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Thy Moderator Challenges You To A Duel of Filks!


I had a pretty neat idea. Considering that there are all those plot threads hanging about, what with all those "classified transmissions" and trailers teasing our innards - Why not write a filk of Simon and Garfunkel's classic "Dangling Conversation," and call it something to the tune of "Dangling Plot Threads?"

But, unfortunately, I haven't the time. I'm just too busy. I have six pages to write before 5 AM.

So I'm leaving it to you, my faithful constituents.

Go to town.

You can find lyrics to Dangling Conversation HERE.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."

[This message has been edited by channe (edited January 16, 2002).]
Is surrender an option? If it is, the Shadow Nitpicking Team will yield to Channe's superior filking skills.

"We are the universe, trying to figure itself out.
Unfortunately we as software lack any coherent documentation."
-- Delenn

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited January 18, 2002).]
I'll do it if someone tells me what a "filk" is.

"Ink on a page!" -Refa describing the moral depths of a treaty.
"Life is life, whether it's wrapped in skin, scales or feathers." -Dr. Franklin
Ah, a parody. I think I can make one, but first I'll watch the movie.

"Ink on a page!" -Refa describing the moral depths of a treaty.
"Life is life, whether it's wrapped in skin, scales or feathers." -Dr. Franklin
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Morden:
Ah, a parody. I think I can make one, but first I'll watch the movie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, sometimes a parody. Those are fine.

Unfortunately, some people take these things seriously and write stuff that seems intended to be a deeply emotional tribute to the subject at hand, but invariably ends up shallow, contrived, and cringe-inducing. I'm not much of a fan of these, you might guess...

-- Marty
"Always do what you're good at," they tell me.
So I go around annoying people.
Alright, I never could back away from a challenge, even though I've never heard the actual song, here you go:

It's kept in silence by everyone and his brother,
Was it about that Minister goon?
Or did they think David not pursuing was gay?
And G'Kar tells us "new" Shadows bring doom,
During the interview we keep quiet and sip coffee,
Crouched in our opinion.

We're quiet as a powered-down reactor core,
and we'll just keep avoiding questions more and more,
In the Dangling Plot Thread.
We admit some answers are half-lies,
Because we hate interviews, we've got our own lives,
They ask, "Do you think David'll be promoted since you guys won?"
We may have won, but we payed a terrible cost,
And the truth gets darker and darker,
However we'll never down our Captain, that's a line we've never crossed.
'Cause we were badly hitten,
Our engines were out of rythm,
Because Minister Kafta made crime after crime,
And looking at him deeply, he looks like a mime.
In the Dangling Plot Thread,
Everyone asks, "whys,"
Because we don't tell much and get on with our lives.

Our answers are crazy like the Mad Hatter,
Because ISA told us to say "no comment" or else we're dead,
And being dead isn't worthwhile!
Anwyway I've got an insurance plan at Met.
And we love to tease the audience that's waited,
Without talking much about the enemy worse than the Shadow.
I believe they're called the Hand,
Oh wait I've said to much, gee.

Lost in the Dangling Plot Threat,
Anyway, our mission is in the skies,
Protecting the ISA's lives.

It wasn't perfect, but it was the best I could do.

"Ink on a page!" -Refa describing the moral depths of a treaty.
"Life is life, whether it's wrapped in skin, scales or feathers." -Dr. Franklin
Ah Morden very nice, very different, very interesting.

Have a nice day!!!
Thanks, DW. It was one tough cookie.

"Ink on a page!" -Refa describing the moral depths of a treaty.
"Life is life, whether it's wrapped in skin, scales or feathers." -Dr. Franklin
Fine, fine, I know it's bad, but at least someone should have the decency (or perhaps indecency) to tell me it's bad.

"Ink on a page!" -Refa describing the moral depths of a treaty.
"Life is life, whether it's wrapped in skin, scales or feathers." -Dr. Franklin

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