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The long waiting

OK guys we have gotten past the initial reason for the thread: the impatience in waiting for TMoS news, and moved on to pointless bickering.

Children, please, stop.
I think that's the crucial point.
It's possible that we're like spoiled child.

That's it! Let's all hold our breaths until we turn blue! It might not help but we'll all look funny and laugh and the tension will be gone... :D

Who's tense? :confused: I'm not tense...nor am I a spoiled child...am not...am not...am not...am not!!!!! :mad: Now...where's my gun? :devil: :D :D :D


PS: Jan...has anyone posted a request for a word of encouragement or an update from JMS over at the mod group? I'll be able to get online tonight at home, so I might do that if no one has.

One short post from JMS stating nothing new (so he can't get into trouble), but telling us that everything is still on track...be patient...would go a long way to relief the nerves those who are doubtful.

I personally, am not in any way doubtful for I understand how these things work...and this is not unusual.

PS: Jan...has anyone posted a request for a word of encouragement or an update from JMS over at the mod group? I'll be able to get online tonight at home, so I might do that if no one has.

One short post from JMS stating nothing new (so he can't get into trouble), but telling us that everything is still on track...be patient...would go a long way to relief the nerves those who are doubtful.
These days AOL accounts can be obtained in the UK, so JMS can still use his US account. I wonder what he did when working in Canada?
These days AOL accounts can be obtained in the UK, so JMS can still use his US account. I wonder what he did when working in Canada?

He used his AOL account just as normal. As long as you can connect to the Internet you can use AOL if you've got an account at all. Some tech folk seemed able to tell where he was I think but that seemed kinda stalker-ish to me. <g>

PS: Jan...has anyone posted a request for a word of encouragement or an update from JMS over at the mod group? I'll be able to get online tonight at home, so I might do that if no one has.

In the same vein as a 'letter' I posted to the newsgroup a few months ago, I just sent this to the Newsgroup:

Ides of July, 2004

Dear Mr. Straczynski:

Please forward to the Appropriate Powers That Be as soon as is Convenient.

Very Sincerely Yours,
Collection Department,
People awaiting a P

Dear Sirs and/or Madames:

It has come to our attention that you are Seriously Delinquent in delivering the proposed P that was tentatively scheduled for the Ides of May last. I remind you that your representative, Mr. J. Michael Straczynski has long since delivered the 'good faith' Eep Deposit on your behalf and that it is now past time to deliver the proper P to the Waiting Populace. Our company has been awaiting delivery for several months now and are growing concerned that for reasons unknown, the Powers that Be are unnecessarily P shy, thereby delaying delivery as previously scheduled.

We recognize that Unforseen Circumstances might have delayed this delivery, and, as an alternate to a grand P Announcement, this company might possibly be willing to accept a Reasonably Reliable information leak in the interim. Simply point us toward a likely source and I assure you that the Full Resources of the Collection Department will be Despatched with Alacrity to obtain this Information.

We look forward to your Immediate Attention to this Very Important Matter.

As ever,
Your Obedient Servant
Jan Schroeder
Keeper of the Guessing Game

Dunno if it'll help but it was fun to write! ;)

That was great! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Hopefully it will get a response of reassurance from JMS at the least. Very imaginative way of stating it... :LOL:..surely JMS will have to say something just because it's such a clever way to say, "Hey...what about us?! Hello? Did you forget to tell us something?!"

I could kiss you Jan! :p

That was great! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Hopefully it will get a response of reassurance from JMS at the least. Very imaginative way of stating it... :LOL:..surely JMS will have to say something just because it's such a clever way to say, "Hey...what about us?! Hello? Did you forget to tell us something?!"

I could kiss you Jan! :p

Thanks. I'm not sure if he's ever actually responded to one of these humorous ones. Still, it gets the message across without seeming to nag, I hope.

So, there has not been any reply from JMS to requests for info about TMoS?

Right now my intution tells me the chance of this thing still going forward is at 70%
JMS has said what he can. He's told us that any further info has to come from official sources. I firmly believe that if it had fallen through and he knew about it he'd tell us. He wouldn't have said anything in the first place if he hadn't been pretty sure.

At least he's silent again.
If he had return his posts regularly on the moderated newsgroup again, then I'd be worried.
Based on past situations, this only means one of two things:

a) He's generating something big.

b) He's picking a fight with the men in the suits.(Man, he loves that.)

After a lot of thinking, and the different opinions since the inicial post of this topic, I would stick with the first option.

Quite frankly he and WB are still working on the re-writes needed due to Rick's passing (which given JMS's posts on the subject is a very, very difficult thing for him to do)...and the negotiations and renegotiations and such that this might have necessitated.

Jan is correct, if it had gone bust, JMS would've said something. I again remind you that WB will also want to have all ducks in a row before announcing...and will plan the announcement to take place at a time when they can maximize the coverage.

Would I like JMS to come forward and say, "Hey guys...don't stress...all's well...just be patient."? Yes. But he walks his own path...we all know that.


Oh, and if you think JMS actually likes to argue with the suits...think again. He's killed two shows rather than do so.
JMS has said what he can. He's told us that any further info has to come from official sources. I firmly believe that if it had fallen through and he knew about it he'd tell us.
While I agree with the 70% chance figure above, Jan's quote is probably the most important thing to keep in mind.

When it comes to announcements right now the ONLY info (other than what JMS has already said/leaked) can only come from an official announcement --- not JMS.

However if the project was CANCELLED, it won't require (and we wouldnt get) an official word from WB about a project that never got off the ground. JMS would be fully able to communicate to us if it was cancelled.

So basically, silence means we are waiting for official word that things are going forward, if there was a cancellation, JMS would have mentioned it by now.
Oh, and if you think JMS actually likes to argue with the suits...think again. He's killed two shows rather than do so.
Many would think that 2 shows were killed BECAUSE he argued with suits...not that he killed them to avoid it. There were disagreements with executives on both shows. He DID argue with them. They refused to budge...so he bailed. Either way, arguments did take place, so a better response would be he DOES argue with suits, and when he does bad things happen. Not that would kill a show to avoid arguing with them.
It's all a matter of interpretation. :D

Last word from JMS was that contracts had been signed with him and the project had a green light. The chances of it getting pulled at this stage are slim. Be patient, people...I mean...come on. :rolleyes:


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