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Short and Sweet, the latest tidbit found...

Re: What about Direct to DVD?

Well, three horse operas have won best picture oscars (four, if you want to count Midnight Cowboy ;) :p), and NO space operas, or Scifi, or fantasy, of any kind has ever won best picture Oscar, unless you want to count The Sound Of Music...

"The Hills are alive with the sound of muuusiccc.." :rolleyes:
Re: What about Direct to DVD?

Now, don't go putting down The Sound of Music.

It does what it does very well. :cool:

Like just about every movie, what it does isn't going to be everyone's taste.
Re: What about Direct to DVD?

You see what I have to put up with? :LOL:


I've been watching a lot of "Becker" lately. ;) Man, was Terry Farrell hot, or what! :D Wish I'd kept that tape of her hosting one of those Sci-Fi shorts episodes (can't remember the exact title of the series of shows).
Re: What about Direct to DVD?

Now, don't go putting down The Sound of Music.

It does what it does very well. :cool:

Well, okay, but my point, besides ridicule, is that it would be stretching things a bit too much to call it a fantasy.