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Whispers in the Night Pt 14

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It had been a long day, John Sheridan, President of the Interstellar Alliance, and soon to be first time father, thought to himself as he quickly walked the distance between the Alliance Headquarters and the Ranger Compound which housed the Presidential Complex. He was extremely tired, having been woken by a combination of Delenn changing position for what must have been the hundredth time that night, and the comm. bleeping frantically, trying to gain his attention. Apparently there had been another sighting of Shadow allies, and he had reluctantly ordered another Ranger scout party. These calls usually took up more time than they should, but they had to be followed up in case they were Shadow allies.

“I hate politics,” Sheridan muttered to himself, sliding his ID card in the lock and nodding his head to the two guards outside the door.

I wonder where James is? He thought to himself, and had the question answered as he entered his shared apartment.

Delenn was reclining regally on the sofa, back propped by several pillows, looking as comfortable as possible whilst being seven months pregnant. James Elliot was sat at the foot of the sofa on the recliner chair John had had imported from Earth, a present from his father. And there was a young woman sat on the Minbari seating cushions on the floor, laughing at something James had said, looking completely at ease as if she had been born into the situation.

“What in hell…” John heard himself say, breaking the mood in the room. The young woman immediately withdrew into herself, the sparkle of a few minutes previous being wiped from her face.

Delenn turned to sit up, and James immediately aided her, helping her to her feet so she could come over and greet him properly.

James remained standing, a slightly protective stance next to the now stood stranger.

“John,” Delenn murmured a few moments later. “This is Kiera Walters.”

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
hmmmm, but did I miss something? Where is #13?

"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"
The Bee Five CD jacket(from Mira): "The one who sings, means no harm."
Thank you...for a second I thought aldzheimer's was kicking in!

"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"
The Bee Five CD jacket(from Mira): "The one who sings, means no harm."
I dont do 13s...

12b was 13.. lol

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
Poor "old" FlarnChef.

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Yeah, Sharenn is superstitious. That's okay! I'm Irish and I'm supposed to be, but I'm not...

Anyway, I can't wait to see more!

EntilZhaDelenn, Future portrayer of Ambassador Delenn

"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill... yet." Galen.

"Untied we stand, divided we fall." P. Diddy What's Going On?

I live for the Pepsi, I die for the Pepsi.
Yeah, I'm about... 1/8th Irish?? And MAJORLY superstitious...

**beavers away at next chapter

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html

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