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War without End Part 1 question


I was thinking about War without end Part 1 the other day.

We see captain Sheridan thrown forward in time. Now I was wondering does he replace himself from that time? For all intensive purposes, both Londo and Delenn seem to have seen him for sometime, and Sheridan appears aged.

Anyone know the answer?
I believe it's on the Lurker's Guide in greater detail, but this is how I understand it.

Sheridan, when thrown forward, sort of slides into himself of that period. So his body is aged, yes, but his mind is still the 2260 mind (when Delenn talks about seeing the youth in his eyes I'm pretty sure she's mostly metaphorical).
In all of the timeflashes (Sinclair's, Garibaldi's, Sheridan's, the ones we don't see like the B4 crew) the person involved mentally travels to where his body is at the time - Garibaldi to Mars just before he leaves to join Sinclair on B5, Sheridan to Centauri prime in 2278. So it is true that "for all intents and purposes" ( :) ) Delenn and Londo have seen Sheridan for awhile - Delenn because she travelled to C.P. with Sheridan from their home on Minbar, Londo because he had capture the pair before Sheridan "flashed in" and was in the process of releasing them when Sheridan "flashed out"


I think the REAL question is how Mr. Garibaldi would be able to grow all his hair back (at least to season 1 lengths) in just "8 days" in order to participate in Sinclair's "time flash" about the defense of B5. :LOL:
Well... Ivanova to a smuggler once implied he was responsible for Garibalid's hair falling out. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if B4 hadn't gone back to the last Great War?

I get the whole "merging with the other self" in time. But what happens to that other self? The Sheriden who traveled with Delenn to Centauri Prime... does he just blackout and wake up later and go "Oh yeah... I did that 20 years ago."?

More importantly... did Garibaldi really go back in time when he flashed? Those flashes were a little different (at least from what it looks like) than what happened to Sheriden. If he did, would that mean the Garibaldi at the time blackouted and doesn't remember that conversation with Lise?

Mmm, time travel.
I always thought they physically slipped through time, but then that does raise the question about what happens to their "future" bodies when their "present" bodies drift in, as two pieces of matter can't occupy the same space at the same time.

So, yeah, they must be 'replacing' the minds of those bodies and not the bodies themselves.

Now, somebody explain this to me about Garibalid growing his hair back in 8 days? I don't get it, the only times we see Garibaldi with hair are either from Season 1 episodes or from the B4 flashback episode where everybody is inserted into the shot and such, right?

The scene of him with the big gatling gun never happened in the main timeline of the show - what is the "8 days" people are talking about?
Now, somebody explain this to me about Garibalid growing his hair back in 8 days? I don't get it, the only times we see Garibaldi with hair are either from Season 1 episodes or from the B4 flashback episode where everybody is inserted into the shot and such, right?

The scene of him with the big gatling gun never happened in the main timeline of the show - what is the "8 days" people are talking about?

The Sinclair/Garibaldi scene where Babylon 5 is attacked and destroyed was filmed back in Season 1. In the episode, they say Babylon 5 will be destroyed 8 days hence, so the question was "Why will Season 3 Garibaldi look like Season 1 Garibaldi 8 days later?"