I'd say that humans do become quite Vorlon-esqe. The whole three different appearances that humans a million years hence (humanoid, blue energy ball, and encounter suit) reflects the three forms of a Vorlon (angelic humanoid, squid of light, and encounter suit).
I actually think we are somewhere between Lorien and the Vorlons. The glowing ball looks more like Lorien, the vorlons were squid or jellyfish like with forward facing eyes.
I think we have a strong sense of order, but are not as stale or stagnant as the vorlons. This is why I think we look a bit like Lorien too.
Now the interesting thing is that the whole Sinclair/Valen, Delenn and Sheridan saga could be the key to the human and minbari future. We know out of the current crop, we are the two races to make it to first one status. Here is a possible sequence for this happening:
Sinclair becomes Valen and introduces human DNA to the Minbari genome.
Delenn becoomes slightly more than half human (due to the fact she is a child of Valen, she alreadfy has human DNA in her).
Kosh upon his demise, breaks off part of his conscious and bomds it to Sheridan. This obviously has a permanent effect on him as we see in Season 5.
Sheridan dies and encounters Lorien who regenerates his body or him. This too has a much longer lastin effect as there are things present in Sheridan's system doing weird things.
Sheridan has a child by Delenn (David), who has all these facvtors possibly cotributing to his genome. Perhaps there are instructions in those genes that are recessive and begin a sequence of events that will culminate in the humans and minbari "becoming" in a million years time. Both races tthrough the birth of David and eventual intermarriage will avoid the errors of the Hyach and inherit the promise of First One status.
Half baked or what?