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Martel's ISA Classified Transmission


Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

I was watching the re-runs of Crusade and I saw another ISA Classified Transmission from Captian David Martel. Did anyone else see it? Here is my rough transcript for those that did not:

[camera on Martel, looking confident]

Reporter: Captain, in terms of recent events, do you have any regrets?

Martel: I try to live without regrets.

Reporter: How do you think the -dead- crew of the Valen feel about that?

Martel: Well, I guess we will never know the answer to that.

[camera switches to an unknown Minbari]

Minbari: We live for the one ...

[camera switches to an external view of a ship (the Valen??) crashing or exploding]

Minbari (continues): we die for the one.

[camera on Martel again, looking down]

Martel: I am proud to be a Ranger ... but I am still searching.

[end transmission]

So, what was that ship that either crashed or exploded? Also, did anyone catch Dulann's transmission? I saw it a few weeks back but forgot to save it.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited January 07, 2002).]
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Sounds intriguing. I do wish that SciFi put all those little 'transmission' clips up at their site... if not before the movie airs, then at least afterwards!

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Thanks, Lyta! I've been trying to see the ISN interviews, but I only consistently see Na'feel.

So, something happened to the crew of the Valen on their trip. This must be another black mark against our captain, if he's being grilled about that on ISN.

Do you have any other transcripts...?

I'm excited about this! I love plot points dangled in front of me!

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

I caught Dulann's, Lyta. I don't remember the words, but he was talking about how he thought David opened up a new thing in Ranger philosophy - how they might "live" entirely for the One, and how dying wasn't as important as that...

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Do you have any other transcripts...?

I don't have any others except for Na'Feel (which I could type up if people want it). Then there are the two up on SciFi's web site (Kitaro and G'Kar) which could be easily transcribed (if they haven't already in another thread) but I don't think that was what you meant.

Who else am I missing besides Dulann? Did Malcolm have one? I vaguely recall something from him but I could be confused.

*B5 gets deleted too quickly from the TiVo*

Oh, and just a small nit ... the interviews are from the Interstellar Alliance. I wish I could change the title of this thread since it probably should be IA instead of ISA. I think I got confused like you Channe and was thinking ISN when I wrote it.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

I saw the Martel transmission. I really liked it. You could tell that he was really troubled by his past decisions and their consequences, yet he didn't regret any of them. I'm really excited for the potential for depth that this series could have. I'm just sitting around now waitiing to watch Crusade at 1, and hoping to see another tranmission.

Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
I don't have any others except for Na'Feel (which I could type up if people want it).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That would be wonderful, since those of us not in the US obviously haven't seen it (or any of those apart from Kitaro and G'Kar).

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Oh, and just a small nit ... the interviews are from the Interstellar Alliance. I wish I could change the title of this thread since it probably should be IA instead of ISA. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

From what I remember, InterStellar Alliance was actually referred to as ISA, so there's nothing wrong with that. But I may be wrong.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

I've seen the David Martel ad, too, several times at least. But I also confess, I tape and watch a lot of the Sci-Fi channel now that Crusade, B5 and the original "Outer Limits" are on 5 days a week.

I've caught his ad several times, and I like it a lot. Pride, regret, and determination all shine through in a matter of a very short time.

I think his is my favorite of the "ISN" ads.

"The Bible is a book: it is a good book, but is is not the only book" - Inherit the Wind

"I do not believe that the same God who
has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."—Galileo

Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Galen's Staff:
I'm really excited for the potential for depth that this series could have. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gosh, me too. Right now, I am pretty willing to forgive To Live And Die In Starlight for any possible strange-doing, just because of the potential a series would have beyond a pilot (which may or may not rack up points in the "Bad Pilots" category).

I truly believe this series, DONE RIGHT, could line up right next to B5 and kick the other shows out the door, just from what I've heard of the characters, their interactions, the different places the series might go.

Yeah, I might be optimistic, because there are a number of shows with exciting premises that are quite bad.

But I'm crossing my fingers. I'm an optimist. Here's to hoping.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Hey, folks. Watching B5 tonight, I saw Martel's ISA interview - but a different ISA interview than the one Lyta posted.

I forget what it said, as at the time I was embroiled in a cooking fiasco... did anybody get it?

It said something about his not regretting what he did on the Enfalli.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Well, I will type up the Na'Feel ISA transmission when I get home tonight here. Guess I should given this thread a more generic name.

As for an different Martel transmission ... oh goodie! I forced the TiVo to record at least a week's worth of B5 (I have a season pass for Crusade) so I should have no problem typing up this one.

Would this be the first ranger to have two different transmissions? Makes sense since he is the Captain after all.

Also, has anyone else noticed that they used to show two transmissions during B5? Now it seems they only show one and they show more trailers instead. Granted, the TiVo has missed the last weeks worth of B5 for some reason so maybe they just changed the format for Crusade?

*finds the ISA stuff much more interesting than the trailers*

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

hey ehy i really like hearing about these transmissions ....all very exiting. getting our heads all keen for plot/character tidbits

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:

As for an different Martel transmission ... oh goodie! I forced the TiVo to record at least a week's worth of B5 (I have a season pass for Crusade) so I should have no problem typing up this one.

Would this be the first ranger to have two different transmissions? Makes sense since he is the Captain after all.

Yeah from what I hear David is the first to have two different transmission's.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Granted, the TiVo has missed the last weeks worth of B5 for some reason so maybe they just changed the format for Crusade? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

this query off-topic but what is a TiVo?
I keep hearing that word latly.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
*finds the ISA stuff much more interesting than the trailers*


hey ehy I think most of us do

well I know i do, from what I have seen/read.

Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> this query off-topic but what is a TiVo? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

TiVo is the brand name of a personal television digital recorder. It downloads the local cable programming schedule, and allows a viewer to record programs. One can search for programs by title, actor, channel, etc. Also, since it's constantly buffering live television, the viewer can pause, rewind, and view live television in slow motion. Since it's digital, there are no tapes to deal with and the picture quality is excellent. It is also much easier to use than a VCR.

I recently got one and absolutely love it. I don't know if they have these outside the US, but Europe and Japan usually get these kinds of toys before we do, so you might.

TiVo's biggest competitor is Replay TV, which has few difference than TiVo, but overall I believe they're equally as good.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

The only reason I'd need a TiVo is if I wanted to come in on a show that I'm taping, when I could just wait forty-five minutes and watch it on the VCR. Sometimes, I just ignore it while it's on and watch the tape later - no commercials.

I'll be using my VCR until DVD burning allows you to do what a VCR does.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Downside of Tivo, it has no ability to Save the shows. When the disk fills up, you have to erase something to record any more shows.

I understand they also did their best to fix it so it doesn't play well with VCRs, too, but I don't know for sure about that.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Interesting turn of the conversation.
We love the TiVo and it really is the best gadget we have bought in a long time (the last was the digital camera). It is puzzling at times (I guess it thinks we have watched enough B5 which is not true) but overall, it has really been quite handy. It all depends on how you like to watch TV but I would highly recommend it. Never messing with tapes again!

As for the downsides bakana talks about ... well, you can always save your show to VCR if you have one hooked up. Plus, for most things (especially the stuff it records for you) it will delete shows automatically when it records new ones. As for disc space ... the more the better! My husband uh ... upgraded ours so that it now holds about 100 hours more of programming! *evil cackle*

Now, I will post Na'Feel and Martel's transmissions ...

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Na'Feel's Interstellar Alliance Classified Transmission

[camera on Na'Feel, looking intense and fingers tented - then it snaps to a slightly closer shot without her hands showing]

Reporter: What was your purpose of your recent mission?

Na'Feel: I think they were trying to shed some light on a uh ... dark city.

[camera switches to a extremely bright light in the background with a dark blob in the center -- a ship??]

Reporter: Tell us about the Hand.

[camera back on Na'Feel with same intense look]

Na'Feel: They're an evil race.

Reporter: What did you learn on this past mission?

[camera snaps to close up]

Na'Feel: Trust -no- one.

Reporter: Even your crew mates?

Na'Feel: No.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Martel Transmission #2

[camera on Martel shifting in chair]

Reporter: Why did you decide to stand down and not pursue the enemy?

[camera switches to unknown Minbari and Martel on ship]

Minbari: (unintelligible)

Martel: (speaking over Minbari) No! I said stand down!

[camera back on Martel again, settling into his chair]

Martel: I felt that it was unnecessary to jeopardize the lives of the crew of the Enfalli.

Reporter: How do you feel about the charges of cowardice?

Martel: I would say that is a personal question.

[camera zooms in on Martel]

Reporter: Doesn't it affect your ability as a Ranger?

Martel: We live for the one, we die for the one.

Martel: I am a Ranger. Obviously, I take that very seriously.

NOTE: This transmission was more distorted than some of the others which made it very hard to understand at times.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
"Ah, you seek meaning?" ~ "Yes." ~ "Then listen to the music, not the song." —Ambassador Kosh & Talia Winters
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

Thanks, Lyta!

These guys sure carry a lot of baggage, don't they? It's amazing just how much a few 15-second clips can say about the mystery, without really revealing too much.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
Re: Martel\'s ISA Classified Transmission

hey all thankyou for explantion about a TiVo sounds like a good gadget. Although I do not beleive they have them here in Australia..yet

And Lyta thankyou for those two transmission things.

I had only heard about the Tust no-one thing with Na'Feel.

I am still loving of these transmissions a amusing bits of info.. adds to the speculation


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