<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Getting blown away by Londo's bodyguards was:
1. Not certain. They may have simply got hurt and retreated into the safety of another dimension.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ahhh, another one who suspects...
After all, there never was a body, and if First Ones were That easy to kill there would've been no need for that elaborate scene with Ulkesh... and if only Shadows were That easy to deal with Kosh would've wiped the floor with them when they came to kill him...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>2. If certain, an example of extreme arrogance and carelessness, something that all sentient beings (and especially those who have very few equals) are capable off. Just like with Ulkesh Naranek.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That seems likely. Probably Shadows are almost impossible to defeat when they have their build-in defensive systems on-line, just like Vorlons. But in that case the Shadow on duty was overconfident and too trustind in the safety of his invisibility, and didn't bother with other defenses, (and a bit too slow to guess just what Londo's guards intended to Do with their rifles) so the unexpected attack did wound it, and it phased out to escape...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Neither the shadows nor their ships travel in other dimensions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And what would you call "hyperspace" if not an "other dimension"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Both Lorien and the Vorlons demonstrated that they could pass through solid objects at will. Why assume Shadows can't do the same? The only evidence I can think of to suggest they can't is in Babylon Squared, in Garibaldi's time-flash, where he sees a door being cut through, but when it falls away, there doesn't seem to be anything on the other side.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That door was for the Shadow's attack troops - remember the creature in "The Long Dark"? Shadows seldom stand in the front lines - they send others (like these invisible Warriors, the Drakh, or their Eye-directed, sentient-as-CPU controlled ShadowShips)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Who says that Morden is LITERALLY never alone? I know Delenn stated that, but it is possible that the Shadows may be 'waiting around a corner' while communicating with Morden. For example, Re-watch 'Interludes and Examinations.' Morden, after running some 'errands' to work his plot to get Londo back on his good side again, walks INTO a room, where the Shadows appear. They didn't walk into that room WITH him, they were already in it WAITING for him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Maaaybe. Or they walked through the walls to get to that room - they were in motion when they became visible, and stopped walking then. After all, whenever we see someone check, Morden is Always 'escorted' by at least one Shadow. Even in his cell (and could you picture the guards holding the cell door open long enough so Mordens "invisible friends" can enter too?)
But as for walking through walls... watch the scene in "Interludes and Examinations" again, where the Shadows go to do Kosh...
short: Morden opens the door, stand in the doorway and the Shadows phase in before him already
In Kosh's quarters. No place for them to squeeze through the door without pushing Morden away (actually given the narrow doorways on B5 they'd have problems even if none of their minions stood in the way), unless thes really can walk through solid matter if they put their mind to it (- set their phasing, or whatever correctly).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>First Ones have such technologies that a Shadow and a Vorlon using the full force of their technology to combat each other... would be equal to a nuclear bomb. A Shadow and a Vorlon, if prepared for individual combat, could easily destroy a space station from around them.
Therefore when I think of the Shadows' attack on Kosh, I tend to imagine it as mainly a battle of minds...
Now That was some really good reasoning. Add to it that the attack on Kosh was made with surprise too (quickly overwhelm him before he can go 'full power') and you have a winner...
Roman Alexander
"Go on, watch out for Shadows - we'll watch you right back!"
What do you