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most favorite B5 season intro & theme?

S4: Because I like the splitscreen pictures and the words being spoken by everyone.

S5: Because of the music and the sound bites that sums up the whole series.

S2: Eh, it was okay.

S3: The narration was too short and I'm not crazy about the music that plays during the narration.

S1: Last, simply because there was nothing but an image of space during the actor credits; no clips or character faces.
Hard one this , since I kinda liked each season-intro at the time /forums/images/icons/grin.gif . Well , ummmm , *thinks* if I have to choose I think my fav is the season 4-intro and theme closely followed by that of season 5 /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
Season 1, Sinclair's voice, hearing "all alone in the night" and seeing B5 being built clinches it for me....

Season 5 follows in a close 2nd though....
#4, because it gets everyone into the act (well, the whole major ensemble, anyway).

Then #1, because I love Michael O'Hare's voice...
I agree that series four had the best intro; thankfully a change from the in-your-face music from the third series. All the characters got their little bit and it showed off the eclectic nature of the show in general.

A lot of people seem to think series five was the best, but I have two problems with it. Although the overview is nice, the music is simply the end credit music from series past. And secondly, the billboard proclaiming who created it (as if we didn't know) on the back of the station was the sort of ego trip you'd expect from... well, someone named Gene Roddenberry.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Although the overview is nice, the music is simply the end credit music from series past.


sorry, I don't understand this part of your argument. I think the s5 opening music was brilliant, especially the part that goes under the sound-bites, and the main theme was quite good too. It had never been used previously in the series to my knowledge.
I liked them all. Sue me /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
the billboard proclaiming who created it (as if we didn't know) on the back of the station was the sort of ego trip you'd expect from... well, someone named Gene Roddenberry.


What makes you say Gene Roddenberry had a huge ego?
Actually the S5 theme is from S3's Voices of Authority.
My fav themes are in the order:
S5, S3, S4, S1, S2, but they're all great. Much better than listening to that droning VOY or DS9 score.
are you sure you mean season FIVE theme? I don't recall it being anywhere present in VoA. In any case, do you mean the part of the s5 theme that whent under the sound-bites, or the main theme that follwed and also went over the end credits?

I don't remember either of these parts being in VoA. Perhaps you could tell me where in the episode it occurs?
<<< What makes you say Gene Roddenberry had a huge ego? >>>

GENE RODDENBERRY'S Andromeda, GENE RODDENBERRY'S Earth: Final Conflict... The new Star Trek series also bears his name, although it seems to follow Rick Berman's vision. So perhaps it isn't as much ego as the ring of a cash register.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
GENE RODDENBERRY'S Andromeda, GENE RODDENBERRY'S Earth: Final Conflict... The new Star Trek series also bears his name, although it seems to follow Rick Berman's vision. So perhaps it isn't as much ego as the ring of a cash register.

Both of those shows were made after he died so I think that would be the case. The networks know that anything with Gene's name on it will get extra attention.
At least SciFi (this time around if not others) respects B5 and/or the fans enough to not interrupt the special ending credits - like for "A Rock Cried Out" and today's episode - "Atonement" I think (thanks Joe) which had Marcus singing from "The Pirates of Penzan". Usually they kill the sound and shrink the credits for an advertisement but when there's been a special ending, they've kept it without ad. I'm actually still surprised SciFi cares enough to do that!
I've seen promos for GENE RODDENBERRY'S Andromeda, its set to premiere soon in SA. Anybody care to share their opinions on the show, is it worth watching?
Yo, Kin of Zathras -

Absolutely not. The show's a dud. It's boring, and derivative, and absolutely pathetic.
I like the show, Its sort of like Star Trek, but with more action. Sort of like Star Trek for stupid people. (Hey I just insulted my self!)

Anyway there is also a thread about this:

-re: s5 theme in "VoA suite"

while it may have featured in this suite, it was not present anywhere in the actual episode. Therefore it would be a little unfair to say that s5 theme is just a rehash of things that have appeared previously in the series.

If Franke composes something that good that is not used in the episode then I think its fine to use it as the theme for a new season.

That aside, why do things like this apear in a "Voices of Authority Suite" when it did not feature in the episode? Why not call it a "dust to dust suite", no one would know the difference. What's the reason?

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