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the Well of Forever


Beyond the rim
I have a question for this episode. Galen told Dureena that the Well of Forever was a place that answered your main question in life. We know what the questions and answers for Dureena and Max were. What do you suppose they were for Gideon and Matheson? and Galen's answer?
i think about it to - but have no idea - i wish the show had continued - Crusade's characters were great - and i wanted to get to know them more /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Perhaps when Gideon saw how Galen finally filled his promise, he understood that someday he would get the chance to fill the promise he made for the dead crew of Cerberus.

Marko Marin
Galen told Dureena that his question would take longer to be answered. I think it was answered in the Path of Sorrows when he got that mysterious letter. Isabelle told him she'd reach him across the grave if there was a grand design to things, so that letter could've been from her, telling Galen that her death was meant to be.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Nancy: </font color>
Galen told Dureena that his question would take longer to be answered. I think it was answered in the Path of Sorrows when he got that mysterious letter. Isabelle told him she'd reach him across the grave if there was a grand design to things, so that letter could've been from her, telling Galen that her death was meant to be.


Similarly, in The Path of Sorrows, Galen tells Dureena that he has apologized "just the once, and typically, it came far too late to matter." I think he was referring to his apology to Gideon in the Excalibur's workout room at the end of The Well of Forever.
Yes, the answer could have started in the Well of Forever, and concluded in the Path of Sorrows. Galen discovering the Well, brought Isabelle to the forefront of his mind, allowing him to be vulnerable to the Alien in the Path of sorrows.

I think Matheson's question was answered, after the Well. The Well is in Hyperspace, and that would have been an ideal opportunity for him to land and feel what it was like in hyperspace outside a ship, Gideon fulfilled the answer with the EVA suit gift.
I always thought Matthew's question was "How do I live with the guilt of surviving?" Galen said that he'd received his answer, but wasn't listening, so would have to look elsewhere. Matthew had seen Galen expiate his own guilt, but didn't understand that one day he might find his own expiation.
Matherson's question may have been, "How do I become Earth's super teep?".

Answer - Live unshielded in hyperspace for a while.

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