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Jeremiah in Widescreen?

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Im just curious. Did showtime ever show jeremiah in widescreen? Im not talking the HDTV channel. Odyssey 5 had a widescreen showing on sunday nights which i realized 6 episodes into the season(Anyone have those? :) ). Did they also do it with jeremiah?

Dont know. But ill have a widescreen TV on the 20th of December and am itching to find out how many shows are doing it. (Ill probably need to sign up for HTDV broadband though to do it)
(Ill probably need to sign up for HTDV broadband though to do it)

You'll probably need tp get a High Def decoder as well. Truth be told, you don't really need a High Def television set to experience HDTV programming. If your HDTV decoder outputs in RGBHV, all you need is a decently high resolution computer monitor with RGBHV inputs (the LG Flatron 19" is paticularly good for this) and a Dolby Digital decoder (I use a Cambridge Soundworks computer one). The cost of watching HDTV in this way, about $1200 (HDTV decoder, monitor and sound system) Canadian, which is about $2 American /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

And just to stay on topic, I remember reading somewhere that the 2nd season is being shot in HDTV, but the 1st wasn't.
Well it is probably going to be on cable, but Id say eventually dish.

And digital cable is NOT HDTV. Its higher res, but not as good as HDTV res. You actually have to subscribe to their Hi-Def broadband cable service, which has HD channels on it (sort of like sattelite does).
*tries to remember*

I don't think they did because I would have remembered croping out all those black lines when I took screen caps.

It is nice they are going to show next season in HDTV. I would love to see it that way. Oy. My bank account might be in for a world of hurt if I want to do it before March 2003! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
And digital cable is NOT HDTV. Its higher res, but not as good as HDTV res.
Ain't the the truth. Even the best digital television is just 8 Mbps with 480 lines whilest High Def is 20 Mbps with 740 lines progressive or 1080 interlaced either of which are better than DVD. Hey, does anyone know if Showtime uses 740p or 1080i for their High Def?

Just a word of warning about HDTV from satellite -- because of the greater payload of the HD signal, it's extremely weather-sensitive. You'll lose your HD channels long before you lose the standard def ones.

I'm pretty sure that the first season of "Jeremiah" wasn't filmed in HDTV. TMN, despite their other faults, are pretty good about showing stuff in High Def (movies and "The Sopranos" and such), and "Jeremiah" wasn't to be found on the HD channels.
I am not happy about the arrival of HDTV. Sooner or later, there will be nothing *but* HDTV, and I'll be forced to shell out more money that I don't have to get a TV that supports it. Good lord.

Um... heh... but to see Luke Perry in crystal-clarity... I just might have to... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I will check when I get home tonight, but I don't think it was in widescreen. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes, season one was in widescreen on Showtime's HDTV channel (543 on DirecTV). Showtime calls it "Widescreen OAR Upconvert." Odyssey 5 is also in widescreen and HD. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif Showtime does a Pan and Scan of Jeremiah for their regular east coast feed. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif

DirecTV started carrying Showtime's east coast HDTV feed in April 2002.

I haven't experienced any signal loss due to weather from DirecTV's satellite yet. But I have only been a subscriber for 13 months.

Hope this answers your question. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hmmm, widescreen Jeremiah. That'll make for a nice DVD. Was it in true High Def or upconverted? Although why anyone would film in widescreen and not go High Def is beyond me. Of course FOX does it all the time /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif What I don't understand is why bother to do a pan&scan to show in standard def when they could just show it in letterbox? I hate to say it, but the letterboxing is the one thing that "Enterprise" got right. And if I hear the but-viewers-don't-like-the-icky-black-lines argument one more time I'm gonna cry havoc and let slip the beavers of war.

I haven't experienced any signal loss due to weather from DirecTV's satellite yet. But I have only been a subscriber for 13 months.
You lucky dog /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif When those snow storms hit, an average of 7 per year, I can kiss my signal bye-bye for hours.
Ah crumbs, yet another reason to get a HDTV. I get the regular west coast feed and it was not widescreen. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Directv started offering Showtime in HD in April 2002. All I had to do was add a third LNB (Sat C Upgrade) to the oval dish.

It was real easy. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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