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B5 DVD - Pre-ordering


Ok this is for those folks who have some experience in this field and arena.

Does it make sense in a way for people to pre-order this DVD? I noticed that on the Amazon.com site it was sales rank 89, which is decent. If lots of people pre-order would it help in making them decide early on doing a Seaosn 2 DVD Set, and getting the ball rolling on that, so we wont have to wait as long? What are your thoughts?
I'm not pre-ordering. I'll order when it's time.

If it did get the ball rolling on season 2, then I would pre-order. If it really does this, I don't know. But, if there were a lot of pre-ordering, I'm sure that would help in making season 2.
I'd think that the orders placed from sites and interest from stores would be a bit more imporant, and then the sales at the stores would come second. Because, if interest from retailers was high, WB or whoever would think there was interest, and go ahead with a S2. However, if S1 didn't sell well from the retailers, there wouldn't be as many retailers buying that time around, and there might not be a S3. So I'm sure the more who pre-order the better. But that's just because it equals sales.

I feel bad, because I'm not planning on buying any box sets until S3. I don't have enough money for all of them. /forums/images/icons/frown.gif

Phil Ps(I'm working at www.wbstore.com and www.newlineshop.com this summer, so I'm learning a bit in the online retail sector)
I don't have money for anything right now, but I'm going to save up, and scrape up for the box set. It's for the good of B5, and future box sets. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
There are three advantages to the consumer in pre-ordering:

1) Some vendors offer additional discounts for pre-orders.

2) You're pretty much assured of getting a hot title on or around the release date - no worry about a store running out of a movie you want. On-line dealers usually reserve copies and ship to their pre-order customers first.

3) Many dealers ship a few days early so that you get your disc by the release date. This sometimes means you get your order a day or two early and annoy all your friends by commenting on the audio and video quality before they can even buy the disc. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

(Warning: If you have to be the first one on the block to get something, never pre-order from Amazon. Because they are concerned about breaking street date - and are probably under more scutiny that other on-line retailers - they don't ship until the official release date, so you won't get it on "the day")

For vendors the benefits are certain sales and a sound basis for estimating the demand for a given title. This lets them order the right quantity of a title from the studio or a distributor. Otherwise they have to pretty much guess, and may be stuck with too many discs or have to back-order a title while they scramble to fill orders.

Will pre-orders help Warner Home Video decide about S2? Oddly enough, they may. I think the studios do monitor things like pre-orders, because they are an early indicator (before the store orders start coming in) of how many copies of a title they might need, and that makes it easier to schedule line time at the production facility.

In Warner's case in particular, I think the pre-orders for the first movie disc moved them to accelerate preparation of the episode discs.

My evidence for this is a small, but telling, fact. On December 4th, the day the TV movie DVD went on sale, JMS posted a usenet message saying that Warner Bros. had started prepping episodes for "the first couple of seasons" for DVD release. This message appeared on the newsgroup around 9 or 10 AM ET, 6 or 7 AM PT. That means Warner Bros. must have made this decision at least a day, maybe more, before the disc went on sale at retail stores. If it wasn't based on pre-orders and the actual store orders based on them, what was it based on? They couldn't have had any actual sales data at that point.

So if you can pre-order, by all means do so. I'm waiting, myself, much as it kills me. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif Am waiting to hear about a job interview, cleaning up the house so the real estate agent can start showing it next week, and waiting to get a closing date on the condo I'm buying. Too much to do, too little money to commit to the DVDs at the moment.

BTW, for the budget concious, here are two sites, DVD Planet, and CD Universe that are carrying the S1 set for $69.99 USD (plus shipping) That beats Amazon.com's 25% discount.


"BTW, for the budget concious, here are two sites, DVD Planet, and CD Universe that are carrying the S1 set for $69.99 USD (plus shipping) That beats Amazon.com's 25% discount."

True. But then also B5TV.COM doesn't benefit. It may be slightly more, but I would hope that people would buy from the big name and consider it an un-official donation to B5TV.COM. I could possibly affiliate with that latter site, but I really don't want to spread myself too thin. But if many people shouted "do it", I could do it.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
BTW, for the budget concious, here are two sites, DVD Planet, and CD Universe that are carrying the S1 set for $69.99 USD (plus shipping) That beats Amazon.com's 25% discount.

But amazon.com don't include shipping with this item..too bad it's usa only /forums/images/icons/frown.gif


btw amazon.com sales rank is already 26.. i hope it's good sign for season2
JoeDM said
<font color="yellow">BTW, for the budget concious, here are two sites, DVD Planet, and CD Universe that are carrying the S1 set for $69.99 USD (plus shipping) That beats Amazon.com's 25% discount.</font color>

The thing to remember about those other retailers is the shipping. I didn't want to sign up for accounts on those sites just to find out how much shipping is but the wise shopper might want to do so. I have often found when shopping around online to add the cost of shipping (and tax if applicable) to determine who I should purchase from. Of course, the familiarity of the retailer also plays a large part too. Basically, what I am saying is ... is it worth a $5 savings before tax and shipping? /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

With Amazon, I would save $3 on the shipping (since it is over $49) but pay $7 WA sales tax instead. I guess if those two didn't cost more than $81.58 all together, they might be a good deal. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

Personally, I am going to try purchasing it in Canada or from a Canadian retailer to save on retail price and sales tax. I haven't seen any pre-ordering information so I will wait and see.
*raises hand in the back of the room* I've pre-ordered, Antony, and I think supporting the site is something for everyone to consider!!!
It's up to #20 on Amazon.

While this is good and all, I have the feeling that they'll want longevity, too. This is the test - can B5 stand up to it?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
*raises hand in the back of the room* I've pre-ordered, Antony, and I think supporting the site is something for everyone to consider!!!


I would order through here too, but since I'm in Region 2 there's little point in me ordering all the way from Amazon when I can get it a month earlier here and for a cheaper price!

You mentioned in your e-mail Anthony, that you will introduce some R2 sites - can you make sure they are good ones please /forums/images/icons/smile.gif Then you may get more help, rather than affiliating with the most expensive dealers. I say Blackstar at the moment - they seem to have the cheapest price, and I've heard good things about them...
Thanks for the 411 Joe.

I will be pre-ordering from here. Rather, I will probably have my parents pre-order from here. I am thinking of getting this as a Christmas present. I always have trouble deciding on what I want for B-days and Christmas, so if I can EVER find something I know I want, I make sure to let them know. I think I can deal (maybe) with waiting a couple of months to get it at Christmas. But I will direct my parents to order it from this site. Easy enough. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
True. But then also B5TV.COM doesn't benefit.


Sorry about that, Chief. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

In these times of financial belt-tightening I have trained myself to avoid temptation - with such success that I hadn't even noticed your pre-order link to Amazon. By all means, everyone who can should place their orders through B5TV.com. In fact, we should encourage others who plan to order from Amazon anyway to come to this site first and click the link.

Didn't realize that Amazon was offering free shipping (haven't read the fine print since I'm not ready to buy yet.) The two sites mentioned above charge $4.50 and $6.99 for shipping, so it is pretty much a wash. Anyway, a street price of $75 is not half bad for this set, and I think it will help it compete with the more expensive X-Files and TNG sets come November.


I'm in for the DVD release - when WB bother to announce a Region 4 release......

Region coding is evil. Evil I tells ya!
I don't know if this is based on anything official, but DVD Orchard is taking pre-orders for an R4 PAL S1 set - price TBA, but they give a release date of October 1st. They're also taking pre-orders for a November release of Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers for $32.45 AUD (About $17.50 USD)


But Caesar... one should always use a region-free DVD player, preferably one which you can infinitely switch between regions. It promotes healthy competition on the DVD market, and opposes DVDCCA efforts to achieve controlled distribution and censorship.

I prefer buying Region 1 disks, thus indirectly supporting DVD exporters of that region, whose lobbying power may easily balance that of overeager movie studios wishing to promote their own affiliated distributors.

Regarding the Amazon sales rank... at the moment when I clicked the button, it was 15. This should indicate that currently, sales are going tolerably.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

So if you can pre-order, by all means do so. I'm waiting, myself, much as it kills me. Am waiting to hear about a job interview, cleaning up the house so the real estate agent can start showing it next week, and waiting to get a closing date on the condo I'm buying. Too much to do, too little money to commit to the DVDs at the moment.


1. Joe DM good luck with the interview.
2. I hope you sell the house quickly.
3. Enjoy living in your condo.
But Lennier, Caesar should buy a DVD player so he can watch the small collection of DVDs he has...... /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I'll raise my hand also. I just pre-ordered from this site. Thanks for the link and hope this helps B5tV.com become even stronger. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif


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