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Worth watching in a years time?

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Does everyone think that JMS latest projects will be worth watching in a year's time?

22 September 2002 00:15 rec.arts.st.tv.babylon5.moderated

”Since Malcolm and others have already pretty much spilled the beans, and word
has gone out to the crew and cast and others and we're beginning prep next
week...yeah, we've been picked up on Jeremiah. Sam Egan has left and we're
bringing on Grant Rosenberg to help out in his place, mainly by working on set
so I can focus more on the writing instead of having to plow through snow to
stand around with the director.

So I'm hip deep in prep on Jeremiah, still waiting news on Polaris, writing
Spidey, writing a new and as yet classified book for Marvel (I think they'll
break the news in the next issue of Wizard), I've got 3 more issues to write
for Rising Stars....

And there are two tippy-top secret projects I'm doing for companies I can't
name. On one, the contracts just came in for their last revision, and as soon
as they're done, we can get to work, and on the other, it looks very promising
(all I can say is that it's a series, but of a different configuration than
anyone's done before), but I never count chickens sans hatching. We've been
working on the last item there for about six months, and we're very close to
getting this going. If that happens, and that's always a big if, it's going to
be something kinda huge, to be honest, with the potential to have a massive
effect on television storytelling and production. It would be a very literal
paradigm shift. Which is why I can't say anything about it for now (that and
the non-disclosure agreement I had to sign).

So there's your other two projects....


(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas) “
Well, if they are then you can probably expect to see them in syndication in about three years then. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
Hmmm, sounds like he is involved in some interesting projects but it will probably be many years until they make their way to the UK and other countries /forums/images/icons/frown.gif
Very interesting.

As long as JMS is still around, there is hope for quality TV.
I'm closing this up. We have the other thread (JMS The Bastard) right next door, and it's more recognizable as the topic. Please go there.
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