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Londo's present for David

Londo\'s present for David

(warning, spoilers from season 5 ahead)

Perhaps this has been discussed before, but I'm relatively new to this forum. In the fifth season, Londo gives Sheridan and Delenn a present for their son David, a fancy Centauri vase. Inside is a keeper just like Londo's (I don't remember, is 'keeper' the correct term? my b5 knowledge is a bit rusty).

Do we know what happens with this keeper? Does David become a victim of it just like Londo? Or is this something that would've been handled in Crusade or a feature film?
Re: Londo\'s present for David

If I remember correctly there is more information about the present and what happens in the trilogy Legions of Fire.
Re: Londo\'s present for David

yes there is,

it explains and shows exactly what happens to david and that vase. You should definately read that trilogy
Re: Londo\'s present for David

(warning, spoilers from season 5 ahead)

Perhaps this has been discussed before, but I'm relatively new to this forum. In the fifth season, Londo gives Sheridan and Delenn a present for their son David, a fancy Centauri vase. Inside is a keeper just like Londo's (I don't remember, is 'keeper' the correct term? my b5 knowledge is a bit rusty).

Do we know what happens with this keeper? Does David become a victim of it just like Londo? Or is this something that would've been handled in Crusade or a feature film?

That is the correct term (keeper), and we find out what happens to that keeper, and David in Legions of Fire - Book III - Out of the Darkness (covering 2274-2278).
Re: Londo\'s present for David

Legions of Fire eh? Thanks a lot, I'll certainly check it out

There's lots of other shadowtech in Legions of Fire as well, some of it "biotech" like the keeper, and some of it, not. It's a good read. Just keep in mind, where Peter David's year dates disagree with A Call to Arms/Crusade, the book is wrong.

The trilogy increased my enjoyment of all my subsequent viewings of A Call to Arms & Crusade. :D
Re: Londo\'s present for David

Legions of Fire is a very good trilogy and well worth reading.
Re: Londo\'s present for David

It is a very good read and it also covers and explains how and what happened in the throne room after that was only seen for a short time in the series.

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