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TORn Talks B5

TORn or TheOneRing.net had a member who compared Lord of the Rings with Babylon 5. (Hairsplitting in this post) Some interesting stuff! The following post was done by the user "Gil-galad of Líndon"

"Thats right, I'm creating one of those threads. Be prepared for LOTS of hairsplitting.
Star Wars have allready been compared, now its time for Bab5.

Elves =Bab5, Minbari. They are civilised and live in spiritual harmony with nature, but they are amazed by the humans and their ability to adapt to hardships...(insert your comment here)

Gimli and Legolas friendship=Bab5, Londo Mollari and G'kar, they were mortal enemies before but in the end of the series they become close friends. (imagine that?)

Eru=Bab5, The dude that Sheridan meets in Za-hadûm who he says he "was the first being in the Galaxy", (universe?).

Khazad-Dûm=Bab5,Za-ha-dûm (name very much alike, but may not be taken from LOTR)

Valinor and the "Straight road"=Bab5, "The Rim" from was the place all the elder races went and leaving the Galaxy to the younger races....

Maiar spirits of Valinor= Vorlons from Bab5 Balrogs of Middle-Earth= The Shadows and their ships

Beren and Luthiens quest to find the Silmarill, (involving Berens death later but is later given a second life)=Bab5, Sheridan goes to the heart of the enemy territory Za-ha-Dûm and dies there, he is later resurrected.

Morgoth likes to work behind the scenes of the Elves and mens affairs, spreading lies and causing paranoia=Bab5, The Shadows work behind the scenes and create conflicts for their own purpose.

Númenór Island, Sauron corrupts its king and its people which turns against the light=Bab5, Earth is taken over by a human corrupted by the Shadows, or the dark powers. (maybe splitting too much
hairs there)

Minas Tirith, the last Bastion of hope and peace for Middle-Earth against the power of Mordor= Bab5, Babylon5, the last best hope for peace in the Galaxy.

Hope you enjoyed my "hair-splitting" topic. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

note: I like the Bab5 series, I just had some free time with nothing to do so I wrote this, enjoy. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif "

Some others I noticed that he didn't. It might be hairsplitting.

1) Lorien was named after the forest of Lothlórien

2) Sheridan and Delenn's relationship is like the relationship of Aragorn and Arwen. They are from two different races and their union is not thought highly of by some people.

So, if you notice any others, feel free to add on!
Threads like that guy posted remind me of those T-Shirts you could buy at conventions. "Everything I learned about life I learned from watching Star Trek."
I have one of those, actually. I wear it as a pyjama top every so often.

As for B5/LOTR? *yawn* In the words of the Barenaked Ladies, it's all been done before - and, yes, it has its similarities, but then, there are the things you can't account for...
Yea. The reason I said it reminded me of one of those shirts, is because there is no way that Star Trek was created and written to contain so many real life lessons in it, especially not to the degree those shirts go into. But if you look at it hoping to find meaning, you can usually find it somewhere in there if you want to bad enough.
Interesting stuff Zha. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

If I wasn't too lazy, I'd think up some of my own. But that entails thinking too much, and I don't like to do that. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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