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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

No what happened was that the people of Kobol created their own race of Cylons that became human and slaughtered most of them and took their place and forgot they were machines all accept the final 5 who somehow are designed to be reincarnated in to ever subsequent generation, they have latent program which only would come into play if a crises were to occurred which would threaten the survival of this pseudo humanity, but with the destruction of the colonies something went wrong.
Recoil think about it, with all the evidence and story elements examined this theory is very plausible. The colonies have been all along machine decended, It has happened before it will happen again, that phrase is central to understanding the truth in the series.
Its funny, but the image of the "Final 5" from the Temple on that one planet which the chief led them to, was very much a direct reference to the "Seraph" characters from the original BSG series. So while they are very much different beings (Final 5 Cylons vs Beings of Light) the Final 5 were intentionally made to appear and "give a nod" to the "Seraphs" from the Ship of Lights in the original series....so one wonders if there are some other parallels there.
Not saying its impossible at all. I've had the "everyone is a cylon" inkling on and off for the entire series. Its just making all the pieces fit together nicely that is tricky. There are other possibilities too. My personal pet theory has been that Earth is the only true humans left (descendants of the original Kobol inhabitants)
Yeah the pieces don't fit exactly together, but they are close enough to see what the puzzel might tbe. The people of Earth being the true humans? yes that i have no problem accepting they were the humans who fled from the machines on Kobol, thousands of years ago. One other possibility that i entertained was that the final five purpose was to bring about the destruction of the Colonials and the Cylons, to protect those the decendants of those survivors on earth, but i have since discared this one. I think that they are the shepherds of both the coloniels, Cylons and Humans and their purpose might simply be to facilitate a union of human and cylon. There is a convergence taking place here. I did consider the ship of lights homage that you also mentioned above, that could still tie in as well
I think it's just too much for the average viewer to grasp onto. I'm still on the theory that Moore is going to keep it relatively simple.

But, interesting theory nonetheless! Thanks for sharing.
It will be interesting to see what happens when they find the 5th Cylon, I suspect that the 5th has some kind of a key program nested inside him or her that will unlock all of their memories and reveal to them what their true purpose must be. Finding of the 5 will also answer a significant number of questions
Really? I was under the impression that it was going to be on the last episode (along with the final cylon.)

Edward James Olmos On tv said that he would not be surprised if everyone on the show ended up getting killed, that could be taken a number of ways, one they end up getting wiped out, two, they do arive at rearth many years later which would not surprised me given that Ron Moore advanced things a year at the end of season 2, Maybe like the 12 tribes of Israel they wander for 40 years before they reach the promise land, of Earth an all of them will have died in battle or of old age and it will be their children and grand children that get to Earth Or this all could be one giant Red Herring which again would not surprise me.
From all accounts Earth is found quite early, long before the end of the series.

So what? Like...this Friday?

We are 5 episodes into the 20 episode final season...if its found "early" in the season...then that can't be that far away. We are a fourth of the way through already.
I've just started watching Season 4 and so far it's very good.I can't understand how the colonel could be a Cylon.Adama said that he has known him for more than 30 years.The last war with the Cylons was 40 years ago and no one had seen them until the attacks on the Colonies.In the first war they still looked like machines and they had no human models.
So just 10 years after that the Cylons already had at least one human model-Colonel Tigh.He came out of nowhere, had no record and no one knew him but he was allowed to become a military officer.That sounds a little strange to me.
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I've just started watching Season 4 and so far it's very good.I can't understand how the colonel could be a Cylon.Adama said that he has known him for more than 30 years.The last war with the Cylons was 40 years ago and no one had seen them until the attacks on the Colonies.In the first war they still looked like machines and they had no human models.
So just 10 years after that the Cylons already had at least one human model-Colonel Tigh.He came out of nowhere, had no record and no one knew him but he was allowed to become a military officer.That sounds a little strange to me.

Yea thats my issue with it too. The whole timing thing seems really off. Im assuming there is an explanation for all of it, but its not really apparent yet.
Tigh was not created by the Cylons , in fact the final 5 have existed in some form or another since the exodus from Kobol thousands of years ago. that's my take. But we'll see on that one.
Behold the final cylon...


All hail Governor Cylon!
Behold the final cylon...

All hail Governor Cylon!

You know, I was just talking with someone the other day about that. I thought back to when I was a kid growing up and I saw the movie Predator, and loved it. But never, in my wildest dreams, when I was watching it did it EVER occur to me that two people in that movie would go on to be Governors of States in the US...
You know, I was just talking with someone the other day about that. I thought back to when I was a kid growing up and I saw the movie Predator, and loved it. But never, in my wildest dreams, when I was watching it did it EVER occur to me that two people in that movie would go on to be Governors of States in the US...

Eh, both are better actors than Reagan.
OT, but have you seen Ventura making the media rounds lately, blathering on about 9/11 conspiracies and the like? What a silly, silly man.

Data would make an awesome cylon- they could give him Geordy LaForge's snazzy shades and add that cylon moving red light dealy. Bad-ass!

A buddy told me he read that the same guy did design work for both the original BSG and Knight Rider, hence the similar red light thing. Truly, a man amongst men. Right, David Hasselhoff?


This guy, however, could care less:


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