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Welcome to Alex Zahara

If that is so, then that is cool! Welcome Alex!

Long live the Salad Rangers! We live for the Salad Bar, we die for the Salad Bar.
It is so... but poor Alex is having some difficulties posting. Hopefully he'll be able to solve the problem, but if not I will be assisting.

Dreg: "Most beauteous and supremely magnificent one, this dark spell I hold in my worthless and scabby hand is our gift to you, most tingly and wonderful Glorificus..."
Glory: "Please, call me Glory. And get up, looking at you is hurting my neck."
Dreg: "Forgive me, shiny special one. I beg of you to rip out my inadequate tongue."
Glory: "Gimme."
Welcome Alex.

Happy to have you in our little corner of cyberspace, and I hope you enjoy yourself here.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
Man, a lot of the actors are here. Who's still left? Or, are they all here now?

Not many fishes left in the sea. Not many fishes, just Londo and me.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Man, a lot of the actors are here. Who's still left? Or, are they all here now?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, there's still David Storch and Jennie Rebecca Hogan. And then there are all the actors in TLaDiS who are in TLaDiS but would presumably not make the transition to the series, like Andreas Katsulas and Mackenzie Gray. None of them have been here.

Mackenzie has been here, he's just not a poster. But it leaves, as Chris said, Jennie and David from the main cast.

Dreg: "Most beauteous and supremely magnificent one, this dark spell I hold in my worthless and scabby hand is our gift to you, most tingly and wonderful Glorificus..."
Glory: "Please, call me Glory. And get up, looking at you is hurting my neck."
Dreg: "Forgive me, shiny special one. I beg of you to rip out my inadequate tongue."
Glory: "Gimme."
This is all so neat.

I hope you enjoy yourself here. Don't get put off by the loads of fans constantly comparing things in B5 to other things - we are just getting jittery from having nothing new in the B5 universe to pore over...

...that is, until January.

After all, there's only so much "What is the meaning of Kosh saying "Entil'zha Valen" in 'The Gathering'?" you can do.

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
Alex joined us for a great chat last night in the chatroom. He's a super-nice guy.

I'm lobbying for someplace more comfortable for our next gathering place. A nice resort with a beach. A bunch of pale skinned technomages in black robes would fit right in.

http://www.kellishaver.com/webring - technomage webring
A big welcome to you Mr. Zahara and don't worry if the people scare you a little because they scare me too.

Death and Life come to all that want it and to those that don't.
Hello there and welcome Alex, hope you enjoy your stay

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
Welcome and feel free to ask anything you want, share your insights, or just lurk.


"Yeah, we could start our own game where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing's the way it seems."-Homer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coldsoup753:
Welcome! I hope you work out your posting problems!


As do I.

No one here is exactly what he appears.
Babylon 5
G'Kar - Andreas Katsulas

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