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Now I know why I wasn't too into 24 at the start..


Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

...because they seemed to have been holding back till the end and its getting INTENSE now that the season is winding to a close. Holy S&#t! The stuff they are pulling out these last few episodes is amazing, and next week looks to be just as intense. They are making the Federal Agents and the Government make the hard choices that they would have to in a real situation, and it gives you a real uneasy feeling watching it.

I can't wait till next week.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Who knew Gael was a Catholic? :)
(This, of course, is my assumption based on his strict anti-suicide stance and apparent ethnicity)

The show is at its top game again: no Kim, no Chloe, no babies, no annoying girlfriends.


So the baddies planted a bomb to blow up the data. Why didn't they just steal the hard drive and break it? I guess the timing was so important, but I'm not sure why.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Good point. I was also surprised that Michelle didn't ask Gael if he wanted HER to shoot him with her gun. That wouldn't be suicide and it would have saved him all that suffering. If I was in his shoes I would have been all over that. I supposed there was some tie in to catholic suffering, sacrificing, etc etc there so thats probably why not...
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Asking her to kill him would be suicide, in indirect and would still violate the tennants of that type of philosophy.

Was I the only one lauging when they were shooting at a helicopter with pistols? And don't those hard drives just slip out without screws?

The escort-service chick was pretty bad-ass.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

That was another great episode. I can't wait for next week's. Looks like we're going to be losing yet another CTU person. It was also good to see Chappelle show some compassion in letting Tony send the hotel the capsules, as he's always a hardcore by the rules guy. I really wish 24 was on every night; I hate the waiting between episodes. :mad:
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Yea I think you are probably right GKE. I guess she could have just turned around and shot him without him asking, but that is really going beyond what should be done even if it is humane.

Yea next weeks looks CRAZY. The guy asking the Pres to kill Chappelle and how that is going to be handled will be bad-ass. This season is really pulling out all the stops.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Shooting him would also be immoral as it would be disrespecting his beliefs. Anyway, the biggest reason she didn't do it or offer it is because she just shot another innocent and that really rattled her.

Chappelle has changed a bit since season 1. Of course he was always coldly rational and inhuman, but in the beginning it was more geared towards his personal ambition and now it's for the good of CTU and the country- the kind of guy that makes you go, "Damn, I'm glad he's on our side!"
Unless you look at it that what's good for everone else is also good for him at this point.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Damn. I really should be watching this show, from what y'all are saying. Damn damn damn.
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

Damn. I really should be watching this show, from what y'all are saying. Damn damn damn.
IMO it started off slow Channe. I really wasnt into this season as much as the prior two in the early goings. But the last 3-4 episodes have really hit the main focal point of the entire season head on and have been fantastic. They make you think about the cold realities that would happen in a situation, and the show puts the characters in the positions you pray you are never in. Real hard choices. The sort of thing that lots of people WOULD criticze the government for doing if it ever really happened, but as you watch the show you realize it IS the right thing to do for everyone's saftey.

Good stuff. For me this has been the most dramatic of all of the seasons so far, and I didnt think this year was going to measure up!
Re: Now I know why I wasn\'t too into 24 at the start..

I don't know- most of the action shown is that of field agents. Those people are rarely criticised, along with soldiers- the people that are on the front. The people that get criticised, justly and unjustly, are the leaders, in this case the president, who in my book really screwed up almost everything that came across his desk this season.

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