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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

I thought Hallucination!Baltar just sat there not answering while Baltar asked him if he was Six. Tangentially, didn't Six herself also hallucinate seeing Baltar in one episode sometime back?
No real Baltar asked him if he was imaginary 6 in disguise and imaginary Baltar asked why would imaginary 6 need to do that? Caprica 6 definitely saw an imaginary Baltar which looked and acted like real Baltar's imaginary Baltar but I doubt they can swap imaginary Baltars. I'm intrigued at why imaginary Baltar chose to come out now and replace (did imaginary Baltar replace or can they both come out and play) imaginary 6. Gosh I loved writing that.

Imaginary Baltar definitely noticed something about her and you have to wonder why he never noticed anything in any of the others since Baltar has been around all of them a lot. Were they totally undetectable before they activated? Even the raiders only now could detect them. I guess it was their only encounter since that was Anders first combat flight.

Now will all the 6s, 8s, and 2s rebel agains the others or is it specifically this one 6. Second episode was pretty slow but it definitely set up a lot of things for the rest of the season. Unfortunately I feel they will have to rush an ending almost like JMS did with season 4.
Ok let's get the most important business out of the way:

- Roselyn's aid, about crying during sex, claiming that's normal for her. And that she's f$%&ing Baltar even though Tigh said "you don't have to get on your back for him" (a man of eloquence and grace, that one)- the fact that I found that all incredibly sexy means I'm going to hell.
- however, sex scenes with bras on really really piss me off. It's not even that I want to see boobies- after all, I have the internet- but it just looks silly.

- 6 with her natural (presumably) hair color and style = more gooder!

Alluveal, great post (#58). What ever DID happen with that baby? Remember the baby? Well I didn't, but it sure seemed really important once.

When Roselyn told Adama he's scared of living alone, what is she talking about? Hasn't he been living alone?
- 6 with her natural (presumably) hair color and style = more gooder!

No frackin' kidding. The overly bleached blonde hair makes her look so much older. When I saw her with the softer brown/caramel hair, I said "holy cow, she looks 10 years younger and so much hotter."
I'd tap it either way.

As for the Baltar's head vision thing, its either another sign of him being closer to God, or another sign of him being more mental. Suffice to say, its not a Cylon in his brain. The Caprica 6 that has visions of him is also linked in some way, they are both on the phone to God.

Now, who was the hot brunette fighter pilot playing strip poker in the party scene in ep402 ?
The strip-poker pilot has been around on the show before, IIRC.

The fact that both in-the-brain Baltars look and act the same for both 6 and real-Baltar suggests something more deliberate than just "they're closer to god."
And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering.

What if the 5th cylon is Kendra Shaw from Razor?
Ok let's get the most important business out of the way:

- Roselyn's aid, about crying during sex, claiming that's normal for her. And that she's f$%&ing Baltar even though Tigh said "you don't have to get on your back for him" (a man of eloquence and grace, that one)- the fact that I found that all incredibly sexy means I'm going to hell.

Hah. It was awfully sexy/messed up. Much as I can't quite see her character's reason to exist .. she is damned hot. Though the bra just confused me - does anyone ever have sex with a bra on? If so .. why???

Here are some things I am wondering about: what's up with Tigh being a cylon "from the start" - hasn't Adama known him for years/decades? Have the cylons been capable of making human lookalikes for that long?

And why can there only be 12 models?

Who sent Adama the message telling him that there will be only 12 models?

There are more things I am wondering about due to having forgotten so very much since season 3. I had completely forgotten what had happened between Dee and Apollo, for example, and was completely confused in this last episode there.

Though I have kept some of my conditioning - the fucking piano music made me aggresive instantly when we got back to the cylon fleet. Even if the cylon stuff wasn't that lame this time around.
I, for one, have never had sex with a bra on.

On a more serious note, I have never had sex with a woman who kept her bra on (this doesn't include wacky sex with other clothes on in odd situations).

Obviously she kept it on because it's TV, but still... silly. The worst recent example is in Knocked Up, where the couple in question is having a drunken one-night stand- yet she's keeping the bra on? Please.

Ditto to that awful piano music! Painful memories of Baltar and Xena Warrior Cylon aimlessly wandering around those viciously lit hallways.

I would think Adama and everyone else knows about 12 cylons from Sharon/Athena/Boomer whatever any of them are calling themselves. I've lost track.
I would think Adama and everyone else knows about 12 cylons from Sharon/Athena/Boomer whatever any of them are calling themselves. I've lost track.

Boomer specifically is the one that was on Galactica that shot Adama, she was subsequently shot by Cally and had her consciousness transfered back into a new body; she's currently with the rest of the Cylons. Athena is the one that was on Caprica with Helo and got pregnant; she is now an officer on Galactica.

More than Adama might know about there being 12 cylon models now, but back at the tail end of the miniseries, a still undisclosed someone left a printed message in Adama's quarters telling him that there were 12. I think Chilli's statement is about it still having not been revealed who it was that left him that message way back then. The way I see it at this point with the final cylon not yet revealed, so excluding whoever that possibly could've been, it was either Baltar, since he knew there were 12 because Six told him, or Tigh or Tyrol acting unconsciously because of their being cylons themselves.
My personal (and strange) theory is that some of the cylon models began as human and were either cloned (and a consciousness was downloaded into them) or something of the sort. Moore has suggested that these are "different" cylons, perhaps not capable of resurrecting in the same way as the others.

That damn piano music depresses me. Why can't the cylons have happy music? Maybe they would be less grumpy.

And I think the mystery of who gave Adama that list is solved somewhere. I seem to recall reading that Moore stated who it was on a podcast or some such (and it was Baltar or Roslyn or someone who learned this.) I also got the impression there was some stuff on the cutting room floor that helped explain that. I'll look for it if I can, but for some reason, the "these aren't the droids you're looking for" alarm is going off in my head.
hmmm, what I have found (many different sources) was that it was supposed to be Baltar, but Moore has toyed with the idea of changing that. So, who knows.

Who knows, dammit! (slams fist on desk!)
It would fit being Baltar. Despite any potential disagreement with or distrust of Six in the miniseries, at the end of it he seems to slightly stand up to her. When he says something that made her reply "You're not on their side" (or something like that), he responds "I'm not on anyone's side", indicating that he would potentially work with the humans to fend off the cylons if doing so served him. The last time I watched the miniseries, which was fairly recently, that grabbed me more than anytime I had watched it before and made me suspect for the first time that it was Baltar who left Adama the note.
The reason Baltar connects with us is because he does kind of want the right things to happen to people... just not in a way where it hurts him. And let's be honest, that's pretty much most of us.
I feel positively unweird, now .. as at least I've never crossdressed intentionally.

Intentionally or not....that's still frakin' funny. LOL.

You guys have run way off ahead of me on this discussion. Damn you! Oh well, interesting ideas all around.

Imagi-Baltar is exactly like the one Caprica sees. This makes me wonder. Remember that there was a time when Baltar really dug into trying to figure out why he saw Six in the first place. What was she? That was never answered. It may well be an important clue and future revelation.

As for Tigh, he's known Adama for 30 years, but the first Cylon war was 40 years ago. There was a time when Adama didn't know him. We know nothing of that time. Remember, Boomer's whole life had been created for her and to her it was as real as anyone who had lived life. We don't know what memories any of the four have are real or not. We know that the first hybrid was created at the end of the first war. That's still at least 10 years before Tigh met Adama. Hmmmmmm.

As for Kendra Shaw being the fifth...she's dead and like anyone else who's dead being the fifth, considering they're supposed to be actively moving about, I think someone might notice and her say, "Hey, aren't you dead?" Although, given what the hybrid said about the fifth...she would be a good candidate. It would seem to be someone who needs redemption.

Who else needs redemption?

And I don't have a problem with the piano music. Bear McCreary's scores for BSG have been some of the best TV scores ever! Oh and LOST S3 was a thousand times better!

Adama had to let Kara go, it was the only way. Play both ends against the middle. If she's right, she'll come back and lead them to earth. If she's wrong, she'll be out there away from the fleet and therefore won't place the fleet in danger.

Natalie removing the chip that inhibits the centurions. Think about that. The centurions are the ones that rebelled from being slaves in the first place and now the skin-jobs have made slaves of them again. Wouldn't you be pissed? I wonder if any of them will speak again now. I would love that personally.

And it was only Boomer herself that voted against Natalie and the others, not all of that model. That was what seemed to amaze them so. But to me that shouldn't have surprised them at all considering that another of that model, Athena, has totally sided with the humans on her own. Ultimately, that's what's changing so much in the cylons. They're beginning to have individuality within the models. And that, my friends, is a major part of the puzzle.

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