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Various news from JMS


He replied to my post! Very interesting news and I hope he is right:

<font color=orange>I went to Showtime's web site and found they have the schedule up for July. The very sad and disappointing thing that I noticed is that Jeremiah (and Odyssey 5 for that matter) are not on it. *sobs sadly*</font color=orange>

<font color=yellow>I think the site may just be in error, because the airdate schedule we have shows us going through July, with our last ep airing somewhere around July 19th.


(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)</font color=yellow>
Information about Damien (the blind seer from "Tripwire"):

<font color=orange>I was wondering if there was something edited out that would have shown us more about the Damien character. By the time we saw him onscreen, he was already making Lee Chen nervous.</font color=orange>

<font color=yellow>No, that's all there was. The nervousness was supposed to be more Lee's unease because of the way Lee's eyes looked, but the director shot the whole thing with his shades on, so you kinda lost that effect.</font color=yellow>

<font color=orange>Also, was that his glasses broken on the desk behind Samuel when he was turning Markus and the TM crew away?</font color=orange>

<font color=yellow>Yes. The director basically shot it from as far away as possible without leaving the building, so it was hard to tell. We blew up the shot and repositioned it as best we can, but it was still kinda vague.</font color=yellow>

<font color=orange>BTW, did you write the episodes after Ring of Truth? I don't see any info on them yet.</font color=orange>

<font color=yellow>My next ones will also be the last ones for this season, Things Left Unsaid 1 and 2. Between then and now it's Sam Egan and one more from Samm Barnes.


(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)</font color=yellow>
On the wacky way the Canadians credit writers:

<font color=orange>In the recently aired Jeremiah episode "Tripwire", I noticed that there were two writing credits (please forgive me if they aren't exact; I'm posting from memory) :

Excerpts by J. Michael Straczynski
Written by J. Michael Straczynski

I suspect that the "excepts" credit was for the flashbacks from earlier episodes, but I'm a bit confused as to why they're credited separately, since they were all written by you.
</font color=orange>

<font color=yellow>It's apparently a rule under the Writers Guild of Canada, where we shoot the series, to ensure that all prior work is properly credited, whoever the author might or might not be.


(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)</font color=yellow>
Glad he replied. Hopefully the site is wrong like he said
Lyta got it right from the source. Good one, Lyta.

If the schedule the Big Guy has says they're going right through July, then I'm more apt to believe him (after all, he's *cough* slightly more connected to the whole thing than I am...)

He's already said that "Things Left Unsaid" is probably some of the best work he's ever done. Again, I'm apt to believe it, 'cause he's only been fairly wrong once.

I'm also looking forward to the script from Samm Barnes; the last script from that writer was witty, funny, and poignant.
Yes, I am more apt to believe JMS as well and Showtime is known for their scheduling mistakes in the past. This scheduling error is just so WRONG and I hope Showtime gets off their butts and fix it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif

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