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Wall.E is simply put amazing. I am not afraid to call this the best Pixar effort yet and hands down the best movie this year. Never has Pixar been able to blend the emotional, action, drama, humor, and social commentary so perfectly. Iron Man isn't close, Hulk isn't close. I am super jacked for Hellboy II but I don't think that will be close, there isn't a single movie this year that will be able to touch Wall.E.
Not just a CGI movie, a Pixar movie my friend. I firmly believe that Pixar is hands down the greatest movie studio the industry has ever seen. They have yet to release a movie that I didn't consider great.
It WAS GREAT!!! I teared up at the end a little & that doesn't happen often. :p It only got sad for a little bit towards the end but then it had a HAPPY ENDING... That's all I'm gonna say about that.

There was this five minute clip before the movie even started that was hillarious. A magician trying to pull this rabbit out of a hat but it wouldn't cooperate because it wanted a carrot. PIxar is awesome.
Have you picked up the Pixar Shorts DVD? If not I highly suggest picking that up as it is full of all kinds of awesome shorts just like the Magician one they showed before Wall.E. Also, I'm not sure if that short will be included in the DVD release of Wall.E. There will be a short called Burn.E, that is all about the robot that gets stranded outside the Axiom after Eva and Wall.E zoom back in and lock him out while he's working.
After some checking the Wall.E DVD will include both the Burn.E short I mentioned earlier and the Presto short they aired before Wall.E in theaters, very good news.
Looking forward to it already... I liked the movie so much I'm thinking about going to see it again.
I went to see Hancock yesterday and since neither myself or my brother had any plans I pulled the old theater double dip, minus actually paying of course, and saw Wall.E a second time. It was just as perfect on second viewing as it was on the first, I'm hoping to get my girl to go see it with me sometime this week for a third time.

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