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You're my last...Best Hope...



You\'re my last...Best Hope...

i need help...[that much is obvious]...

i need web site that covers:
Star Wars...
Star Trek...
and of course Babylon 5

this is for a course at school and i need any sites you good people can offer...

I have no one to envy...
I envy you having me to envy...
Re: You\'re my last...Best Hope...

You could always try scifi.com

"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
Re: You\'re my last...Best Hope...

Here're two for farscape:

Farscape Fantasy

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: You\'re my last...Best Hope...

For B5 there really isn't a better site than the Lurkers' Guide to Babylon 5.

For Star Trek, just do a search on StarTrek and whatever you get will have links to other websites.

Re: You\'re my last...Best Hope...


I have no one to envy...
I envy you having me to envy...

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