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Bush not so dumb after all? <g>

If the USA is really in the MidEast politically, strategically and militarily for oil, what is wrong with that? I have yet to hear a point that says oil is bad for our national health. Is it not true our nation depends on oil to run? Is it not true that we the citizens of the US and other Western style democracies depend on it to survive and heat our homes, drive our cars to work? There are no alternative to oil that can be ready IF our reserves run out in ten years. Is it not our governments job to put the American national interests ahead of other nations, ie, France and Russia and their stakes in the Iraqi oil reserves? Everyone wants to argue whether the war is over oil or not, but no one has said that is bad in the first place. It may actually be an even better idea if the article Hypatia posted are true. The 18 year old soldier who will be doing the fighting just might be A-OK with the realization that his mommy and daddy might have to freeze in the cold without that oil. They can't drive to work with out that oil either. Right now, oil is why our nation has the world's number one economy. People go to work on that oil and so do you. So if this war is for oil, SO WHAT???? But like demartino said to begin with we don't much oil from Iraq, to start a war with Iraq anyway. We are there because the US has found out information about Iraq that can threaten us. There not gonna release this info to the world until necessary.
Er how about the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil?

The oil companies have purchased the patents for a working efficient methane engine. This device would reduce the level of the worlds largest greenhouse gas, as you'd be burning it up inside your car.

I suppose if you could rig one to your toilet you could solve your heating requirements too! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

I know that there was a company in Germany I think who have started to produce anti-matter, as some scientists think with proper research it could revolutionize transport. If the oil companies got wind of that they'd watch the researchers like hawks and do the same thing!

They are holding us back... just for their precious money!

As I come from Britain, you will understand that I don't think it's a great thing for your country to put its interest ahead of mine. As Lennier said... we may look like you sometimes, but we are not you, you would do well to remember that!
Galahad wrote: "The oil companies have purchased the patents for a working efficient methane engine. This device would reduce the level of the worlds largest greenhouse gas, as you'd be burning it up inside your car."

Urban legend: A "methane engine" is simply an internal combustion engine with a carburetor designed to use compressed methane, or other natural gases as fuel instead of gasoline. An efficient design to do this has been around for years and is in use. Many cities are using this system for the buses and vehicles as well as a number of people have converted their pickups to burn natural gas. And, no oil company is trying to supress this knowledge. The main drawbacks at present are availability of fuel, and the size/weight of the fuel tanks. Serious research is going on at the University of Oklahoma (and other places, including "big oil" companies) into designing "methane collectors" and the best way to compress and use this renewable energy source.

>>I know that there was a company in Germany I think who have started to produce anti-matter, as some scientists think with proper research it could revolutionize transport. If the oil companies got wind of that they'd watch the researchers like hawks and do the same thing!<<

More urban legend! Anti-matter research is going on worldwide at unversities and by major companies, not just "big oil" and the research information is being shared. It iss not being supressed by anyone because it may be the key to unlimited engery in the future.

And, as matter of information, we are not about to run out of oil. In fact, there is an oil pool under Southeast Oklahoma, East Texas, Southwest Arkansas and Louisiana that had more oil the mid-East, North Sea, Alaska combined. The problem is this oil pool is 50,000 - 70,000 feet down and can not be recovered efficently with current technology, or economically, at present. There are other similar oil pools throughout the world. When the demand is there, and people are willing to pay the price to develop these resources, it will be.
Availability is not really the issue here, greed is most definitely the issue. If the oil corporations pumped a bit more instead of relying consantly on stocks, the stock market wouldn't get jitters and would leave oil prices at a reasonable level. Oh and before you come back at me, just remember you come from a country where the words "expensive" and "petrol" could never seriously be taken together here in rip-off Britain we have to pay tax twice on the amount of actual fuel we purchase. Current lowest price in my area is 73 pence per litre... bet you can't top0 that /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Galahad wrote: "Availability is not really the issue here, greed is most definitely the issue. If the oil corporations pumped a bit more instead of relying consantly on stocks, the stock market wouldn't get jitters and would leave oil prices at a reasonable level."

There is a technical problem involved in pumping more oil. When you take it out the ground too fast (as happened in many Oklahoma/Texas oil fields in the 1920s/1930s) the field will collapse and recovery becomes much slower and much more expensive.

>>Oh and before you come back at me, just remember you come from a country where the words "expensive" and "petrol" could never seriously be taken together here in rip-off Britain we have to pay tax twice on the amount of actual fuel we purchase. Current lowest price in my area is 73 pence per litre... bet you can't top0 that <<

Nope! Can't top that but blame it on taxes levied to support all the "free" programs politicians like put in place to buy votes. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Nope! Can't top that but blame it on taxes levied to support all the "free" programs politicians like put in place to buy votes.
Yea, like massive tax cuts for the rich, and war.

That'll shore up our economy real quick like.
Hang on though, I'm not laying the blame solely at the US oil producers door, there are other countries in OPEC too, if they all pumped a little surely there would be enough to go round without collapsing the oil fields.

Isn't there also a vast untapped amount of oil below Iceland as well, or is that too deep to reach at present.

An aside to taxes to think about: Companies and corporations DO NOT pay taxes per se, they simply collect those for the government because all their "supposed" taxes are simply factored into their cost of doing business and passed down to the consumer of their product or service so in the end you, I and the rest pay 100% of ALL taxes.

As for the "rich" getting a tax cut, the top fifty percent pay 97 percent of all personal taxes. Their spending and investments also provide 70 or so percent of all jobs. If they had to pay less tax, they would invest most of this money and spend the rest because they are the type who want their money to work for them. In turn the investment and spending stimulates the economy, providing more and better jobs.
Galahad wrote: "Hang on though, I'm not laying the blame solely at the US oil producers door, there are other countries in OPEC too, if they all pumped a little surely there would be enough to go round without collapsing the oil fields."

All OPEC countries are pumping at a sustainable rate (or much less.) And there is enough oil to go around. OPEC was formed to control the amount of oil production by its members, thus allowing them to control the price of oil by manipulating the amont being produced. The current high oil prices are due to uncertainty in the world situation because all "user nations" (and corporate interests) are stocking up "just in case" the Iraqi oil fields are out of business for a while and the OPEC countries decide they want the prices to go up so don't increase their own production to fill the temporary shortfall.

>>Isn't there also a vast untapped amount of oil below Iceland as well, or is that too deep to reach at present. <<

There is a vast oil pool under Iceland, some of which is being tapped but the majority is in areas that make it more expensive to tap so is currently be left in the ground. There are also deep oil reserves there that would be even more expensive to develop.
Then if sufficient oil is being produced, the problem must lie either at the refineries, or purely at the door of the stock markets. If the latter is so, then somebody is deliberateley scaramongering every year to increase the prices!
Galahad wrote: "Then if sufficient oil is being produced, the problem must lie either at the refineries, or purely at the door of the stock markets. If the latter is so, then somebody is deliberateley scaramongering every year to increase the prices! "

Think you misunderstood my point, which was there is sufficient oil but every user country is stocking up in case there should be a REAL shortage down the line so are willing to pay premiun prices to obtain the available oil, thus creating a temporary shortage that drives current oil prices up.
so, since we have presidential approval, could we go ahead with RANGERS now????????????????????????????
So, I can buy my new car, and get many years of enjoyment out of it? This is good news, as I have recurring nightmares about spending $40,000 on a new car, only to run out of oil in 5 years...
O.k back to some of the interesting analogys posted before.
Bush is like Sheridan? In uniting the others aganst evil, I think the U.S is more like the Vorlons, play nice clean your room but do it OUR way or else,(in coming planet killer, I mean cruise missile!).
And lets call the so called terrorists(some are, some are not) and the so called rogue states the Shadows. Now In this analogy Bush would be Kosh(purple suit guy) Bin Laden can be Morden, so we still need a Sheridan! someone whos after more then self interests or holy war ect. Might I surgest we form the ISA, bring in the Rangers becouse we know the U.N are a joke and cant contain anyone and are to hip deep in there own agendas to care, and find a real solution.(one that will last more then say a reelection term?)
I dont know where I can fit oil into all of this but personly its screwing up our politics and our planet so it cant be good.
and its not like renewable resourses are that hard its just not profitable so companys wont do it.

As for Bush liking B5 I might send him a copy of Z'ha'dum, maybe he will get an idea(killing two birds with one stone ...sweet /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif)

Well I'll leave it there and see what you all think and Channe look I kept it sort of on topic /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

"Hey I say what I mean o.k."
"I said what!!?"
"Hey I say what I mean sober o.k."
"Now what was the question again?"

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