day, get beat-up for three whole seconds on camera (or, walk in the background or something), and you'd even maybe get to see Luke Perry, JMS or Alex Zahara passing in the hallway. Those are some majorly cool beans, girl - especially if you live where I do
(Cows, anyone?)

I really want to see Jeremiah. It sounds like a great show, and the trailer wasn't too bad, either.

Alex looks like John the Baptist in that clip. Kickin'.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."

[This message has been edited by channe (edited February 03, 2002).]
Showtime gives the date and time for the Jeremiah premiere as March 3, 8pm.

Then it will be a part of their SCI-Friday lineup.

Luke Perry will also have a live chat after the premiere.

Remember dear readers, you heard it here first. Off the record, on the Q.T., and very hush-hush - Danny DeVito as Sid Hudgens in L.A. Confidential
I am SO there. Even though I can't see the thing, I'm gonna be there at the chat.

I can't get over the Luke Perry thing. I'm so pathetic. Pathetic Channe. Yes. Channe liked Luke Perry in middle school... Channe has grown up... yes... Channe must find new idol... any takers?

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -apollo four forty
More on Jeremiah!

If you've been keeping up on your Jeremiahnews, this shouldn't be anything new (you've heard the submersible cat quote before, right?). But here's the thing from Scifi Wire:

History Informs Jeremiah

Muahahaha. The Black Death. I've GOT to see this! (It's one of my chosen history-research periods).

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space
Just noticed that Showtime is taking protectionism at a new level - I cannot even view the pages at
and http://sho.com/jeremiah/

because it just tells me this:
We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States."

How nice. At least jeremiah.tv doesn't (yet?) filter out the non-US IP-addresses.

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net

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