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JMS on the Production of Jeremiah


<font color="orange">With B5, it was a five day shoot, that almost always ended around 5pm.

Not correct. It was a 7 day per episode shoot, with the exception of one season that went to 6 days, and we usually went 7 to 7 p.m.

The cast and crew found it an enjoyable atmosphere that was in danger of not being called work. Also, the budget was handled in a way that was one of the best kept records in Warner Brothers (all from your posts).

Correct. We came in under budget every year for 5 years, at one point handing back a million bucks, which they couldn't (and still can't quite) believe.

The question is how is/was the Jeremiah production. Were the hours more chaotic due to outside shooting. Was the budget more difficult due to a larger payroll and more dynamic shooting environment?

It was more daunting because whereas B5 was shot entirely indoors, Jeremiah has been primarily a road show, such that we're shooting outdoors, rain, snow, mud or yuck, as much as 6 days out of 7 (with some 7 days out of 7).

As for budget, everyone kind of expected we'd go over our first season, since it was such a big show, and all freshman shows tend to do that. But I don't allow such things. 20% of any budget usually is wasted on lack of preparation. By always having our scripts in on time, and well ahead of schedule, we were able to plan ahead and, as with B5, we came in under budget for our first season.

Ok, three questions, and about your least favorite part of the job.

Getting up early when I've been writing until 3 a.m. or later.

jms</font color>
Glad to hear I'm not the only person who absof*ckinglutely hates getting up early. I always had the suspicion that Ivanova's character trait was JMS speaking out his soul /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I am of the school that believes that waking up early is not a problem - if you went to bed early enough the night before.

However, if you are up working until 3 a.m., and must be on-set somewhere by, oh, six, and you do this more than once a week, I can understand where the commute into work could become a massive grumblefest.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Correct. We came in under budget every year for 5 years, at one point handing back a million bucks, which they couldn't (and still can't quite) believe.

I wonder if that was for S3 or S4?

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