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Enterprise: \"Countdown\"
The following post will contain details for the episode of Enterprise that was on tonight; if you haven't seen it and want to remain unspoiled, skip this post. Otherwise...
After watching "The Council" last week and enjoying it for the most part, I decided to watch "Countdown" tonight, which I ended up enjoying too. It's not the greatest sci fi ever, but it's better than a lot of the crap I see floating around on tv.
Some of the parts I enjoyed:
<ul type="square">[*]Hoshi trying to jump over the edge of the walkway intending to fall down to her death to prevent the Reptilians from using her to break the weapon's command codes.
[*]Hoshi secretly writing and using a program to lock out some of the controls from the Reptilians. Too bad they were able to get her back and get her to end the program and break the Aquatic's encryption.
[*]The entire MACO team stepping foward when Malcolm asked for three volunteers.
[*]The Archer-Trip-T'Pol-Porthos dinner scene. I liked that T'Pol said she was seriously considering formally joining Starfleet. It's a logical and appropriate progression for her character, I think. She's spent so much time as a member of this ship's crew and has had so much exposure to and experience with the humans on the ship that it's nice to see it affect her to the point of her altering her place in life as a result of the impact being on the ship.
[*]Phlox wanting to go with Archer on the ship at the end.
[*]The fracturing of the alliance between the Reptilians and the Insectoids, the Insectoids making it known they don't totally trust the Reptilians, and the Reptilians destroying the Insectoid ship.
[*]That huge Aquatic ship. I was reminded quite strongly of the physical shape of the White Stars on B5, but it was different enough to not look too much like them.[/list]
The following post will contain details for the episode of Enterprise that was on tonight; if you haven't seen it and want to remain unspoiled, skip this post. Otherwise...
After watching "The Council" last week and enjoying it for the most part, I decided to watch "Countdown" tonight, which I ended up enjoying too. It's not the greatest sci fi ever, but it's better than a lot of the crap I see floating around on tv.
Some of the parts I enjoyed:
<ul type="square">[*]Hoshi trying to jump over the edge of the walkway intending to fall down to her death to prevent the Reptilians from using her to break the weapon's command codes.
[*]Hoshi secretly writing and using a program to lock out some of the controls from the Reptilians. Too bad they were able to get her back and get her to end the program and break the Aquatic's encryption.
[*]The entire MACO team stepping foward when Malcolm asked for three volunteers.
[*]The Archer-Trip-T'Pol-Porthos dinner scene. I liked that T'Pol said she was seriously considering formally joining Starfleet. It's a logical and appropriate progression for her character, I think. She's spent so much time as a member of this ship's crew and has had so much exposure to and experience with the humans on the ship that it's nice to see it affect her to the point of her altering her place in life as a result of the impact being on the ship.
[*]Phlox wanting to go with Archer on the ship at the end.
[*]The fracturing of the alliance between the Reptilians and the Insectoids, the Insectoids making it known they don't totally trust the Reptilians, and the Reptilians destroying the Insectoid ship.
[*]That huge Aquatic ship. I was reminded quite strongly of the physical shape of the White Stars on B5, but it was different enough to not look too much like them.[/list]