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The Technomage Trilogy and Galen (spoilers)


Beyond the rim
I just finished reading the technomage trilogy; and there's only one way to explain it, wow. The author did a wonderful job intergrating the books to the show, her attention to detail is amazing. Whenever a part of a book merged with an episode, I had to go see it; the technomage episode had a deeper meaning after I read what happened in the background, and funny trying to imagine Alwyn and Carvin disguised as two drazis fighting amongst the rest. Although I really liked the books, I still prefer the centauri trilogy. Maybe it's because I felt more for Londo and Vir than Galen. Londo was always one of my favourite characters.

Anyways, I do have a comment to make about Galen in the books and in Crusade. At the end of the story, Galen seems at peace with himself and the universe/God, but in Crusade he seems to still have a HUGE grudge against God/Universe. That seems to contradict the outcome of the books. What do you think?
I'd say the biggest grudge he has with the universe is that his love was taken away from him (although it was sort of reconciled in "The Well of Forever"). But there is also the spell of destruction he came up with that causes his inner guilt. When you think about it, his life is pretty messed up. He's an orphan, raised by Technomages and then eventually finds out the secret of the order is Shadow tech. How does a human, knowing what he knows, wrap his brain around that sort of thing?
Yeh, but him finding the spell of destruction and finding out about the technomage connection to the shadows, I say even the death of Isabelle, is finally dealed with when he becomes one with the tech and opens himself to his feelings therefore not hiding from them. Throughout the books, Galen is always racked with guilt and hatred, but when he comes back from Zha'Ha'Dum, he doesn't seem consumed with guilt and hatred anymore. He still feels them, but he's found a new purpose in his life that's for good. He didn't seem to hate God or himself anymore, but to have excepted the things that happened in his life.
Galen has no qualms with the universe, because he sees the universe as this truly random thing without a design or plan. It's the whole notion of a god that he has issues with -- because that then implies some sort of plan to the universe.

The impression I got from the end of the mage trilogy was that that hatred was still there, he had just found ways to come to terms with it. However, when you have an alien throwing it in your face like what was happening in path of sorrows, it only makes sense that it would stir up that anger. I think the message that the end further served to make him angry because of the timing from it. Let's face it -- it seems pretty convenient and the alien probably sent it. I think Galen knew this and his anger in that scene was directed at the alien.

ON a side note, Gideon's "Your not a murderer, Galen" in that episode was one of the most powerful and interesting lines in the entire series, I think, after reading the mage trilogy.
I was half expecting a fourth book. One after the events of Crusade. Because I don't feel he was ever at peace, or anything resolved.
Yeh, it'd be great to have another book to find out how he left the hiding place and chose to go to the Excalibur. In Crusade, Galen tells Alwyn that he was kicked out, so it seems that the rest of the mages are still in hiding. I wonder why they let him go, they told him he'd be flayed next time he disobeyed the Circle, but who'd be able to do that to the most powerful mage... I'm guessing he got bored and left.
It'd be nice to also know if he finally comes to terms with Isabelle's death.
Well, I had a really good comment for this thread ... but the blasted spoiler tags aren't working for me. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Nancy: </font color>
I wonder why they let him go, they told him he'd be flayed next time he disobeyed the Circle, but who'd be able to do that to the most powerful mage... I'm guessing he got bored and left.


Most likely, The Circle sent him on the mission, and he said that for Gideon's benefit, not Alwyn's.
I can't get them to work...but this thread is titled "spoilers" So...tell me!! To much suspense!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
spoilors Spoilors still ain't working

Anyway I thought I heard Galen left the Circle because they sent him out to look for more of the "tech " to attach to their brains.From other resources in the galaxy.With the shadows gone obviously who will provide them with their magic at least that's what I heard.
I thought Galen told ?(I forget who) that he was kicked out by the Circle for having too much interaction with the outside world. Of course, how he can interact with the outside when he's in exile, I don't know. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
He told Gideon that in the episode The Long Road, but that doesn't mean he was telling the truth /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Yeah, I could ... except these are Spoilers for two items not of the Techno-mage trilogy so not everyone who's read those will have read what I'm "spoiling" ... Okay I could do the neat trick of changing the colour of text to the background colour ... but I have no idea how to do that so please ignore the following if you haven't read. First is from the "Legions of Fire", second from the unfilmed Crusade script "End of the LIne". /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Spoiler for the "Legions of Fire" Centauri Prime trilogy:
[SPOILER] Galen and other mages actually left the hiding place from time to time before after the events of "A Call to Arms" - though often in relation to that. The mages seemed willing to send out a few on missions to fight against the Drakh's use of Shadow technology - which makes sense why they are against it. This was probably what the Circle was refering to in ACtA when they were telling Galen he was endangering them too much with his contact with the outside world - probably thought he was doing it too often for one mage and he was the least under their control. [/SPOILER]

Spoiler from the unfilmed season finale script of "Crusade":
[SPOILER] I don't have the script in front of me but from I want remember, during this episode Galen was to tell Gideon that he had not been sent away but his order wanted him to keep an eye on left over Shadowtech and knew Earth was still experimenting with it - in some shockingly similar ways that Elizar had too. [/SPOILER]
I found the trilogies both intriging and a good read.They fill in alot of blank spots that were only hinted in the series.The detail is superb and as I read the book its like I was there as I could see in my mind what it was like because there was so much detail.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Nancy: </font color>
I thought Galen told ?(I forget who) that he was kicked out by the Circle for having too much interaction with the outside world.


Galen said that to Gideon and Alwyn as they were having soup at Alwyn's house, in The Long Road.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Nancy: </font color>
Of course, how he can interact with the outside when he's in exile, I don't know. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


Normal message.
Electron Incantation.

Remember in A Call to Arms, what one of the circle said to Galen about the contact between Galen and Sheridan (electron incantation)?
Oh yeah! I forgot about the technomages in the Centauri Trilogy. So some did come out of exile from time to time.

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