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What are your favoirte B5/crusade quotes?

It makes you wonder what have happened if Sinclair remained Commander of B5 for the duration of the series, Would War Without End have been the series finale? Only JMS knows. In Babylon Squared, Was Sinclair destined to be "The One" as opposed to One of three?

I was really bummed after I watched season 1 and foudn out Sinclair was gone, I relaly grew to like his character, and his interactions with Garibaldi, Ivanova, Kosh, Franklin. I don't have anything against Sheridan or Bruce, but I just really enjoyed the character of Sinclair.

"Nothing's the same anymore"

I read here that Valen had no children...what about Delenn. Didn't Dukhat tell Delenn that she was a child of Valen in Atonement? Obviously not directly, but Valen must have had offspring in order for someone in the bloodline to have Delenn.

During S1 JMS replied to a usenet post by saying that Valen never had children. But that was never stated in the show.

Either he changed his mind later or he lied - as he has admittedly done from time to time to protect a story point when something came up on the internet that might spoil a surprise. I don't recall him saying if the Valen's children thing was one of those times.


I'm pretty sure that Valen's children were treated badly, and so didn't exactly go around advertising the fact that they were Valen's children.

But he most definitely had children.
(This one is from memory, so excuse any lapses.)

G'Kar: To make up for any inconvenience, I have deposited a large sum of money in your personal account back home.

Tu'Pari: They'll think I've betrayed my commission. They'll kill me.

G'Kar: Yes. Fortunately I have nothing to fear anymore. The commission was yours alone, and because the Assassins' Guild is so embarrassed by the entire incident, they'd prefer to forget the whole thing ever happened

Na'Toth: Except for the part about killing him.

G'Kar: Yes, except for that.


G'Kar: That's your flight. With luck, they won't find you. If they do, you will know fear...

Na'Thoth: ...And you will know pain.

Both: ...And then you will die.

G'Kar: Have a pleasant flight.


watched CoLaD last nite. forgot about one of my all time favorite quotes: "You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word."

ahh, words to live by =)
Mine would have to be quoting a quote of a piece of Tennyson. This is from memory, but shoult be right

Tho' much is taken, much abides, and tho'
we are not that strength which in old days,
moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,
one equal temper of heroic hearts,
made weak by time and fate, but strong in will,
to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yeild.
I had this exchange which I've always liked come back to my mind today (not verbatim):

G'Kar: Why did you come after me?
Marcus: Because I've never had a friend who was a narn.
G'Kar: And I've never had a friend who wasn't a Narn.

A couple more of my favorites:

"You don't frighten easily"
"I work for Ambassador Mollari. After a while nothing bothers you."
Elric and Vir

"I'll gain weight!"
"Well, briefly, yes."
"Figures. All my life I've fought against imperialism. Now, suddenly I *am* the expanding Russian frontier."
"But with very nice borders."
Ivanova and Franklin

"What's he hiding, Vir? Tell me. I won't bite, Vir."
"With all due respect, Madame, that's not what I've heard."
"All right, that one time."
Vir and Timov
Another of my favourites:

As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds - the sounds of billions of people calling your name."
"My followers?"
"Your victims."

Elric to Londo
I don't know if its been named but,

When Delenn is talking about minbari relationships and tells Sheridan that if the minbari male keeps on pursuing the relationship, the female will "cut his ... ties to her family." (btw, this isn't the exact quote, it's something like it)

Another one is when Londo takes Lennier out and when they're getting out of the stripclub to go gambling, Lennier says something like "I haven't finished studying their anatomy."

Those two were hilarious! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
... the female will "cut his ... ties to her family."
/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif That was a good one. I remember John looking distinctly worried there for a moment. I think she actually said: "cut off his ... ties to her family."

And speaking of Londo and cutting things off: the Ba-bear-lon ep.

Londo: It has no... y'know ... attributes.
Sheridan/Ivanova: Ahhh ...
Ivanova: ... so you feel like you're being symbolically cast-- ...in a bad light.
Sheridan: Well, said.

But the best part was that later, when Ivanova introduced him to the JS bear (Sheridan: That's supposed to be me?) you could just see the conversation with Londo going through his head /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I don't have the B5 quotes handy, but I'd say G'kar's speech when he is being thrown off the counsel. The "no opressor" one.

He's so obviously in an impossible situation. Yet he walks out of that room an obviously stronger individual than Londo. Even Londo seems taken aback at how controlled and yet determined G'kar is.

And with all that comes later, G'kar's words only seem to take on more and more meaning.
<font color="orange">No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free.</font color>

And you wonder why I'm so smitten with this Narn? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif Okay, okay... I realise it should be JMS I should be smitten with, since he wrote the words... but anyway. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif JMS created the character and image (and even actor) of G'Kar after all, right?

/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif So, enjoy it. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Thanks for the quote, too, BTW.
"Don't think I'll go easy on you just because of your alleged rugged handsomeness"-Lochley
"At least you're aquipped with floating devices"-Eilerson
"Oh no!There mating with us?That's not the first contact I've ever envision but..."-Gideon and Galen
"Don't you think I should get dressed first?Sorry I didn't notice!.....men!"Ivonova and Sheriden
"Love to stay can't,got to go,kiss,kiss,love,love bye,muakzzz"-G'kar

And many many more,I'll be back if my brain serves me well.
This was more a sub-story between <font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color> and <font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color> within an episode than a quote by itself, but worth mentioning none the less.

From season 1's '<font color="#C91F45">Eyes</font color>':

*scene 1*
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "Antique. Mint condition. The Kawasaki engine ZX-11, vintage 1992. And we are talking liquid-cool dual-overhead-cam 16-valve 1052-cc inline-four, twin-ram air induction, six-speed gear-box and 320-millimeter front disc with four-piston calibers. It's the best-performance bike of its time. Or it will be when I figure out how to put the damn thing together."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Well, sounds most impressive. What exactly does it do?"
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "What does it do? It's a motorcycle. You ride it. Wrooom!.."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Ah, a vehicle."
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "Oh, it's more than just a vehicle. This baby's a piece of Earth history."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "History? That is an interest of mine."

*scene 2*
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Behold. The Ninja ZX-11."
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "What have you done?"
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "You are not pleased?"
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "I said you could work on it a little, not .. finish it."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "I do not understand."
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "I wanted to build it myself. It was kind of a purpose in my life. Now it's .. done."

*scene 3*
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "Too bad we can't ride it."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Oh, it's quite ridable."
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "Don't tell me you came up with some gas too."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Gasoline is harmful to both living beings and the atmosphere, as your people discovered. I have installed a Minbari power source instead. Clean, and efficient."
<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color>: "Get out of here."
<font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color>: "Yes. Of course."

*scene 4*
[<font color="#C91F45">Garibaldi</font color> and <font color="#C91F45">Lennier</font color> driving a motorcycle in the Central Corridor]
<font color="#C91F45">Ivanova</font color> to <font color="#C91F45">Sinclair</font color>: "It's good to have things back to normal."
Hello! Newbie here! I thought I'd chime in with a few of my favorite quotes while we're at it.

This one from "Grail" always amused the heck out of me:

"Well, Your Honor, a few days later, my great-gradfather Amos came back into town and told everyone he'd been taken away on this ship by ailens. See, they held him for two days doing experiments - they were sticking him needles and they were flashing lights--"
"Uh, to the point please, Mr. Flinn?"
"I was just getting there, Your Honor. Everybody figured he was a little nuts, you know what I mean? He couldn't get a job. His children were shut out from everybody in town. Nobody believed him. And that's why I'm here today, Your Honor. We went through their archives. We found proof that his great-grandfather abducted my great-grandfather and just took him away in a space ship. Frankly, Your Honor, we want damages!"

Aliens, beware the future, right?

"If you are going to kill me, then do so. Otherwise, I have considerable work to do." - Lennier

Susan: If I live through this job without completely losing my mind, it will be a miracle of Biblical proportions.
Lt. Corwin: Well, there goes my faith in the Almighty.

And since no one has listed the whole, Marcus, life is unfair, quote:
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

So true... so, so true. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Since I'm quoting Marcus, here's a few more for good measure. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

"It's a Minbari fighting pike several hundred years old. You're just jealous because you don't have one. Bad case of pikal envy if you ask me."

"Oh bugger, now I have to wait for someone to wake up."

"Well they said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger..."
"I'm not repressed anymore."

"Sector 97 by 20 by 42. At least a dozen ships have reported seeing something rather god-like in the area. And since neither you nor I were there, it must be one of the first ones."

Marcus: Just my luck. First time in my life, I'm a war hero and nobody knows about it. And worst of all, I'm married to you.
Stephen: Well, that's not my idea.
Marcus: Oh, you say that now. Tell that to your mother. She never stopped calling about it. 'So, when's the big day? I've got to pick out patterns. Your father isn't going to live forever.' And on and on and on...

And, finally:
Marcus (singing): I am the very model of a modern major general. I've information, vegetable, animal or mineral. I know the kings of England and I quote the fact historical, from Marathon to Waterloo in order categorical...

Cheers! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Welcome aboard, DangerMouse. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

And some great quotes there... I love the Marcus' quote about life's unfairness, but I keep forgetting it all the time. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hello there, DangerMouse. Nice nick, too. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Isn't that Markas quote about "since neither you nor I were seen in the area" also followed by something like "if you're going to have delusions, I figure why not go for the really satisfying ones"?

/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Markas always did get the best lines. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Yeah, I loved the line about delusions. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif I've used it on a couple of occasions, too. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

And the one on the show is Marcus, not Markas. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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