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  1. K


    I purchased the first three seasons and am wondering if the price for the fourth season will come down. Recently Paramount has slashed the asking price for some of the Star Trek sets.
  2. K

    Joshua Cox Sighting

    I have been watching Strong Medicine and I managed to recognize Joshua from his B5 days as David Corwin.
  3. K

    Battlestar galactica question

    I remember that there was mention of a BG movie by Larson at the 15th anniversary convention for the show. What happened? Larson was scheduled to do one with Todd Moyer.
  4. K

    Battlestar Galactica-Colonial Fan Force Arrives

    http://pp226.proboards25.com/index.cgi?board=pics&action=display&num=1084020646 Since it's humble beginnings an ad has been purchased and the list continues to grow as far as contributors.
  5. K

    Jerry Doyle Sighting.

  6. K

    Bruce Boxleitner Sighting

  7. K

    The Last Week of B5

    I noticed that sci fi channel will not be showing the series after this week????
  8. K

    Gaming Question?

    With the popularity of PS2, I am wondering if a game will be made for this platform?
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  10. K

    Sheridan Question.

    I have been pondering this for some time. Sinclair had a Minbari soul. Did Sheridan possess one also?
  11. K

    Jerry Doyle Sighting.

    I saw him on J.A.G. last night. He played the commanding officer of a marine who is accused of using deadly force to stop a civilian who had went on a rampage. Doyle looks great as if he hasn't aged a day from B5's last episode. I would love to see him reprise the role of Garibaldi.
  12. K

    Please Read-Galacticon!!!

  13. K

    Mellisa Gilbert In New TV Movie

    She will appear tonight on CBS in Hollywood Wives: The New Generation at 9PM EST.
  14. K

    Galactica DVDs

    They hit the shelf next Tuesday the 21st.
  15. K

    The Million Dollar Question???

    Will we be seeing anything new in the world of B5 anytime soon?
  16. K

    Mutant X Returns.

    I watched last night. Without giving anything away it is a whole new show. Adam is M.I.A. and Emma is gone. tribune has retooled the show like they have done to others in the past.
  17. K

    New BG Board

    Hello all, I have launched a new Battlestar Galactica forum for all of those interested at: http://pp303.proboards21.com/index.cgi
  18. K

    The Dead Zone

    I watched the season finale which left more questions than answers.I wonder if they are bringing it back.
  19. K

    New Galactica Petition

    I started one at: http://www.petitiononline.com/pp303/petition.html
  20. K

    Michael O'Hare

    Michael O\'Hare Does anybody have an idea if he has any upcoming projects on the horizon?