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Whispers in the Night 23

  • Thread starter **DONOTDELETE**
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((And we're back!!))

Pain lanced through Kiera’s mind, an awakening call in the middle of the Minbari night. It seared through synapses, and was too strong to block.

Kiera tried to fight it down, aware that her mind was losing the control the sleepers gave her, when she localised the sensation.

Bolting out of bed, she dressed quickly, applying the hypo to her arm with clinical precision before reaching for James’ mind, urgently seeking him.

James… She called, seeking his mental pattern to latch on to. She found it pacing corridors in the medical facility, his mind brimming with the broadcast pain, trying to block it, keep himself aware.

James, listen to my voice, lock on to it. Come on, you can do it! As he did, she felt the pain ebb from his mind.

I want to help, to stop the pain, and I can’t! James lashed out, angry with himself. John’s going mad, he can’t help her either and it’s killing him. I thought I might be able to dampen it down for her, but its too strong!

Kiera paused, and latched onto his mind. She had never done what she was considering; never used her telekinesis to move her own body through walls, never even considered trying to use it without line of sight…

Closing her eyes, Kiera prayed, locked on to James’ mind, and…

…Found she was stood next to a shocked James, his pike extended as if he believed her to be an intruder attempting to break into the medical facility where his Entil’Zha was staying.

The pain radiating from behind the door was intense, and James’ effort at keeping it back was evident by the sweat pouring down his face. Kiera immediately dampened down the noise for him, allowing him to lock his mind onto hers.

It hurts so much Kiera… James gasped, thankful for the release she was giving him. They don’t know how long… they’re afraid to wait, but Dr Franklin doesn’t want to go in too soon…

I understand.
Kiera touched her hands to his face, forehead to forehead. James, hold on. It will soon be over and…

The pain grew to a crescendo Kiera could not fight, followed by a long, drawn out scream, before silence, then the loud, lusty cries of a newly-born babe…

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
Hooray the story's back!

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Yea! David is born!

Sharenn, thank you so much for joining my RPG. It was going down the drain and you saved it. Thanks!

EntilZhaDelenn, Future portrayer of Ambassador Delenn

"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill... yet." Galen.

"Untied we stand, divided we fall." P. Diddy What's Going On?

I live for the Pepsi, I die for the Pepsi.
@ EZD... this I did not know...

@RW... I aim to please

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html

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