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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

I always suspended belief about that stuff. For shows like BSG that have humans with no contact with Earth...one might assume they DO talk in a different language than English. Maybe Latin, maybe their own language, but lets face it, this is a TELEVISION SHOW in the US. What, are going to subtitle the whole thing? Not a chance.

This is my take on it as well. I imagine when they reach Earth, we’ll hear Earthers speaking “English” and everyone else speaking in whatever language it’s evolved into. Unless, Earth is the true birthplace of mankind and English became the dominant world religion, thus stretching out into the universe.

In B5, English seems the official Earth language. The aliens speak in “English” to one another (though we know they can speak to one another in their own language.) For example, when we watch “In the Beginning” Sheridan and Doc are on the Minbari ship and the Minbari are speaking in their own tongue (subtitles,) yet for the first half of the movie, they were speaking in English to save time.

I think that in BSG Ron Moore should have created this distant civilization much more different than our own.He did a good job with phrases like "Oh my gods" or "So say we all" but most of the things look very familiar to our modern culture.For example the interior of the rooms could have looked more ancient Greek.

Well they have those fun corners on the pages (well no corners, I should say.) But, I think it tells us one of two things:

1. Earth has played a huge part in the 12 colonies and its social structure, terminology, language and so forth.


2. The 12 colonies have played a huge part on Earth’s evolution.
Interesting episode.

Natalie will live, I think.

Go Gaeta and your badass singing voice! Interesting how Baltar was there. I wonder if he will convert Gaeta to the new religion.

Zerrick is at the top of my list now for the final cylon.

Romo Lampkin is due for a return next week (the lawyer from season 3 / "Badger" from Firefly.)

No idea where the baseship jumped to. Was it the hybrid who did it? Or Leoben who arranged it. A nice hostage = the president. Wonder if Baltar will be happy to be back on a baseship (snicker.)

That's all for now. Late night. Until tomorrow...
Go Gaeta and your badass singing voice! Interesting how Baltar was there. I wonder if he will convert Gaeta to the new religion.

Much of anything is possible on this show, but as it stand right now, I look at it more as Baltar just caring about Gaeta. Baltar's mostly a selfish ass, but with Gaeta's having been so nice to him, Baltar genuinely cares about Gaeta. Sort of like when Lennier gets injured saving Londo from an explosion in B5; Londo truly feels deeply concerned about Lennier laying in medlab injured and unconscious. Unless shown anything otherwise, I took away a similar feeling seeing Baltar looking at Gaeta.
By Killing that version of six Sharron may have fullfilled the prophecy that she will loose Hera to something greater, That Opera House what does it do what is its purpose? Opera houses are places where there is song, Music, great drama's are performed mostlyy tragedies, like the one between the Cylons and the Colonials. What Sharron and Laura witnessed was a climax to that drama, that may play into the meaning of the opera house Hera symbolizes hope for both, Baltar and Six appear to be fascilitators of a union between both peoples, a wedding of sorts, and Hera is the symbol of that unity, that was always her purpose and think she may have had that Knowledge in her from birth We need one of two more pieces of information and I think we will all have the answer on this one. Gaeta's singing may play into this whole opera thing as well, At Operas there is sing as well, that is part of the story telling elements, In the Last Supper TigH's menacing stare at Boomer and Helo now comes in focus, He is fearful for Caprica Six's life, and he warning Sharon and Helo off, telling them if they try to harm six he will stop them both,. We are going to see the last supper cluse's fall into place now:cool: Of Course the last supper was followed by a Crucifixion(Tragedy Element) and then 3 days later savior rising from the dead, 3 Symbolism? Baltar(like John the Baptist paving the way) ,Six(redeemer) Hera(Rebirth)the number 3 again symbolism? Then again each cast member in the last supper might correspond to to each figure and mabye that might give us all the unformation, but what complicates things is that the storylines IN BSG are retro arked. Then again the symbolism of the whole opera House could simply portend the tragedy yest to come for both sides in this.
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It was a cool episode. Great to know that Starbuck is the "harbinger of death" to the cylons, if the plan to destroy the resurrection hub works.
Ok, you guys need to help me sort out all the Sharons and cylon babies.

Is this the first we've seen of Hera since she was a baby? Man I totally lost track of this whole thing, and I think in this case it's the fault of the show- my sister, a bigger fan of the show than I, is also confused about it last we spoke. We weren't even clear on how many half-Cylon babies there are. I said two:
1. Hera, Athena's child she had with Helo on Caprica.
2. The Chief's kid.

My sister thought there was another, with the other Sharon model.
Part of this confusion is related to all the Sharon models. So there was originally "Boomer," a pilot on Battlestar Galactica, didn't know she was a cylon, was having a love affair with the chief, was "woken up" by the cylons, sabotaged Galactica, and shot Admiral Adama. Then some stuff happened with her I don't remember what, which I think involved her dying and being resurrected on a Cylon base ship. She has since switched her allegiance completely to the Cylons, now being the only Sharon model (8?) to side with the "conservatives" of the Cylon civil war (Quantum Leap cylon, black guy cylon, and Kevin Spacey cylon) and is having a love affair with the leader of this faction, one of the Quantum Leap cylons.

Then there is Athena- she started as a full cylon (aware, etc), was ordered to pretend she was Boomer when Helo was on Caprica (for some reason, I don't remember), then genuinely fell in love with him and had his baby. She spent an entire season in Galactica prison being pregnant and having a baby and yelling and crying a lot and just her and Helo being unbearably dull and annoying. Despite all that, she switched her allegiance completely to the humans, for some reason. So essentially the two sides switched Sharons. Then some stuff happened with her baby- she was stolen, she got her back somehow I guess... something. And then we didn't hear about it for like a whole season.

Now there's another Sharon with the rebel faction of the Cylon civil war, representing her model.

That about right?
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While you all are helping GKE, I'll toss in another request. Help me sort out these other Cylons:

Caprica Six - She is the one who slept with Baltar in the miniseries, and is current in the brig on Galactica, right? She is the "physical" version of what is running around in Baltar's head, right?

"Natalie" Six - Who the piss is she and when/where did she come from? Why is she important enough to have her own name?

Sharon "Athena" - OK, I'm pretty sure I got this one. This is the Sharon model that was on Caprica with Helo and mother of Hera.

Sharon "Boomer" - Is this the one who shot Adama that was originally hooking up with the Chief? Is she still in the series or no?

I also feel like there is another Sharon running around out there that is "more of an individual" than the rest...but I can't place if, how, or why.

One thing, watching a series on Live TV over 3-4 years, I tend to forget shit like this. When watching a series through on DVD, its much easier on the brain. :)
The vision in the Opera house seems to suggest the ending of One cycle Tragicallyand possibly the beginning of a new Cycle of Tragedy, Remember it has happened before and it will happen again. Hey Opera remember?
Is this the first we've seen of Hera since she was a baby?
Hmm, we saw her in the president's visions at the opera house (that she shared with 6 and Athena at the end of season 3.) Since then, not until tonight that I recall.

We weren't even clear on how many half-Cylon babies there are. I said two:

1. Here, Athena's child she had with Helo on Caprica.
2. The Chief's kid.

Bingo. Only two that we know of. I still have my suspicions than Starbuck is a hybrid, or a child OF a hybrid, but that's a personal theory and nothing more.

Sharon models:

After she shot Adama, they kept her in custody. Tigh bitz-slapped her a few times for shooting "the old man." Chief was put in the cell with her because of their affair (thought he was one, too. Little did they know--muhahah!) While they were transporting Sharon, Callie offed her.

Later in season 2 we went back and saw her download on Caprica. She freaked out. "AHH! Where am I!" Was having difficulty being brought back into the 8 collective, so they sent Caprica 6 to try and ease her in--else she might be boxed. They started getting paranoid that D'Anna (3) put them together for dubious reasons and began conspiring together. Maybe it was wrong to kill the humans. They are heroes after all (Boomer 8 and Caprica 6)--the things they could do! They could sway some of the others.

They were in the garage when Anders and his group of Merry men attacked. He was caught inside with all three and when D'Anna was about to shoot him, Six offed her and thus the "new rebellion" was born--led by the heroes.

Leap forward to New Caprica. The cylons find the humans. Caprica 6 and Boomer 8 are there to prove humans and cylons can live together. Some of the next is fuzzy. It's my belief that they simply didn't know how to do this and allowed the higher powers (Brother Cavil and Kevin Spacey model) to take control which meant cylons enslaving the humans. Things fell apart. IMHO, they didn't write this well enough.

The next we see of Boomer, she's on the baseship with Hera who will die if she doesn't get human doctors and human help. Athena had Helo shoot her on Galactica so she could download into the res-ship and get her baby back. Boomer suddely wanted to kill Hera, "Snap her little neck."

Next jump with Boomer is that she's now siding with Cavil against her own models. They need to fill in some holes there. They've royally fracked Boomer up and she's just being flopped around. They have ends to tie up. It's confusing.

Athena: Yes, pretended to be Boomer with Helo so they could do the deed and get preggo. They think it has to do with love (from the human or the cylon model or both.) Maybe it was just genetics and luck. But, she got knocked up and was to return to her cylon friends, but chose to stay with Helo. I believe she chose her side on Caprica when she stole Starbuck's stolen cylon raider and then came back to help them.

She spent an entire season in Galactica prison being pregnant and having a baby and yelling and crying a lot and just her and Helo being unbearably dull and annoying.

LMAO, exactly. She did help the fleet once when she plugged Galactica directly into her arm and then sent a virus back to the raiders so the vipers could pick them off like buttah.

They were going to abort Athena's baby, but Baltar discovered that Hera's blood (or the amnio fluid in Athena's gestational sac) cured the president's cancer. They put off the abortion, but when Hera was born, they told Athena the baby had died and then gave it to some other lady to raise. The president had ordered this and she and Tory were the only ones who knew that I recall.

Meanwhile, Athena was made full officer again before they stormed New Caprica--Adama swore her in despite Lee's feelings and she's proven herself over and over in my eyes. I don't think the writers would frack with that loyalty at this point. She considers herself human.

Whoever was in charge of protecting Hera during the Exodus off New Caprica failed. D'Anna, Caprica 6 and Baltar found the baby. D'Anna kept her and took her back to the baseship.

As stated above, Athena finally learned that Hera was alive. I think this happened when Athena went down to New Caprica disguised as "just another 8" in order to get info or mess with the cylon defense system. I think it was Boomer who told her in the hallway and did so to fill her with doubt and out of spite that Athena has what she always wanted--a life with the fleet, a husband and baby. Later, Athena did learn the truth from Adama (who got it from Pres.). She knew what she had to do. She asked Helo blast her and she rez'ed to get her baby. Caprica 6 helped her escape. Now baby is back with mom and Helo and is apparently dreaming of 6.

I don't know who the "other" Sharon is that you're talking about. I've seen a few other 8 models with the rebels--one that was shot by the centurion when she unplugged the hybrid and her blood went into the hybrid tank. There are a few there. A good half dozen greeted Athena when Starbuck landed the raptor on the baseship. I don't think any are really significant like Athena or Boomer.

Hope that all made sense. Weeee!

Caprica Six - She is the one who slept with Baltar in the miniseries, and is current in the brig on Galactica, right? She is the "physical" version of what is running around in Baltar's head, right?

"Natalie" Six - Who the piss is she and when/where did she come from? Why is she important enough to have her own name?

Caprica Six. The one who slept with Baltar and got into the defense mainframe which allowed the cylons to blast the humans to smithereens. She also killed a wee little baby in the miniseries, but maybe she did it out of mercy as she knew the baby would die in the blast. Who knows. Saved Baltar's life when his house was wasted.

We later see her downloaded and she's asking where Baltar is. Balter is in HER head. Odd! She talks to him like he's really there, D'Anna model thinks she's a bit off. She goes through some cylon therapy and starts to get better. Then Boomer downloads and she's sent to help her. The two do their coup deal and the whole New Caprica fiasco happens. They are both forced to leave during the human Exodus off New Caprica. We see 6 later when Athena downloads to get Hera. Now, she's on Galactica.

Natalie is just new--a new voice among the Sixes. She seems similar to the Gina (Pegasix model.) Will be curious to see how she interacts with the 6 in the brig. I think she'll live. She's too cool to kill right away. And she looks badass hot with the less severe blonde hair.

That was fun to type out, haha.
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If she 's in the last supper picture, then she's cant be dead yes she still has a role to play, in all of this she is the picture point at Caprica six in the middle I Wonder what Tigh and the rest of them are going to do when and if Dana Bhers gets unboxed, that should make make for an awkward moment for them. I don't think they are going to do anything about it, they want to know the identity of the 5th as well, because they need to know what it's all been for even at the risk of being exposed, but I think at somepoint that won't be an issue for them any more, maybe there would be an acceptance on the part of Adama and company.
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Thank you, Alluveal. Hope your fingers don't hurt now.

So basically I remembered most of the things right, especially the switching Sharons part.

Leap forward to New Caprica. The cylons find the humans. Caprica 6 and Boomer 8 are there to prove humans and cylons can live together. Some of the next is fuzzy. It's my belief that they simply didn't know how to do this and allowed the higher powers (Brother Cavil and Kevin Spacey model) to take control which meant cylons enslaving the humans. Things fell apart. IMHO, they didn't write this well enough.

Of course it's written well- it's to show that a foreign power can't occupy a people that hates them and force them to be better, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, iraq, know-wha-I-mean, he asked him knowingly...
The storylines were written well, of course, but what the hell happened?

Why did the cylons suddenly show up, with the rebels (Caprica 6/Boomer 8) there, all ready to change stuff, then enslave the humans instead?

Never explained.

What happened with the whole coup on the inside (that C6/B8 began?)

No idea.

Why did Boomer 8 turn out to be such a raging freak? What happened?

No idea. Huge plot holes. They missed a lot of stuff. And it's not just "wait and see, we'll find out later." That boat has sailed. To try and fill it in now would feel forced.
The Cylons did not just suddenly show up, I wager that when Gina blew herself and the liner up, that was signal flair to the Cylon fleet alerting them to the poition, Its possible that the Cylons may have observing them for the year prior to them showing up. One could speculate on the idea that the Cylons were debating other whether to Exterminate,Occupy or leave the humans alone on New Caprica, they most likel choose occupation as a compromise .As for bother Cavil obviously he did not wanted to live peace with humans. Never did.
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Well I thought that the cylons plan did change.

I felt that their arrival on New Caprica signalled a change from the position of "lets wipe out the entire race", to one of "they are wrong, let's try to co-exist by ruling over them with an iron fist".

But it didn't last for long.

And I thought that Kevin spacey cylon actually gave the reason the cylons showed up when they did. The cylons couldn't find the colonials because of the special properties of the nebula around New Caprica, but when the nuke went off, they detected it as was stated by Garovorkin.
Yeah, Gina's bomb tipped them off as Garo said, but as far as the humans were concerned, they sure showed up out of nowhere.

I just wish that more happened with that. We see 6/boomer getting all excited to lead an insurrection and they dropped it until the finale of season 3 where they just showed up ready to go!

I think what bothers me the most is the whole Boomer character evolution (if you can call it that.) They let her slip through the cracks. She was one of season 1's most compelling characters (same going into season 2.) Poor thing, suspects she's a cylon. Her relationship with Chief was interesting. She was fighting the cylon urges, then meets up with a whole army of 8's when she dropped the bomb off (creepy as heck.) After she was downloaded, she disappeared until they conveniently needed her.

Kind of lame.
That's something that bugged me at the time -- now I'm not as invested in the show, so I don't especially care -- but I got annoyed that the opening credit sequence went on for so long with the line "they have a plan" and then we end up with them throwing that away. That pretty much tells me that the writers didn't have them actually having a plan, they just said it to try to hype things up without having written an actual plan that they were referencing in that line.

And yeah, someone eventually said Gina's explosion alerted the cylons to the fleet's location. I don't know if it was Doral specifically or not, but it easily could've been him.

I agree with the whole Six/Boomer led civil rebellion; it seemed like it was supposed to be a major turn in cylon thoughts and behavior, but it ended up being just a momentary change that really didn't have the significance that it was set up to have.