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3 B5 Stars in CONTACT


I bought Contact with Jodie Foster on DVD and watched it the other day, and noticed THREE B5 guest stars on the show. I always get a kick out of finding people I have seen in B5 on other shows so I thought it was extra cool that 3 were in Contact. Here they are:

Jose Rey who played Eduardo Delvientos in "By Any Means Necessary" and "And Now For a Word" was one of the technicians at Cape Canaveral right before the test of the Machine. He could be seen when Drumlin was "hamming" it up. He is credited as "Controller #8"

Tucker Smallwood who played The Earth V.I.P. David Endawi in "Matters of Honor" was the Mission Director at both the Cape Canaveral Machine test, and the successful use of the second Machine of the coast of Japan.

Jennifer Balgobin who played Doctor Lilian Hobbes in "Interludes and Examinations," "Walkabout," and "Objects at Rest" played Dr. Patel who was one of the members of the selector board reviewing candidates to go in the Machine. She was present when they were questioning Jodie Foster's character.

Just some pointless trivia for whoever cares.
Yeah, I like to have fun spotting people I "know" from B5 and such. I missed the first one completely ... the second guy sounds familar but it has been a while since I have seen that episode and the movie. However, I do remember the last one! :D
I caught an early episode of "Roseanne" on TV the other day. It's the one where the vacuum salesman comes to the door and Roseanne invites him in for a glass of water and he dies in her kitchen. The guy selling vacuum cleaners is Jeff Corey - Justin from Z'Ha'Dum.

Then I got to thinking...

Since Justin was Sheridan's equal and opposite, I guess Roseanne's house was the equal and opposite of Z'Ha'Dum. Hence, Roseanne's house is the homeworld of the Vorlons! Who knew that with all that technology, they were still just white trash. Here's the wife-Vorlon in her mumu encounter suit with the sponge rollers in her hair tentacles and the husband-Vorlon in his wife beater t-shirt working on his Vorlon transport that's jacked up on concrete blocks in the yard. I'll bet one of the Shadows warned him..."If you go to Roseanne's house, you will die...from the smell"
I agree. It's a wonderful movie. I've seen it a number of times, and despite my frustration with Matthew McConoughey, have enjoyed it every single time.
Since Justin was Sheridan's equal and opposite, I guess Roseanne's house was the equal and opposite of Z'Ha'Dum. Hence, Roseanne's house is the homeworld of the Vorlons! Who knew that with all that technology, they were still just white trash.
You didn't like Mat? I thought he was pretty good. Sure, it's a little unrealistic that an astronomer-loving pseudo-priest is so good looking and charming, but they wanted to make sure that Ellie had no logical reason to avoid a relationship with him.

The book is next on my reading list.
Contact was one of the last VHS tapes that I ever bought. Talk a bout a mixed blessing. :eek: :(

I'm sure I'll get it on DVD eventually. I thought the movie was amazing.

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