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Writers for season one guide


Staff member
I would like to start a season one guide to B5 later this year, and am after good writers to help out. Would you like to be involved?

An important factor will be someone who can write good, in depth, compelling summaries of the stories. But also perhaps people who can write a summay of important points etc.

Anyone interested? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I am. When did you have in mind as a deadline?

Would this need to predate the NA DVD release? If so, I may not be able to be of much help. I don't have season one on tape.

Though I'd be happy to do the Gathering, if you want to start with the pilot. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

This may be reinventing the wheel, given that The Lurker's Guide already exists, but I'd be interested in contributing. Again, a key question is "when do you want to start"? I think I still have most of S1 on VHS, but I think it would be easier to work from the DVDs.


I agree.

Becoming the 100th + site to post episode reviews/synopses as we approach the 10th anniversary of "The Gathering" seems like a misuse of creative energy. As one who fervently read every new word on the Lurker's Guide as they appeared, I just don't know how much interest you'll generate at this point.
Depends whether they're good. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
I admit quite freely that the Lurker's Guide, while an invaluable resource, was not sufficient for me when I wanted episode reviews. There can never too many good reviews. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

With simple synopses, I'd agree - a few is enough. But well-written reviews are always interesting.

I'm even thinking of writing some for my own site (mostly since it desperately needs content and I'm too lazy to think of something more interesting than that) once the DVDs are out and I get into the mood of watching B5 again. But knowing me, they probably wouldn't be all that objective and well-balanced but rather too G'Kar-centered. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
I see your point. Taking into consideration the release of the DVDs, the reviews can be posted from both a dramatic and technical aspect to create an overall picture. I can hardly wait on those comentary episodes.
Hey Antony,

I must agree with Joe de Martino. We could find very good material from Luker's guide. But I'm also available to help you out. However I believe I could be more useful in translating the original english version to both portugues and spanish.

Please let me know.
I might be able to do something, but doubt if any review written by me would be readable. Besides, I couldn't write them fast enough. I'd have to get the DVD disks first, because for the most part, that would be my first impression on Season 1.
Here's an idea - contact Steven Grimm, who ran / runs the Lurker's Guide and start a dialog. I've never met him, and only emailed several times, but it seems he doesn't have the time to do it anymore. If you recall, the site was unavailable for a long, long time - almost a year if I remember correctly - when he had some type of major server crash (I don't remember if a server crashed, or the dot-com company hosting the server crashed... but you get the point).

In addition, if you look at the Lurker's Guide "Episodes" section, its pretty much fantastic... however, it really slipped in the 4th and 5th season. The details and analysis just weren't up to par with what is available for 1-3... although, S4/5 were still better than 99% of the "show episode guides" out there. I don't know myself, but my guess is that due to personal obligations, a new job, or something, the time wasn't there to keep it up to the high standards we had become used to.

Perhaps he's be willing to "pass the torch" to b5tv, which is currently much more active and always updated. I've done this with sites I've run in the past where I just don't have the time anymore and someone else does.

Again, just an idea, but it could avoid reinventing the wheel and allow someone to really spruce up the parts of the Lurker's Guide that are lacking.

Take care,

I don't know in what capicity or of how much use I would be but if I can be of any help just name it!!! /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

I am at the moment watching Season 1 for the 5th or 6th time!! /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
I recently watched all B5 episodes as part of my own personal run. As I went along I wrote some short reviews of each episode. They weren't synopsises, just reviews. Each was about 150-250 words. Although they were just for my private use, a few of them were put on amazon.co.uk as part of their customer reviews so I don't know about all the legal mumbo-jumbo. In addition to the review bit, I also included a couple of sentences under the following headings for each:
Pointless Trivia, Arc Development, Dialogue Highlights, and Unanswered Questions.

Of course, they were absolutely nowhere near the level of detail that the Lurkers Guide has, no way. Very short, and probably not very good. I'm just saying that I already have them all done, so if they could be any use to you there you are. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
There can never too many good reviews

I agree. It's really hard to find decent B5 reviewers. I wish Star Trek reviewer Tim Lynch had reviewed B5. His really good and from comments in his other reviews I gather he's a fan of B5.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
In addition, if you look at the Lurker's Guide "Episodes" section, its pretty much fantastic... however, it really slipped in the 4th and 5th season.


Sad to say, but I think it really shows in the CRUSADE section as well. Several of the later entries don't even have guest credits or pictures on the main ep page.
I would love to help in any way that I can. If you have enough writers already, might I suggest being used as an editor of sorts? I can help point out mistakes and minor grammatical errors. I would be happy just be involved in any way possible. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I'd be up for doing B5 reviews, if you can let us know the deadlines/format etc. I do reviews and articles for various fanzines, and recently finished one on CRUSADE. Be happy to help out. If you're in need of an editor, again I edit my own comic so used to checking spelling, etc.
Thanks to everyone that has shown an interest.

Firstly: timing. I anticipate it being a project after the DVD release... partially due to the fact of each episode having an image gallery. It will be a time consuming, yet hopefully very rewarding, project.

Re: the Lurker's Guide. It is a fantastic resource, but I don't see what I have planned as a waste of time or double up on their erfforts. the LG is great for JMS quotes... and analysis. But we can be strong in the areas it lacks: i.e. opinions/reviews, images, detailed plot synopsis and (quite important to me) a fully fledged cross-referenced guide to the cast.

I, ideally, would like to make use of what the Lurker Guide has to offer too. I did email with some thoughts, but didn't receive a reply. I will try to re-open a line of communication. Whatever happens, there will be some reptition, it's natural.

But at the end of the day, B5TV.COM needs to be a resource. And it needs a damn pucka episode guide to make that happen. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Um, just on one tiny note, The Lurker's Guide *does* have detailed plot synopses...at least, last time I checked. You just have to know how to get to them, but they're pretty detailed (almost down to line-by-line). Altho everything else you describe sounds great, plus it'd be nice to have it all on this site, so by no means am I trying to discourage you :~)

Onward! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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