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Good grief, Charley Brown--can anyone say Seven of Nine #2, X-Marks-the-Spot Edition? And please, let's not tar Jadzia Dax with the same brush--you didn't see *her* tiptoing along the DS9 walkways in 4-inch heels! (On the other hand, it was too bad that some wise guy decided to tighten Kira's uniform partway through the series.) I've always said that one of my favorite reasons for watching B5 was oxfords--Ivanava, and later, Lochley, actually dressed like military officers, right down to the lace-up flat-heeled oxford shoes. Neither of them would have had the slightest problem making a beeline for the nearest Starfury. Can you imagine Seven trying to get to an escape pod in those spikey things? :eek: She would have gone done with the ship! Well, what do you expect from a Roddenberry show? Every Roddenberry show has a designated sex object. :rolleyes:
And please, let's not tar Jadzia Dax with the same brush--you didn't see *her* tiptoing along the DS9 walkways in 4-inch heels!

What I'm not clear on is whether that fact was because the producers weren't treating Dax as eye-candy. It is possible the only reason Jadzia wasn't in heels was that Terry Ferrell was already 6' tall and would have just towered over the rest of the cast if they put those kinds of heels on her.
Dax was a MUCH more complex character than other Trek women. If one wants to give someone on DS9 that role, give it to Leeta. The main female characters on DS9 were strong, interesting and complex. Even Cassidy Yates, who could have just been written as Sisko's fun-on-the-side.
Yes, the main female characters on DS9 were complex characters. However, you could also argue that 7 was an interesting character ..... if you ignored what she was wearing.

You know, I could even see an argument being made for 7 choosing the "cat suit" purely for reasons of sleek efficiency .... except for those damn high heels which made no sense at all.
Yes, let's hear it for the women of DS9 (the best of the Trek shows, in my humble opinion).

As for Seven of Nine, I've always been of the opinion that her uniform, such as it was, was an insult to every woman who'd ever worn a uniform, but, in addition, it was also an insult to the actress who wore it. What the outfit revealed tended to obscure the fact that the wearer is a very good actress.
Maybe if the catsuit had pockets you could reason it was functional for someone without much concept of modesty but no.
As for Seven of Nine, I've always been of the opinion that her uniform, such as it was, was an insult to every woman who'd ever worn a uniform, but, in addition, it was also an insult to the actress who wore it. What the outfit revealed tended to obscure the fact that the wearer is a very good actress.
Since Baywatch actresses have had to look good in a swimsuit whilst acting. This may not be fair but that is life.
Maybe if the catsuit had pockets you could reason it was functional for someone without much concept of modesty but no.
There were as many pockets in the cat suit as there were in the Star Fleet uniforms that most of the others wore. The wardrobe department didn't seem to want the "lines" of their designs screwed up by pockets. They all seemed to deal with that by wearing what amounted to a "utility belt" when they went on "away missions".

Besides, I didn't say that I thought it was functional. I said that I could see how one could make that arguement if they wanted to.

Those damn heels were just stupid, though.
Found another.


They've decided to change Trance again, although this time it's not quite as drastic as purple to orange; skin's pretty much the same but the hair's a different color.


And for those who enjoy a hunk of man:

They have given Doyle a weapon shaped like a gun. The Andromeda people normally use a lance that expands like a Rangers pike and fires a beam.

Trace looks like a pixie. Those Vulcon ears do not fit.

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