If you were getting married and had to have James T. Kirk as your best man
(whether it's the Bill Shatner or Chris Pine, younger or older version is
irrelevant, but it'd have to be him and no one else, although other Trek
characters can also be present), what for you would (seriously or humorously)
be the best thing about it, in terms of any humorously or creatively witty
comment/s or thing/s you'd most like Mr. Kirk to say or do at the ceremony.
(whether it's the Bill Shatner or Chris Pine, younger or older version is
irrelevant, but it'd have to be him and no one else, although other Trek
characters can also be present), what for you would (seriously or humorously)
be the best thing about it, in terms of any humorously or creatively witty
comment/s or thing/s you'd most like Mr. Kirk to say or do at the ceremony.