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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

One could speculate, that this our Earth, thousands of years after out time. or conversely thousands of years before our time, The legend of Atlantis in our culture? No way of knowing for sure on this one, until next year.
Holy mother of Xenu, people, it's true- another "break." Just enough time for me to stop caring by the time it comes back. What jerks.

Man Torri is a bitch, isn't she? The little turncoat was the first to bail on the human race and hop aboard the base star. She didnt even care to wait to do it in secret, she just made up an excuse so she could go aboard right away.

Well come on, that was rather expected. She took to the idea of being a Cylon rather quickly, because it made her feel special and important and powerful.

The reaction that interested me most was subtle: the Chief. He was relieved, I think.
But more importantly, he's got this I-just-don't-give-a-f attitude that they could really do something awesomem with.

I don't remember the ruins in the book you're talking about, Recoil. If that's so, then why would they want to go there in the first place?
Again I haven't seen this far forward...but is it not morelikely given the similarity in culutral references, that the colonials actually came from Earth in the first place and have simply forgotten because they have been away for so long and had no contact.

The cylons themselves say they have read the human race's texts and know more about colonial history than colonials do.

If the architecture is more in line with what we saw on Caprica,surely this lends even more credence to the idea.

This is an idea I've toyed with over and over that, when you think about it, has some merit. Of course, there are variations on this idea that could be used, so it's all still open to many possibilities if this were to be the case. It does however lend itself nicely to the concept of "this has all happened before and it will all happen again" doesn't it?

I loved this ep! I thought it was brilliant. I suspected that Earth would be in some form of ruin, but to what extent, etc., I didn't know. Now I do or do I? Alluveal, you know as well as I do that they only just found out about Tigh, Tori, Tyrol and Sam, so of course we'll get more development and character interplay before the end. RM himself stated that this was not planned to be a cliffhanger and he argued with Sci-Fi not to put a break in it, but it was Sci-Fi who wanted to stretch it out. It's a cult phenomenon, of course they want to milk it. Are any of you really that surprised by that decision? Although, thanks to the milking of BSG we've gotten more milk (see link below).

The point now is that there is still plenty left that has to happen and plenty left to reveal and explain. Yes for me there is still plenty of mystery left to hold me and to anyone who thinks people won’t tune back in to see the end…think again. Who’s the fifth? When in Earth’s history are we? What happened? Where do we go from here? Why do the hybrids know so much? How is it that the final 5 have been to Earth, yet Tigh, Tyrol, Tori and Sam have no memory of it? Who’s behind all of this? Where will it finally end?

Remember, in the recent interview (link posted previously), Olmos stated that it doesn’t end well for the humans. And Aaron Douglas stated that nothing he’s read anywhere even comes close to identifying the 5th cylon. I still have my theories on the ending, but I know and expect at least a couple more twists are coming before we get there. If there’s one thing this show is great at, it’s keeping you guessing.

As for the new TV movies and some excellent news on the final half of the season (the final ep will be 3 hours long! YES!), here is a link to a new article over at darkhorizons.com: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news08/080613m.php

I hate that we now have to wait, but hell, we had to wait at times on B5 and on Lost and Heroes and let us not all forget that there was a writer's strike in the middle of all this (which we supported, remember?). Be grateful that the series is finished shooting now and any impending actor's strike won't delay that much, though it may delay or cancel any TV movies. So I say let's get to making them movies a-pronto!

I also still believe that any movies would be where backstory will be given to build up the ending and who the 5th is, much like Razor flushed out the hybrid story and some cylon history, not to mention frakked with Starbuck's storyline. Let's not forget that she is being heralded as the harbinger of death. I'm not sure we've seen exactly what that means yet.

The idea that the 5th is not in the fleet is very interesting. Is the 5th not there? Or does she not really know? Is the fifth the hybrids? Is the fifth something bigger, the one pulling all the strings? Who is pulling all the strings?

And I don't care if the show has a somewhat morose ending, in fact, I expect it won't be all daffodils and dancing. I fully expect a fairly dark ending but with that glimmer of hope, that sign of a new story beginning, that it wasn't all in vain...something will go on and begin again. And if you need a happy Hollywood ending to make this, one of the best dramas ever made for television, something you would watch again, then...well...I'm sorry. I fully expect to rewatch it all once it's done because I know I'm going to find all kinds of things I never noticed before, just like I did with B5 (and still do sometimes). In a show like this, like B5, the second watching is different than the first but just as interesting and spell-binding because now that you know the end, you look for things you never thought to look for before.

No, I don't think we'll get a completely bleak ending, but don't expect a thriving, peaceful, happy human/cylon civilization reclaiming earth and making a glorious new future. We also can't forget, there is another group of Cylons out there, folks, and they're pissed...and they're going to be even more pissed when they find out that everyone went on without them.

No, not a happy ending do I see; but not a completely bleak one either. Like life (which this show has been very much like) it's all gray baby...it's all shades of frakkin gray!

It's a cult phenomenon, of course they want to milk it.

Sure. And we've all gotten used to cliiffhangers, an extra season or two that are unnecessary, cheap red-herring plot devices and other nasty tricks that they use in popular shows. But this constant cliffhanger-break thing... in the middle of seasons!... is a bit much. It feels like a bad, unnecessarily long blowjob.

anyone who thinks people won’t tune back in to see the end…think again

Oh of course we'll tune back in.

But I don't think I'll ever watch a show on the air again. If they still care about ratings and not just DVD rentals and sales, it's not a good idea to piss off the viewing audience like this.

Btw, I guess the doctor theory is out, assuming Deanna was correct and honest about there being only 4 cylons on the fleet.
I think it could be cool if it were a new character, that could be done right.

I don't think anyone wants a "happy Hollywood ending." I think we're all in agreement that we just don't want it to be cheap, or gimmicky. A little gimmick is fine here and there, but not the end, not when we're left with have to piece it all together and taking away something from it.
Something that came to mind for me was, "this looks like Earth to some extend--blue and atmosphere, etc." But, we didn't get any glimpse at land formations and continents. So, we are still in the dark about the time it is.

Also, there is the possibility that it's not Earth, though I imagine if they are standing on these ruins, they're looking for the colonial beacon set up to guide them there. And that beacon, I believe, is also what's making the music go off in the Tigh/Tyrol/Tory/Anders' heads.

If it's not Earth, it's a planet that looks like Earth to some degree (at first glance) and that's in the same solar system. Maybe Mars (if Mars was once like Earth and bomblasted to hell.) I always had this idea for a book about Mars once being like Earth and it was destroyed by nukes and mankind had to travel to Earth to repopulate another planet. But, that's stretching it, I know. Maybe the Face on Mars is Baltar. Wouldn't that be a kick in the butt.

Given the spoilers we have been made aware of (high body count, grim ending,) there is going to be something big happening, something that requires another half-season of episodes and a 3-hour finale. Either the cylons and humans start at it again, or something is up with Earth.

Starbuck is the harbinger of death, that will lead mankind to their ruin. She's led them to "their ruin" in a sense already. Mankind is gone on Earth that we can see. Just a possible play of words, but I think there's more to that, definitely.There's more, period: Caprica Six is preggo. Tyrol can still find out about Tory (hasta la vista, snatchy poo,) and yes, Roslyn isn't supposed to be there to "find Earth." Maybe it was the final 5 who were sent to find Earth, they did and blew it to hell, but realized their mistake and chose to lead mankind there to repopulate. Who knows. Is it worth it guessing anymore? Haha.

In the preview for the next part of the season, I think it's Tigh that says, "you're the last one." At least, I think it was his voice. There is a reason it's his voice, imho. Maybe Ellen's the last one, haha. Ugh.

Anyway, that's it for now!
Considering everything Ron Moore and company have thrown at us over the past 3 plus seasons, A cheery ending wouldn't exactly work here anyways. I did find the mid season ending pretty bleak. I shudder to think what the ending of this series is going bring. Whatever it is, the conclusion to this series is going to be damned unhealthy.
As if watching Adama cry man-tears wasn't unhealthy enough!

Hey I thought Adama's breakdown was a wonderful scene! God knows he's held it all together for all this time and now finding out his best friend is a cylon and that he's been a fool for 30 years...I'm surprised he came back as quickly as he did.

The idea that the 5th is not in the fleet is very interesting. Is the 5th not there? Or does she not really know? Is the fifth the hybrids? Is the fifth something bigger, the one pulling all the strings? Who is pulling all the strings?

And I don't care if the show has a somewhat morose ending, in fact, I expect it won't be all daffodils and dancing.

I don't think the hybrids can be the 5th model...because they are cylons and everyone knows they are cylons. That wouldn't make much sense, would it? I guess the same goes for the Centurion theory. Technically the Centurions, Raiders, etc are all Cylon models as well...they just aren't "Skinjob" models. The final model to be revealed is supposed to be the last of the "skinjob" models...so Hybrids and Centurions should be OUT.

I also don't want a dancing in the daisy's ending. B5 didn't have that kind of an ending...in many ways it was rather sad, but it was the best ending of a TV show I have seen. I've seem some other great endings too that were not all upbeat.

I really think that by the ending, all of the major mysteries need to have been answered (duh). The Earth and Colonial history should be flushed out. And it needs to be something that doesn't make the whole series "pointless." Having everyone die with little or no glimmer of hope may be a "critics choice" type ending, but in my mind it makes watching the series a second time pointless, because I know it ends badly, so who cares about the journey anymore...it seems less significant to me. However I dont think they will do that. There may be chaos, but I'm hoping things get tied up well, and as many of said, that there are plans and hope for the future.

Lastly, regarding Earth. The reason I kept putting "Earth" in quotes is because I'm still not convinced this is OUR Earth. Constellations match....against what? Where the 13th tribe went? Maybe they went there first, and things ended badly, THEN they went to OUR Earth. I think BSG found the Earth for their part of the story based on information they had....but it doesnt have to end with that. The fact that I could see no detail at all as to shapes of continents to me means it could be any planet. That had to have been done deliberately. They could have made any number of shots of the planet to show South America, the Mediterranean, India, the US, etc....but they didn't. It was all obscured.

I guess its possible that this BSG takes place in a completely "alternate" reality and that their Earth isn't ours, and we don't exist in their Universe. I hope thats not the case though, as that was always the appeal of the story even back to the original. In any case...I'm still not convinced that where they are is our Earth per say...at least not from what they have shown us so far.
Hey I thought Adama's breakdown was a wonderful scene! God knows he's held it all together for all this time and now finding out his best friend is a cylon and that he's been a fool for 30 years...I'm surprised he came back as quickly as he did.

I totally agree! It was hard to watch, though! It was totally heart-wretching.
Heh.. an alternate earth that also has a Bob Dylan.

Alluveal, your long post above was funny.

One thing about this episode- Lee Adama didn't want to make me smash his stupid face in this time. This is the first time I've seen an episode with him in it since season 2 where that's true.
Hey, ! GKarsEye i think you've solved the mystery of the final Cylon, It's none other then Bob Dylan ! This is issue of guilt by association, its his song after all. (LOL)
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What if the 13th tribe knew the cylon plan all along (they've certainly made provision for the cylons pursuit) and are using Galactica and her ragtag fleet as bait to draw the cylons into a trap on a decoy Earth so they can finish the cylons off once and for all.
I assume they meant against the zodiac constellations that Roslin, Adama, Starbuck, and Apollo saw in the Tomb of Athena.

Agreed. That doesn't mean that they are OUR constellations.

As far as the13th tribe knowing about the Cylon plan all along...thats pretty far fetched. Given the 13th tribe supposedly left thousands of years ago (which is also hard to believe they have had space flight that long...but whatever) and at most it has been 100 years since the Cylons were created....that doesn't make a lot of sense.
As far as the13th tribe knowing about the Cylon plan all along...thats pretty far fetched. Given the 13th tribe supposedly left thousands of years ago (which is also hard to believe they have had space flight that long...but whatever) and at most it has been 100 years since the Cylons were created....that doesn't make a lot of sense.

Fair enough about the forknowledge.

But as to the believing in the 13th tribe having space flight... you are only taking into account the view that the people on Kobol started their civilization from scratch. I don't believe that. I do think they came from Earth (but possibly not using ftl travel so either in a self sustaining ship or hibernation). By the time they arrived they had little to no communication with homeworld and developed their own culture as an offshoot of what they remembered being handed down in books/bedtime stories etc.

All the colonials had space travel at the time life on Kobol went nuts... because it was the events on Kobol that led them all to split up into separate tribal worlds.

So I don't think it's unbelievable they had spaceflight at all.
So they're from some vantage point in the galaxy that would yield twelve constellations identical to the twelve of our zodiac?

I guess I dont remember when it was stated that the constellations were OUR zodiac. Was that back in the first season when they were at the first temple thingy? If thats the case, then thats fine.
It was in the second season episode "Home Part II". Apollo had broken Roslin out of prison and the two of them sought refuge with Tom Zarek. Half, or so, of the fleet rallied to Roslin's side against the marial law enacted by Tigh, and they all jumped back to Kobol. There they began looking for the Temple of Athena, and when joined by Adama once he woke up from his coma post-gunshot, they took the arrow Starbuck had retrieved. Once they realized that they had to place the arrow in the hand of a statue of Sagittarius, Roslin, Adama, Apollo, and Starbuck found themselves standing in a holographic projection of a planet surrounded by stone pillars on which were carved the emblems of the 12 colonies and above each was its respective zodiac constellation. I think it was Starbuck that realized that the display was a map to Earth in that it demonstrated what the constellations would look like to someone standing on the surface of Earth.

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