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News post: What's in a Ranger's name?


News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

<font size="+1">What's in a Ranger's name?</font>
<font size="3">A light-hearted look at the meaning behind some characters' names</font>

JMS always writes many layers of meaning into his creations, and perhaps he has some specific reasons for the names he chose to give characters in the upcoming telemovie. Then again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and he probably just chose names that he liked. However, here's a look at some of the meaning behind some character names.

David Martel
The name of our fearless leader played by Dylan Neal. David is a popular name of JMS's, used for many characters including John Sheridan's father and son.
David originates from Hewbrew, and means dearly loved or beloved. David was the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Several stories about him are told in the Old Testament, including his defeat of Goliath, a giant Philistine. Martel derives from a term meaning "warring". It's the 2,655th most common name in the US, and is the surname of around 12,950 people.

Malcolm Bridges
Malcolm derives from Celtic, and means disciple or servant of Saint Columba. It is the Anglicized version of "Maol Chaluim Chille". Bridges has--shock horror--something to do with bridges. Derived from the Old Norse bryggja, it's an English place name for the man who lived near a bridge, or an English occupational name for the keeper of the bridge. Building and maintaining bridges was one of three main feudal occupations, the cost of which was occasionally offset by a toll charged to cross, and the keeper of the toll often acquired the surname. It's the 496th most common name in the US, and is the surname of around 63,400 people.

Sarah Cantrell
Sarah derives from Hebrew, and means lady or princess. This was the name of the wife of Abraham in the Old Testament, and she became the mother of Isaac at the age of 90. Who needs IVF? Cantrell is a diminutive form of the English and Scottish name Cant, the occupational name for the singer in a chantry, or a nickname for the man who loved to sing, from Old Norman French cant = song. It's the 860th most common name in the US, and is the surname of around 38,600 people.

The name of character Kitaro Sasaki was named for specific reasons by JMS. In a newsgroup post, he said "Kitaro has a name has a long legacy in many places, though the musician Kitaro (and yes I do have some of his albums) is currently the best known. Sasaki came from a Zen master of that name." Sasaki is the 8790th most common name in the US, and is the surname of around 3,310 people.
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5LR:
[David is a popular name of JMS's, used for many characters including John Sheridan's father and son.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not to mention Jeffrey David Sinclair. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Bridges has--shock horror--something to do with bridges. Derived from the Old Norse bryggja,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Which actually means "the pier". <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Sarah Cantrell<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>It's also worth noting that she shares initials with Carolyn Sykes and Catherine Sakai.

"When I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you, ok?"
-- Ranma-chan, A Leotard is a Girl's Burden, Ranma 1/2


[This message has been edited by drakh (edited November 21, 2001).]
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

Antony, darling, methinks you've succumbed to the I-CAN'T-WAIT-'TIL-JANUARY bug...

But there was one thing I noticed about the character names which I really liked - and that was the ease with which you can say them. Even "Kitaro Sasaki" is fairly melodic and easy for the English-speaker to say (I'm remembering a friend of mine having a lot of trouble saying 'Ranma no baka!' about three or four weeks ago, so, yes, it can happen...)

But maybe this is just because of my real name, which people can't say or understand without a few foreign dictionaries and pronunciation guides...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

{fangirl mode} Hey, wait - David and Goliath...? David and the Ancient Enemy? COOL! {/fangirl mode}

That name kind of suits his role in the show, now that I think about it. He's obviously going to be at war, going off to defeat an enemy just a *teensy* bit larger than he is...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

Antony, I think you missed a major point on "Martel." The most prominent person to bear that name was Charles Martel (688-741 A.D.), a warrior king of France.

More info than you would ever want to know about Charles Martel is at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03629a.htm (the Catholic Encyclopedia). But to summarize, his biggest accomplishment was in the epic battle of Christian forces against an Islamic onslaught in Europe:

"In 732 Abd-er-Rahman, Governor of Spain, crossed the Pyrenees at the head of an immense army, overcame Duke Eudes, and advanced as far as the Loire, pillaging and burning as he went. In October, 732, Charles met Abd-er-Rahman outside of Tours and defeated and slew him in a battle (the Battle of Poitiers) which must ever remain one of the great events in the history of the world, as upon its issue depended whether Christian Civilization should continue or Islam prevail throughout Europe. It was this battle, it is said, that gave Charles his name, Martel (Tudites) "The Hammer", because of the merciless way in which he smote the enemy."
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

I saw something simaler in the title: "To live and die in starlight". In the trailer we saw ships in the form of stars, with some strange light coming out of it (I assume this is the 'new ancient enemy') And later we saw a lifepod entering that same light. I couldn't see what happend, maybe they'll live or maybe they'll die. I think it will become clear when we see the movie.

"I don't watch TV. It’s a cultural wasteland filled with inappropriate metaphors and an unrealistic portrayal of life created by the liberal media-elite."
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

About David... THE David.

It was not his wars that made him principly great, his name was appropriate.

He was a man after God's own heart. Don't forget, he wrote the lion's share of the books of Psalms in the OT. For a Christian those hold prophetic significance in some places. To anyone else, there is deep beauty in the words. Sadly the music has been lost in time. I bet they had a real bardic quality about them. I like to think of David as being like Myrddin Emrys from the Pendragon Cycle. He could whack the enemy something rotten, and he could knock out a flipping good tune on his lyre, he was obviously a very gifted man, and yet when he strayed from God he fell flat on his face. He was human, if we read his story more often, we'd see that which we can truly become... despite our many failings.

Back when I was a kid in Sunday School, Father Minkowski once said: "Given the crucifixion was a terrible thing for anyone to endure, if you could go back in time 2200 years, would you prevent the crucifixion of Christ?" Well after a heated debate, we all agreed the answer was no. The crucifixion was necessary to redeem the world. - Lt. John Matheson "The Needs of Earth"

"We live for the One. We die for the One!"
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

Very interesting.......

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> The name of character Kitaro Sasaki was named for specific reasons by JMS. In a newsgroup post, he said "Kitaro has a name has a long legacy in many places, though the musician Kitaro (and yes I do have some of his albums) is currently the best known. Sasaki came from a Zen master of that name." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You forgot to mention that the character originally had a Chinese name.
JMS agreed to change it to a Japanese name at Warren's request.
After all, why shouldn't an actor of Japanese descent get to play a Japanese character??

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: News post: What\'s in a Ranger\'s name?

How did you get those stats about the names? That's so cool, can you give me the link, I wanna check mine. Please?

I am Yu Lau! I am nobody's bitch! You are mine!

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