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WB announcement due on ...

But who cares? We'll know any day now!
And I'm waiting, and waiting, and...

Been waiting since ......... i can't remeber when all this first started, was it before Christmas? Were we promised somthing in Febuary, then the Ides of somthing???

My brain hurts.
But who cares? We'll know any day now!
And I'm waiting, and waiting, and...

Been waiting since ......... i can't remeber when all this first started, was it before Christmas? Were we promised somthing in Febuary, then the Ides of somthing???

My brain hurts.

Actually I think the very first inkling of it was in Spetember, when JMS said there was a possibility of 2 things B5 in nature.
It seems as if the 18th of May announcement has been made, and now the Ides are soon coming to an end...

Oh, I give up!. :D



But you have to admit, or at least may admit :) that even if Ides are (is?) not a specific date, we should translate it with "mid-", and for me mid-May has gone. It is now late-May.

But who cares? We'll know any day now!
And I'm waiting, and waiting, and...


I believe Joe's giving up was referring to the fact that the announcement you mentioned was regarding The WB's TV schedule and therefore has nothing whatsoever to do with the possibility of a B5 theatrical movie, rather than the Ides of May.

As he neatly explained in his previous post in this thread.


*EDIT* I believe JMS' post actually said "around the Ides of May" didn't it, so even by that measure it could still be several days away.

Me? I have long since given up trusting these dates - I just wish someone (anyone) would put us out of our collective misery (so to speak) and give us something we can really speculate about.

Any guesses on how the B5:TMoS announcement will be handled? Will JMS make a post around the same time that Warner Brothers makes the announcement? Or will JMS not say anything for some time? Just wondering what sites I should peruse.
Seems like jms posts something as soon as TPTB say he can.

I don't trust the dates, either. We'll hear something when we do. :rolleyes:
Actually I think the very first inkling of it was in Spetember, when JMS said there was a possibility of 2 things B5 in nature.

It goes back even further than that - he said there were things in the hopper at Comic Con last July. Long strange trip, eh?
Actually JMS said that we could start looking for word from Harry, Jack and Whatizname "...beginning around the ides of May...".

But nobody said anything about "May 18th" in particular, so the notion that "THE May 18th announcement has passed" - as if we were all expecting such a thing - along with the idea that The WB's broadcast schedule has anything to do with anything that JMS has been talking about, is what caused me to throw my hands up. UPN does not announce Paramount's theatrical features at their "up-front", either, and there the units are much more tightly integrated.


Actually JMS said that we could start looking for word from Harry, Jack and Whatizname "...beginning around the ides of May...".

Thanks for the clarification JDM I was missing the 'beginning' ... so clearly it could be in 5 minutes, next week or October basically so a bit of calm is probably called for right about now.

My guess would be that we should now expect the announcement to be delayed at least a couple of weeks, perhaps more, due to the untimely passing of Rick Biggs.

WB and JMS (and the cast) I'm sure are terribly upset right now, and are also in re-think mode to some extent.

TMoS will be missing one of it's strongest voices now. :(

TMoS will be missing one of it's strongest voices now. :(
Isn't it a bit much on our part to assume that Richard Biggs was going to be a major part in TMoS? Sure Dr Franklin is a key character in the B5 universe...but how big a part would he have been if it is indeed dealing with the Telepath War? Franklin was out of the underground railroad thing in Season 2 of B5 and didn't have much at all to do with the Telepaths in general.


Those are the KEY players in the B5 universe for a movie IF it deals with the telepath war. Speaking where roles are concerned, I would think Franklin would have been a minor part if anything. I am sure JMS would pull to have as many series actors in the movie as he could to "reward" them as he mentioned in a post a few years ago, but I dont think all characters would be major parts of the movie.

That is, of course, just speaking logistically. On an emotional level, I have no doubt that this is slowing things down due to the closeness all the actors had with Richard Biggs. I am certain that this is taking its toll on them to a degree and slowing the TMoS process down.
I would say Richard Biggs' passing would most certainly have a delaying effect on the announcement/TMos Project in general. First and foremost, as has been mentioned this is an extremely emotional week for the Franchise and the people involved in it, even moreso for his family at home. It just doesn't seem right for good news right now to "spoil" the mourning process. This story of his passing needs to be the #1 story in the B5 world for now. In addition I think the sadness of this would creep into any going forward this week.

If indeed Franklin had a big or substantial role, rewrites will be needed, and a replacement actor for the thread Richard Biggs would have taken in the project. If he had little or no part in the project, you just can't move on that quickly, and immediately make an announcement like the expected announcement of content and medium.
Just a thought, but I wonder if the increased communication might, in fact, help along the process. I'm sure the Babylon 5 family is feeling closer due to Mr. Biggs unfortunately passing, but it may have also opening people up to put aside any differences that may exist. I can see them, for example, want to dedicate TMoS to Richard Biggs... and who knows, perhaps even donate some of the proceeds to a fund for his children.

This is wild speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if this is a positive side effect to a very unfortunately situation.

My best thoughts, again, to the Biggs and Babylon-5 families.


It just doesn't seem right for good news right now to "spoil" the mourning process. This story of his passing needs to be the #1 story in the B5 world for now. In addition I think the sadness of this would creep into any going forward this week.
I'm not so sure. Remember the people MAKING the announcement are intrested in making money. If they have an announcement to make about an upcoming movie, they will do it, regardless of what "emotional" stuff is going around regarding their cast and crew. Hell they may make an announcement to ride the wave of activity. I really doubt the reasoning of WB waiting to announce due to the death is that feasible.

I do agree with your points about some re-writing to a degree needing to be done. Thats a strong possibility. And yes, I am sure this week will be slow and tedious for all who work with and knew Richard Biggs but...big movie and press release executives aren't in that crowd.
this week will be slow and tedious for all who work with and knew Richard Biggs but...big movie and press release executives aren't in that crowd.
I would think they would be informed of the situation, probably by JMS, and delay the announcement. They wouldn't want to seem callous about it. Waiting untill the memorial service/funeral is over at the very least.

Have you seen the Italian tradition of applauding after the funeral service is over? In my country, they hoist the flag from half mast to the top after the service is over. A respectful celebration of that person's life.

In much the same style, maybe the motion picture could be announced right after, maybe with Rick Biggs getting paid full salary/royalties for it. But that should come from his fellow actors and JMS, after conferring with his other family and WB.
I don't doubt that some of the cast and JMS will probably donate a portion of their salary for TMoS to Rick's trust fund for his family.

And yes, I'm certain WB will now hold off any announcement until after the funeral at least. Though it is a business, it is also a business that respects its own deeply.
Rick's passing will affect the TMoS in one way or other, that's certain. And as what goes to execs at WB, I think they can wait a week or two to "honor" Rick at least. Because, I'm sure that JMS has something to say about the announcement.. and it would be logical to assume, that he wants to wait for a couple of weeks. Damn, I still can't get over with this.. :(

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