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Starship Troopers sequel

It may have broken even in the end, I don't know. But still, you don't tend to make sequels on films that cost $95m and took $45m domestically.
Those of you who claim that the acting was overdone on purpose and the movie was *planned* as a satire are deluding yourselves that Hollywood has a clue. The movie has almost nothing in common with the book, and Heinlein has been spinning in his grave over that film. God rest his soul, and save us from any sequels.
Typical over-reaction. With the way you are talking about how everyone in Hollywood being clueless you are starting to sound like KoshN. There is a lot of garbage that comes out of Hollywood, but lots of people in Hollywood do indeed have a clue.

As to your other point, I dont believe it was ever stated in this thread that the movie is like the book. Ive never read the book and dont care to. My point is this: The movie does not have to be like the book for it to be a satire.

It is VERY obvious from watching the movie that it was intended to be a satire, and many others in this thread share that thought. The fact that it isnt like the book is a moot point, and in no way means that the movie was not intended as a satire.
All I know is that its planned for direct video release. The character of Rico will not be in it. Paul Verhoven has no connection with it, thankfully. I tend to blame the alleged director for almost everything wrong with that film.
I love Starship Troopers. It's a great, fun satire. And yes, it was meant to me. If anyone doubts that, listen to the commentary track on the DVD. The director and writer knew what they were doing
I loved Starship Troopers and have like Paul Verhoven (Robocop is one of my fav movies). Starship Troopers had over the top acting and extreme violence and that's what I enjoyed it so much. It's fun to look at it and see the satire dripping off the screen.
The movie wasn't about the acting or the plot ... it was about big explosions, big bugs, big guns, and co-ed naked military shower scenes (well one) ... So it's all good.
Sadly they can't have the hot Diz in the sequel. *sigh*
What is it about HollyWood these days ? Do they have no original material to work with ? In the past year and half maybe , I have seen Sequels after sequels and not an original production except for a few like the mothmann prophecies .
What is it about HollyWood these days ? Do they have no original material to work with ? In the past year and half maybe , I have seen Sequels after sequels and not an original production except for a few like the mothmann prophecies .

We spoke about that it was either last Christmas season or last summer. Every major hollywood movie was a sequel or a follow-up film. It does make you wonder. Are there no new ideas out there?
From a Fox News story: *Jack Valenti of the Motion Picture Association told (Bill) O'Reilly that Hollywood is making strides in improving the quality of its films.

"When you make 600 movies a year, we don't have enough creative people of high quality to make 600 good movies," he said. "We're going to have a bunch of bad movies... but I think we're making real progress."*

Yeah, right. Progress. I think the first half of Mr. Valenti's quote says it all. There is a lot of dead weight in Hollywood. He should know, as he is the face-man for the MPAA.

My question is, if Hollywood is aware that they have a dearth of talent, then why is every new movie hyped as the *next best thing to sliced bread*? After a while, it just gets so... *yawn* I think I'll read a book.
will Paul Verhoven be directing the sequel ?

No I'm afraid not. He's not involved in the sequel at all. I read an article in Play Magazine (a gaming mag) where he was discussing the upcoming Robocop game and he was asked about Starship Troopers and its sequel. He said he tried very hard to get the sequel made but for whatever reasons he's not involved with it any more. It's going to be a direct to video release.
Too bad they'll fund that as direct-to-video but we can't get anyone to cut a deal for a B5 movie (or a DS9 movie for us DS9 fans).
From: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news.htm
Starship Troopers 2: More plot information today, this time from a source at the Seattle Creation entertainment convention who passed it onto regular scooper 'Gareth': "The film involves a bunch of troopers in a fort staving off raids from the bugs while waiting to be rescued. The cast will be made up of largely unknowns and will not feature any characters from the previous film. What the film will feature is a lot of action and a very surprising human drama. The reason for this is that the bugs have a parastic infection in their arsenal, and troopers who become infected start to loose control and decay from the inside. A symptom of the infection is a hand deformity so as a result, those who are infected attempt to hide this fact and will cause the soldiers to turn on themseleves as they are unsure of whom they can trust. The film will mix elements of "The Thing", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" "The Hidden", and "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" with classic Trooper Combat".

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