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And So it Begins...... .."The Final 3"

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And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

Sorry couldnt resist saying that /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Well A Means to a End is on tonight which is the return of
THEO. Also leads into the Season 2 Part finale.

Im looking forward to it. I have a feeling all the people who were dissapointed with some of the episodes in season 1 will realize why some things happened. Like lyta(monica) mentioned somewhere else if you rewatch the episodes again there are small clues to what may happen in the next 3 or in a future season. I have and there are small hints of whats to come. I mean who would have thought something small in the crappiest season 1 episode of B5 would affect something later on twice. Ill tell you the trut. When i started watching B5 i was intrested enough to stay the entire first season. The end of season 1 was good so i stayed on and got hooked from there on. Going back and watching season 1 again made me appreciate it a lot more since now i knew what certain things meant and why they happened. Hopefully JMS does it with jeremiah

Re: And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

I agree wholeheartedly. On a positive side, I noticed Scifi is showing the Twilight Zone all night. Hopefully, a lot of people who watch Scifi on Fridays will turn over to Showtime and get caught on this 3 part ending of Season 1. I hope this show makes it.

Here's hoping for a great ending and great ratings!!!

Re: And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

Yep Stargate and Farscape are not on tonight, but to me it dosnt matter since they replay farscape at 12 so i just tape it when they are on the same time as jeremiah

Re: And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

<font color="yellow">Like lyta(monica) mentioned somewhere else if you rewatch the episodes again there are small clues to what may happen in the next 3 or in a future season.</font color>

Actually, it was Channe who said that but I do agree with her. I took today off so I have been catching up on emails and other things. During all this, I took Channe's advise and watched some episodes I didn't much care for the first time around.

In "The Touch", I noticed that the leaders called Jeremiah and anyone who wanted to touch someone else "heretics" and that was the same term the book burning goon in last week's episode used. I know it is a stretch but I thought it was interesting. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

I am noticing things I didn't quite see the first time around and questioning other things. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
Re: And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

Honestly - if what has been foreshadowed in these episodes all comes to a head in "Things Left Unsaid," I think we will all be left speechless...
Re: And So it Begins...... ..\"The Final 3\"

Channe i totally agree that there is so much forshadowed its not even funny. After the season ends Im going to rewatch it again while i put the season onto some VCD's for myself for safe keeping. Im going to make a list of things kind of like The B5 Lurkers guide did. Jeremiah and B5's first seasons are pretty much alike. All these episodes people thought had nothing in them about the plot were totally wrong. The little things in there are all over the place. Wait till people rewatch the replay of the season and say "I cant believe i missed that".


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