I ordered my copy from Deep Discount DVD, and much to my surprise received them yesterday. Hooray!
I, too, am eager to see the new material. I wish I had the time to sit down and watch the season all weekend, but pressing real world obligations are bound to interfere. I also hope that subsequent seasons will have more bonus material from the creators and actors, but as many on the board have said already, it's such a hassle that it doesn't seem likely. Still, the episodes are a treasure in and of themselves.
The absolute sweetness of having this set of dvds is incredible. From the moment season one concluded way back in '94 I have been salivating at the thought of owning the program. Thanks to TNT (albeit, short lived thanks <coughCrusadecough>) I was able to get the series on VHS, but I rarely watched it to preserve them as long as I could. Now I have them with an unlimited amount of viewing!! My happiness is almost painful.
It's been such a long wait for the show, I'd like to savor the moment for as long as I can.