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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

See, I don't think the visions are overdone. It's just Adama and Roslyn passing around their gigantic space doobie that they were seen sharing on New Caprica.
I don't have particularly strong feelings pro or con about "visions" per say, but I love the hybrid. I am such a sucker for abstract nonsense-sounding things that might mean something more clearly later on. I credit listening to Ornette Coleman for teaching me to appreciate that sort of thing. Whether it's Sheridan's dream, the dancing midget in Twin Peaks, and now the BSG hybrid's ramblings, I love letting my brain revel in the confusion.
I've just seen the sixth episode.So the Final Five came from Earth and they know the way.That's confusing.

Does this mean that Earth is something like a Cylon colony or even their homeworld?
Maybe Earth originally created cylons. Those cylons got pissed at being servants of humans, waged war, left Earth behind and eventually ended up on Kobol. There they developed along for ages, forgetting that they were cylons in the first place. Now being more human that machine, they left Kobol and founded the twelve colonies. Fully thinking they're human, those living on the twelve colonies created machine-cylons themselves to be servants, who fought back and left and became the cylons we've known up until the final five.
Maybe Earth originally created cylons. Those cylons got pissed at being servants of humans, waged war, left Earth behind and eventually ended up on Kobol. There they developed along for ages, forgetting that they were cylons in the first place. Now being more human that machine, they left Kobol and founded the twelve colonies. Fully thinking they're human, those living on the twelve colonies created machine-cylons themselves to be servants, who fought back and left and became the cylons we've known up until the final five.

That's a very interesting thought Vacantlook.The humans we know could be something like "Proto-Cylons" who created the New Cylons.
Earth created the final 5 very possible. In short there were never any true humans at all they were all wiped out on Earth by their machines" It has happened before and it will happen again." the repeating history like a machine program following the same paths repeating the same action mistakes and cycles of history endllessly like a programing loop. If this were the case then so much about the prophecies and road signs to Earth would make sense, now there is a nasty thought right there and a very tragic outcome for all. The funny part is after seeing he piles of skulls on Kobol I started to ponder a similar possibility you've taken it to its logical conclusion though. It might explain what Ron Moore meant when he said there would be redefining of what it means to be human and or Cylon.
Yeah, the whole "this has happened before and will happen again" statement fits really well in this scenario. Humanity-cylon life keeps oscillating back and forth leaving Earth, going out, settling down on other planets, leaving those planets, returning to Earth, settling down, leaving Earth, going out -- back and forth over and over again throughout the ages who knows how many times repeated.
Conceptwise what an absolute Horror for all of them Colonial and Cylon if this proved to be the case, Talk about No hope at all there it is.
Yeah, the whole "this has happened before and will happen again" statement fits really well in this scenario. Humanity-cylon life keeps oscillating back and forth leaving Earth, going out, settling down on other planets, leaving those planets, returning to Earth, settling down, leaving Earth, going out -- back and forth over and over again throughout the ages who knows how many times repeated.

Something like the destruction of Zion and rebuilding it over and over again in the "Matrix".
Kara Thrace has been to earth she is not a Cylon, possibly she is machine construct from Earth? created by the 5th Cylon? really unpleasant thought. Just at thought thats all. Her job is to break the Cycle to put a monkey wrench in the unending loop, by leading them away perhaps? By leading away from Earth in the hopes it will change the outcome, disrupt things. Maybe going to Earth is the worst thing that could happen to them because if that happens the tragic cycle begins a new. maybe the 5 model knows this.
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Conceptwise what an absolute Horror for all of them Colonial and Cylon if this proved to be the case, Talk about No hope at all there it is.

We might actually have been watching something like a Cylon Civil War from the beginning.New models agaist the old ones.
Well, I think it's a bit more complicated than Kara: machine or human. I think what the human model cylons show is that technology can be developed to the point that it ceases to be made of metal and oil and instead is flesh and blood. Any 100% original biological humanity probably died out a long time ago, leaving all of the people from the colonies that think they are 100% original biological humanity to be the end result of a previous cycle of cylon creation. Cavil, Leoben, Doral, Simon, Sharon, Natalie, and D'Anna are the mid-point of the current cylon cycle. Eventually they'll develop to the point that they cease being a group of cylon models and become individuals like Tigh, Tyrol, Tory, and Anders have, and then evolve further on into the future into fully thinking themselves to be 100% original biological humanity like the cylons of previous cycles have.
Very Cruel Television viewing indeed kind rof raises the whole idea of dramatic tragedy to new level. Even thought this is adifferent concept it kind of reminds me of the 1964 science fiction movie The Time Travelers, 3 scientists and a maintance man open a time window into the future fall through and battle mutants find society get ready to leave a dying earth for the stars,get attacked space ship destroyed by mutants build another time widow to get back them and the other survivors end up getting stuck in an endless time loop forever repeating.
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What about Starbuck's abilities as a Commanding Officer?As Zathras would say "not good".She might be the best pilot they've got but when it's up to commanding a crew she's just not the right person.Not to mention her lamest line in the show so far: "I don't want to fight Sam I want to frak".
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She is definitely not the same as she was before death/disappearance ,gone he self confidence and I think her toughness ,she needs to not be in charge, because outside of the prophecy issue , she seems not sure of herself or much else for that matter. In a command situation, always a recipe for disaster.
She is definitely not the same as she was before death/disappearance ,gone he self confidence and I think her toughness ,she needs to not be in charge, because outside of the prophecy issue , she seems not sure of herself or much else for that matter. In a command situation, always a recipe for disaster.

Yes the disappearance changed her.I'm wondering where did she took a new undamaged Viper from.This looks more and more like a cylon set-up.The "toasters" brainwashed Kera in order to use her in their search for Earth.
Yeah her viper is brand new that little detail bugs the hell out of me. There is another possibility, thatthe machine faction captured brainwashed Kara into misleading the fleet. Just thinking out loud
Old Kara would have rocked it hard. New Kara is a big pile of Leoben-lovin', frack-not-fightin' goo-head with super-LSD visions of Saturn and Earth and having sex in paint with her cylon love-toy.

I'm liking Natalie, I have to admit. I think she's going to do a mind-whammy on Hera (and Athena.) And the scene with the two Sixes sharing a kiss was kind of hot. I would imagine Baltar would have turned heathen again for some of that action.
And the scene with the two Sixes sharing a kiss was kind of hot. I would imagine Baltar would have turned heathen again for some of that action.

It's almost unbelievable how much the Cylons were able to acheve using just one model of a sexy woman.Number Six took the codes for the defences of the colonies, destroyed Cloud Nine and many other ships, helped the Cylons find New Caprica and so on.

I doubt that a Centurion would be able to do this.;)

The Sharon Model was also very succesful fot the bad guys.A man fell in love with her, she gave birth to a Cylon-Human hybrid and shot Adama in the chest.

So men like Baltar and Helo are not shown to be very smart in the series.OK Number Six and Sharon could be very hot chicks but they are machines after all.Was it so hard for you guys to find human girlfrends who do not represent a danger to the survival the human race?;)

That's why I think that Helo has a HUGE loyalty problem.He killed a "Pegasus" officer defending a Cylon and prevented the possible end of the war by killing the infected Cylon hostages before "Galactica" reached the resurrection ship.
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That's why I think that Helo has a HUGE loyalty problem.He killed a "Pegasus" officer defending a Cylon and prevented the possible end of the war by killing the infected Cylon hostages before "Galactica" reached the resurrection ship.

I don't have a problem with either of those acts. It doesn't matter who or what your enemy is... if you can stand by and watch them get gang raped or allow your superiors to commit genocide... what does that say of you?

I should say that when I say "you" in this context, I am referring to the character in question and not yourself.