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What would you "babblers" like the new film to be about



What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

What would you "babblers" like the new film to be about ??
i mean we have had a few glimpses what it could be about ...
i watched the trailer and it looked a bit like andromeda to me or is it just me ??
i would personally love a new series to come of this ??

sheridan knows ... but what remains to be seen is wether he knows that he knows ......
lorien -- into the fire
------------------------visit my website - http://www.babylonfive.net
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

Actually the Andromeda has a crew of around 6
. It *can* have a crew of 4000

Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrazyCricket:
Actually the Andromeda has a crew of around 6
. It *can* have a crew of 4000


Thanks, I was getting a bit confused.

4000? Where have they been hiding themselves?

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo

"I think I speak for Mr. Bloom and myself when I say: you are the only director in the World who can do justice to 'Springtime For Hitler' " - Zero Mostel, The Producers
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

In the first eppy they started off with the standard crew of 4000, but all except three evacuated. Captain Hunt, bug lady, and the first officer. XO killed bug lady, Hunt killed XO. Hunt was left, he recruited a skeleton crew=D.

Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> What would you "babblers" like the new film to be about ??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I think that the film is already in the can, so what we would like it to be about is largely irrelvant. I'm not bothered about what in particular the film is about, though I'm hoping that this is a typical JMS work.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> i would personally love a new series to come of this ??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


'I don't have a hat beuetuaufifal, only a graep. Give me a case for solving or give me dearth, or gets on a bus' - Detective Grape on ehad
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

First let me say that Andromeda is becoming a great show, even though they have WAY too much shoot-em-up, the characterization (which by the way was the first thing really great about B5 when it started) is outstanding in every sense of the word. Una Salus Victus was a spectacular episode with incredible performances, even by Kevin Sorbo, which is saying something.

On the other hand, I see absolutely no similarity between Rangers and Andromeda. I do not mean that good or bad, just that there is no similarity except they are both on ships in space, and even that is different as the Andromeda has a crew of 4000 (much more than any other setting for a space ship show I have ever heard) where the Liandra is a tin can is space with but 20 people crammed together in a small space, also new in that it is so small. I look forward to Rangers greatly, and also feel that Andromeda is ALOT better than people give it credit for, and better than the first few episodes made me think it would ever be.

Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

Makes you wonder exactly what the four thousand people were doing. One to watch each bolt in case it come loose and needs retightening.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

I was wondering that - they probably rigged it so that 6 could run it, and I think they've mentioned more than once in the series how hard it is to run this ship with six people.

I can't shake the feeling, though, that Harper doesn't ever sleep - no matter how much of a genius he is. The ship has to be HUGE...

Anyway, about Rangers? I want:

a) A story that draws me in and keeps me there;
b) Characters that are flawed, have pasts, have futures, and whose relationships with one another aren't always fun and flowers, but not always World War III (basically, what you'd have in the real world, only in space);
c) The Ancient Enemy (amoebas) believable and not ludicrous;
d) A good time;
e) A production design that makes me forget I'm in 2001.

That's it. I don't ask for much.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

I am also not a Babbler.

I am a Fiver.

And soon to be a Pseudoranger.


The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

I'm a male nun in Loyal Order of the Sisterhood of Zathras and I want to know why Zathras never got his statue!

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
I am also not a Babbler.

I am a Fiver.

And soon to be a Pseudoranger.



Channe, my dear, this sort of talk
Is really quite absurd
Us B5 fans can simply be called
A bunch of silly Nerds


"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: What would you \"babblers\" like the new film to be about

I am , therefore, a loyal member of the order of the silly nerds.

No one can stop our great order!

Lyta had a little Vorlon
Her skin was pale as snow
And everywhere that Lyta went
Her Vorlon was sure to go.

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