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various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26 AM

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

So the adjunct project has to be something that JMS said TMoS *wasn't*. When did JMS say that TMoS wasn't a miniseries?

I don't know about that. I mean, how long ago did he give us that list of what TMoS _wasn't_? In the fall? Things may have changed since then. Especially since we're talking about something that is adjunct to TMoS - it could be that in the course of negotiations, the possibility of taking the film to series came up, so that even though JMS said it _wasn't_ a series way back then (he did, didn't he?), it might in fact be that very thing now.

I think there's some confusion here about what JMS said and what my response to CE meant. We don't have to speculate on whether the adjunct to TMoS is something that JMS had already ruled out. JMS has now confirmed that the adjunct *is* something that he previously ruled out. As of this week, JMS has stated this plainly. My points was that since JMS never ruled out a miniseries, the adjunct to TMoS cannot be a miniseries.
Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

I don't think this makes any difference since JMS himself is referring back to his earlier posts. I'm pretty sure he knows what he ruled out then, and what the "adjunct" project is now.

I've got to disagree with this, Joe. What JMS said, verbatim, was this:

One oddity...constant readers will remember a while back when I was asked what TMoS was, and I provided a list of things it *wasn't*. The aforementioned oddity is...one of those things has come up as an adjunct to TMoS.

Here's how I parse that out:

"One oddity...constant readers will remember a while back when I was asked what TMoS was, and I provided a list of things it *wasn't*."

So, the focus of this thought, the subject we end up on is, the list of things that TMoS is _not_.

Next he says "The aforementioned oddity is...one of those things" that is, one of those things that he himself said TMoS was _not_ going to be "has come up as an adjunct to TMoS."

Thus, something he didn't figure on TMoS being came up during the (one assumes) protracted negotiations, and even though he told us a list of things we shouldn't expect, oddly enough, one of those striked-out items _is_ in fact going to be an adjunct of TMoS.

It seems fairly clear to me.

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

Ya know... I should be stopped from posting when it gets too late. :)

I just figured out that I'm pretty sure we all agree that the adjunct project to TMoS _is_ in fact something that JMS previously ruled out. I think the problem is my usually-fine reading comprehension.

I can only claim lack of sleep, and a far too busy week. Sorry!

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

* Re: Mini-series:

Am I going crazy? Did he not at some point say mini-series?

As it happens he didn't. But even if he had I wouldn't think it out of the question that the answer to your first question might be "Yes". :)

Ok, ok. I should've been much more specific. I am already quite crazy...what I meant to say was, "Am I going even more insane than I already am?" :rolleyes:


As for the whole mini-series thing...I was proceeding from a false and confused memory. :p I remember now that since mini-series was not in either of the JMS posts on things it "wasn't" (one post in Sept. 2003, and other in Feb. 2004), we all were speculating wildly that it could be a mini-series (amongst the few other things left open by JMS' list of ain'ts.) ;)

So a synapse fired across from one memory cell to the wrong one, drawing an incorrect recollection from the old storage medium. Ooops. But then, looking at the list again, the new adjunct project couldn't be a video game either, since he didn't list it.

I do agree with Joe here that any of these types of projects could well still be in the future for B5...but are not this particular project.

My question now is...when JMS was saying the new adjunct project was in the list of things he previously said it "wasn't," did that list include (at least in JMS' mind) the two items he said it wasn't back in Sept. 2003?

Back then he said it wasn't a print project or a series.

Later he specified comics and books, but did not include series.

We know now that a new series of novels is in the works, but by the way JMS worded it, this new adjunct project is something in addition to the new series of novels.

Given the list now that I have it all correctly in my little head...and using common sense as I stated before must come in to play...and (at least by my assumption) including the Sept. 2003 list of things it "wasn't"...then the new adjunct project is:

1) a new series
2) an animated series (or series of animated shorts like Animatrix or the SW: CW shorts)
3) a new comic

I think we can safely rule out: a radio drama or a stage play. And though it's not impossible, I still would rule out short story since we're already getting a new series of novels and if he can talk about that, then why not tell us about a short story?

Bottom line here is that we're all guessing and we really won't have a frelling clue until JMS comes out of his cave and sees his shadow or not. :eek: :LOL:

As for his latest post about ST, I find it fascinating that he and Bryce Zabel wrote a treatment to save Trek and give it a new series that would set it all right.

I also find it interesting that he was, in fact, asked to take the reigns and at the time turned them down.

The one mystery that still lingers in my head about Trek is this. If he was offered Enterprise last year and told them no...then why did he respond as he did in NJ? All he had to say was, "No, I'm not involved in ST and won't be."

Why the "I can't say anything about that" response?

I suppose it could be because he couldn't tell anyone that Manny was taking it over, but he could still have answered the question put to him without stealing a single bit of ST's thunder with Manny. Why the coy answer?

I'm only exploring some thoughts here and taking some little leaps of logic, so don't jump me anyone...but could the answer lie in this portion of his recent post on the matter:

Amusingly enough, on the Trek front, Bryce Zabel (the creator of Dark Skies)
and I got together and wrote a treatment earlier this year that specified how
to save ST and develop a series that would restore the series in a big way. I
actually think it could be a hell of a show. Whether that ever goes anywhere with Paramount, who knows?

He said "could be" not "could've been." He didn't say Paramount had turned it down, and from the way he worded it, they did submit it to Paramount (perhaps as their answer to being asked to run it -- i.e.: "I won't take over Enterprise, but here's an idea to save Trek, put it right, and give you a new series that I would be willing to do -- when you're ready").

Given that Paramount passed on B5 (a decision I'm sure they regret to this day -- and that Berman more or less stole B5 and turned it into DS9); and given that they recognized that JMS could well hold the power to save Trek and revitalize it; and given that Paramount currently has in their possession one treatment by JMS and Bryce Zabel for a new ST series that could save the dying franchise; and given that JMS himself states in his recent post, "Whether that ever goes anywhere with Paramount, who knows?" (which would indicate that Paramount has not said "no" up to the point where JMS posted this statement), then perhaps the reason that JMS couldn't say anything is because there is still a possibility that Paramount will do this new series once Enterprise has died or run its course (whichever comes first -- though I think death is inevitable).

I know, that was a really long and convoluted sentence...sorry. Bottom line, the treatment by JMS and Zabel is still with Paramount, and by his wording a "no" has not officially been stated, but perhaps it's been put to the side for now to see what happens. Meaning, JMS still couldn't say anything in NJ because, even to this day, this new ST series from JMS and Zabel is still, at the least, an outside possibility.

Wow...all that just to argue a simple theory and conclusion. :eek: :LOL:

Ok...my brain is tired now. :p

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

Here's how I parse that out:

"One oddity...constant readers will remember a while back when I was asked what TMoS was, and I provided a list of things it *wasn't*."

So, the focus of this thought, the subject we end up on is, the list of things that TMoS is _not_.

Next he says "The aforementioned oddity is...one of those things" that is, one of those things that he himself said TMoS was _not_ going to be "has come up as an adjunct to TMoS."

Thus, something he didn't figure on TMoS being came up during the (one assumes) protracted negotiations, and even though he told us a list of things we shouldn't expect, oddly enough, one of those striked-out items _is_ in fact going to be an adjunct of TMoS.

It seems fairly clear to me.

Regarding all this speculation and interpretation of the most obscure dialect of Vorlonese, I'm reminded of something Ivanova once said:

From War Without End, Part 1:

Delenn: Without Babylon 4, the Shadows would not have been defeated and driven from Z'Ha'Dum. Instead, they would have dug in and waited, with three times the amount of ships they would have had otherwise.

Ambassador Sinclair: She's telling the truth Captain. If we don't go along with this we'll change history, and the Shadows will come out of the last war stronger than they should be. We won't stand a chance against odds like that.

Captain Sheridan: Would you like to tell me what you base that on?

Ambassador Sinclair: Let's just say that my information comes from a very reliable source.

Captain Sheridan: So, you believe this?

Ambassador Sinclair: I believe it.

Marcus: If Entil'zha believes it, I believe it.

Commander Ivanova: I'll be in the car.


Speaking for myself, "I'll be in the car."
Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

From War Without End, Part 1:

Delenn: Without Babylon 4, the Shadows would not have been defeated and driven from Z'Ha'Dum. Instead, they would have dug in and waited, with three times the amount of ships they would have had otherwise.

Ambassador Sinclair: She's telling the truth Captain. If we don't go along with this we'll change history, and the Shadows will come out of the last war stronger than they should be. We won't stand a chance against odds like that.

Captain Sheridan: Would you like to tell me what you base that on?

Ambassador Sinclair: Let's just say that my information comes from a very reliable source.

Captain Sheridan: So, you believe this?

Ambassador Sinclair: I believe it.

Marcus: If Entil'zha believes it, I believe it.

Commander Ivanova: I'll be in the car.


Speaking for myself, "I'll be in the car."

Has anyone thought the series of books could be the Crusade storyline? There was always a big clamour for this until JMS said it wasn't likely because no one wanted a book series based onn a failed TV show? Well, maybe there's interest now.

Didn't JMS say that Crusade was somehow connected to TMoS when he was at that NJ high school?
Has anyone thought the series of books could be the Crusade storyline?

Yeah, pretty much everybody has thought of that. However, since JMS says elsewhere in the same message that we should expect new novels in the B5 universe, it seems pretty unlikely that he'd than plant an obscure clue telling us the same thing.

There was always a big clamour for this until JMS said it wasn't likely because no one wanted a book series based onn a failed TV show? Well, maybe there's interest now.

Actually, he said around the time that the Rangers pilot was in production that he'd consider seeing the Crusade story completed in book form if other options didn't pan out.

Didn't JMS say that Crusade was somehow connected to TMoS when he was at that NJ high school?

Not in so many words, no. When questions about Crusade and the technomages came up he pointed to the chalk-scrawl "TMoS 101" on the blackboard - but he never explained what he took those initials to mean. The project itself, literally? All of the possible new B5 projects swirling around in TMoS's wake - or did he mean that they were subjects that were embargoed just like TMoS itself. Everybody seems to read his gesture as "these things will be covered in TMoS", but a silently pointing finger is even more ambiguous (well, it can be, depending on where and how it's pointing ;)) than even the most obscure words. And we all know that JMS traffics in amibiguity. I wouldn't bet on a literal meaning for the way he played with that chalk-board message.


Enterprise (and any other series currently running) are out of the picture for the EP job (From a Friend on another board). CE, I hadn't seen this yet, so my apologies if you were referring to this, It's not my intention to try and "trump" you.
A few years ago a story went round that the credits on the Crusade episodes were incorrect. For instance Jeffery Willerth had been left off.
Has the conversion to DVD been used to correct the credits?
Insofar as I can recall, he was no longer a part of the production team at that point, so the credit situation was not an error.



Thanks to Wendy of PA, I have two more short video clips of JMS at the Hawthorne con. One is the footage from the photo shoot that we did by my car; and the other is from the classroom Q&A (where I tell JMS about how Enterprise did a little creative 'borrowing' in their episode "E Squared" - and he threatens me with a rubberband ).
The videos can be found at the bottom of: http://www.fjordstone.com/jmscon/

Good god, but I'm an annoying fellow....

By the way, did Buddy like his present?

Yes, he plays shark with it on a regular basis. (Translation: there's a clear plastic sheet -- harmless -- on one of the floors for some work being done, and he gets under it and circles the toy atop the plastic like a shark underwater. He's deeply disturbed.)



Over on one of the British B5 groups, they've been speculating that you're about to take over "Enterprise", but unless you've suddenly started using the word "series" in the British TV sense (i.e., what US TV calls a "season [of a series]"), that's out.

Enterprise has already been taken over by Manny Cotto. And why would jms go and work for Star Trek??

Manny Coto is, I believe, show runner; not EP.

No, just to clarify, though I got a call last year about coming onto Enterprise, offering an EP position, and declined; the series I mentioned has nothing to do with any current series, it's a new show. As for Manny, he's a good writer, and left to his own devices, I think he could be a big help over there without the other powers that be impeding the process.

Amusingly enough, on the Trek front, Bryce Zabel (the creator of Dark Skies) and I got together and wrote a treatment earlier this year that specified how to save ST and develop a series that would restore the series in a big way. I actually think it could be a hell of a show. Whether that ever goes anywhere with Paramount, who knows?

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

When questions about Crusade and the technomages came up he pointed to the chalk-scrawl "TMoS 101" on the blackboard - but he never explained what he took those initials to mean. The project itself, literally? All of the possible new B5 projects swirling around in TMoS's wake - or did he mean that they were subjects that were embargoed just like TMoS itself. Everybody seems to read his gesture as "these things will be covered in TMoS", but a silently pointing finger is even more ambiguous (well, it can be, depending on where and how it's pointing ) than even the most obscure words. And we all know that JMS traffics in amibiguity. I wouldn't bet on a literal meaning for the way he played with that chalk-board message.

To make you even more crazy, it should be noted that JMS did _not_ point to "TMoS 101" on the blackboard. He pointed to a smudge of chalk that he himself had erased, that _formerly_ said TMoS. So you could maybe take that to mean that, every time he pointed to that spot on the blackboard as a reply, he was saying that the project in question had been erased, disappeared, gone off into the ether...in short, it was an ex-project.

<grinning, ducking, running>

Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26

To make you even more crazy, it should be noted that JMS did _not_ point to "TMoS 101" on the blackboard. He pointed to a smudge of chalk that he himself had erased, that _formerly_ said TMoS. So you could maybe take that to mean that, every time he pointed to that spot on the blackboard as a reply, he was saying that the project in question had been erased, disappeared, gone off into the ether...in short, it was an ex-project.

<grinning, ducking, running>


Lets see. The TMoS has been removed so it is only half there.

101/2 rounded up = 51

Can we call the smudge Area 51 ? ;)
Enterprise (and any other series currently running) are out of the picture for the EP job (From a Friend on another board). CE, I hadn't seen this yet, so my apologies if you were referring to this, It's not my intention to try and "trump" you.

Ah, you didn't....look up a few posts, I've already speculated it to death and drawn my usual "Trek sucks and JMS could still save it" conclusions. :D

And Aisling? I will chase after you. :devil: ;)

Yea, I saw you do the speculating, but, I didn't see a post that actually said that Enterprise or any other running series was dismissed by JMS, therefore the disclaimer, figuring I had probably missed seeing something, otherwise, why would you be so confident? ;)
Yea, I saw you do the speculating, but, I didn't see a post that actually said that Enterprise or any other running series was dismissed by JMS, therefore the disclaimer, figuring I had probably missed seeing something, otherwise, why would you be so confident? ;)

I'm psychic...didn't you know that? :D

As for him being a consultant...he didn't say that....he said he was asked to come onboard to EP Enterprise. He declined. Yet, he still created a new treatment for a new Trek series and a plan to save it. This is why I'm not so sure (instinct here) that JMS and Trek are quite done with each other. ;)
If there were a bunch of B5 fans held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, they need only get JMS in to torture them :p

Anyway...is there any room left in the car?
Ok, this is where I put my bets:

1 - The "encoded message" has nothing to do with the DVDs.
For me, it suggests that the feature film will be shot/ FXed in England (Pinewood Studios, maybe) and Australia.

2 - When he says that he'll be spending some time in London later this year, it couldn't be in a new or existing TV series because TMoS is his more important project at the moment and depending on the money involved, maybe the more important project of his life.

3 - The multitude of fronts that he mentioned on V1.0 is (like we all know by now) a B5 series of novels and (here goes my guess) a computer or video game, since WB is deep in this market after The Matrx and TLotR trilogies.

And finally, and I say it again, it's just my opinion, I think we'll hear some Crusade news shortly.

But I can't denied that, like the majority of this board, I would love to see a new B5 TV series.
Who knows for sure?
Only him...
For those who missed the other thread:

"Trumpets will sound from the wrong side of the river,
The three brothers, Harry, Jack and Albert go forth.
Into a hole seven wide by three high his head fits,
When the ides of May pass slowly."

-- Quatrain 1, 25, The Prophecies of Nostraczynski




That's brilliant, Joe! Now if you could just translate it into the original French/Latin/Gibberish, if you wouldn't mind...

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