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Current issues log. Got a problem? Read this.

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Staff member
I thought it'd be best to sum up all current issues for everyone, so there's no repetition.

<ul type="square">To be solved:
[*]Problem: colours not working. Solution: unknown, will need to investigate.
[*]Problem: no attachments. Solution: it will return, but as said a while ago will be a premie-only feature. So I need to do the necessary coding. Upside to premies: more file types allowed, and bigger file sizes.
[*]Problem: lack of spoiler code. Solution: I need to try and code it... but it failed last time. I will give it another go.

<ul type="square">Solved:
[*]Problem: doesn't say who the post is in reply to. Solution: there is a hack that I will try to implement. But even if I don't, the functionality will return with 6.3 of UBB.threads.
[*]Problem: some find the font too small. Solution: a second style sheet will be implemented allowing for bigger body text in messages (the user will select this). But the base size on the standard may be upped slightly too. [Users can now select a larger font style sheet under my home, display preferences. Base size has remained the same]

<ul type="square">Can't be solved:
[*]Problem: favourite forums has gone. Solution: none. Infopop made the change to a new system. I felt the new system was damaging to a community, so withdrew the functionality. So there is no favourite forums feature now.

I'll update this issues log as things arise.
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by AntonyF: </font>
I thought it'd be best to sum up all current issues for everyone, so there's no repetition.

<ul type="square">
[*]Problem: doesn't say who the post is in reply to. Solution: there is a hack that I will try to implement. But even if I don't, the functionality will return with 6.3 of UBB.threads. [/list]

Well, that's one we can get around manually, as I've done above. ;)

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by AntonyF: </font>
<ul type="square">
[*]Problem: no attachments. Solution: it will return, but as said a while ago will be a premie-only feature. So I need to do the necessary coding. Upside to premies: more file types allowed, and bigger file sizes.

Yea! :)

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by AntonyF: </font>
<ul type="square">
[*]Problem: lack of spoiler code. Solution: I need to try and code it... but it failed last time. I will give it another go.

That's another one we can get around manually if the colors are working.
Has something happened with the header? I'm seeing a big white box with a scrollbar on the right.
Has something happened with the header? I'm seeing a big white box with a scrollbar on the right.
Nope... the header shows just fine for me. Occasionally takes a few more seconds to load (during which there's a white box there) but that's probably problems on my end.
Everytime I use the Back button in Opera 6.04, Opera crashes. I've never come across that on any other site. I'm not really complaining, because it's easy enough to work around, but it is kind of curious.
Yes, it is very odd, don't know what would cause that I'm afraid. I suggest IE as a client to optimally use the site.
Hmmm...it mysteriously just reappeared. I'm using a different machine, so it wasn't in cache. Perhaps it was just a momentary anomaly.
I'll have to check the Flash version as well... it may not be the proper version, 6 not 5. Will check.
I downloaded the newest version of Opera and tried out this site. I don't have any of the problems I did with the older version. I should have just updated before saying anything :LOL:

What was that triangle symbol supposed to represent? I'm talking about the symbol that's at the upper right of the "M" in B5TV.COM and now at the left of all of forum titles on the main forum page (in place of the "5") ? We discussed it once long ago, but I can't remember it now. I guess you're trying to distance the place from B5 now, hence the removal of the "5" ?

The triangle symbol seems to have no connection to B5 or JMS. At least the "5" did, and for that reason I prefered the old "5"
The logo was used as the new post indicatory purely because it is in the logo. It certainly isn't to distance itself from B5. On the contrary, one of the main reasons for the design change was that it's not B5 enough. Hence the header that is very B5-themed (two so far, and more in the rotation soon). And there will be other B5 emphasis soon.

The reason to place is as the new post indicator was just aesthetic. I like it, it links in with the logo, and I fancied a change. The 5 was very heavy, the new logo is a little less overpowering. Also I wanted the logo to have a bit more prominence... whereas B5 will be getting heaps more anyway.

As to what it means... nothing major. It's just a design feature of the logo. But it does have some meaning to it. It's three... ties in with the triluminary theme. It covers three elements coming together: B5, Crusade and Rangers. It can be the fans, the site and the cast/studio. And we have three main B5 forums: world, personnel and related. It's all about three. :)
Will the shortcut to the chat room be back, Antony? I know it must be low down on your list of priorities, but I had trouble with Trillian last week and I missed the chat.
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