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The Very Long Night of Max Eilerson, Part II


Beyond the rim
Disclaimer: Nope, I still don't own these folks. Too bad.

Previously On Crusade:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>"Maybe so," Eilerson said, "but I wouldn't want to be killed by Spoo. That would be...embarassing."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>"They sucked his brains out," Eilerson said<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Max turned to Gideon, but what he saw was not Gideon. It was a member of the alien crew.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Cue Opening Credits

Max found himself on a cold, metal table. He was not alone, however. Several members of the alien crew were moving about the room. He heard their alien language and quickly tried to decipher what they were saying. Their language was similar to that of the Drakh--a language he had translated before.

"Kill him," one said.

The other turned to him, "No, we need him."

The two continued to argue for a few minutes. In the mean time, Max looked to see if there was any escape. He was tied to the metallic table loosely, but if he got loose he still would have to make his way through the two members of the crew.

Too risky, he thought.

Suddenly he heared screams from the next room. It was Gideon, he fathomed.

There was no choice but to try to escape. He pulled hiself off the metal table and easily broke through the ties holding him. The two officers looked at him, through their beady green eyes.

One of them pulled out an energy weapon, prepared to fire. Max made out something the other one said.

"He is important. He is critical to the alliance."

He didn't understand, and didn't want to. He turned around and found a pair of Byron CDs. He hurled them at the two members of the Spoo Allied Crew and bolted out of the room.


"Captain?" Matheson continued to call over the communication channel. Nothing.

He turned and found Dureena standing behind him.

"Dureena," he nodded, "the Captain is missing."

"I'll find him," she said as she left the bridge.

"Wait!" Matheson called after her.

Suddenly Galen appeared in front of Matheson. "It is not your time," he said.

Matheson stood back and watched the two of them leave.


Gideon found himself on a metallic table, identical to the one Max had been on minutes earlier.

Suddenly the entrance to his room exploded, and in came Max, PPG in hand. "Captain! We have to go, now!"

Gideon watched as Eilerson shot at the single crew member in the room. Soon after, he managed to free himself and begin the escape from the Spoo Allied Warship of Death and Destruction.


Matheson stood on the bridge of the Excalibur, still listening for any communication from the now missing team two. Still nothing.

Then, suddenly, "Sir, one jump point forming directly ahead of us."

Matheson narrowed his eyes and looked outside. It appeared similar to the first TNT Allied Destroyer.

"Sir, communication coming in."

"Put it on the screen," Matheson ordered.

A dreadfully ugly alien appeared on the screen. Sort of a combination of Pak'ma'ra and Drakh. It spoke similar to the Drakh. "You will release the ship you are currently investigating or we will destroy you."

"Not a chance," Matheson retorted.

"They're launching fighters," an officer reported.

"Prepare to fire," Matheson ordered.

"Aye sir. Launching fighters, charing forward guns."


Eilerson and Gideon fought their way through dozens of Spoo.

"My God," Eilerson said, "stop the sighing!"

Gideon put one hand over his hear as he fired a PPG shot with the other. The sighing was too much for the two to handle.

But then, out of nowhere, Dureena appeared. She quickly took the Spoos down, Kung-Fu style.

"Let's go," she said smiling.

Gideon and Eilerson followed. At last, they came to a large interior area of the ship. There was a large pit near the center of the room, well-lit.

"This must be engineering," Gideon said.

"So it would appear," Eilerson remarked.

Suddenly a dozen or so Spoo rushed in the room, guns in hand.

"We can't hold them all off," Eilerson said, "we have to get off this ship."

Then it happend. Galen appeared in front of Dureena, Gideon, and Eilerson.

"There is no time," Galen said.

"What do you want us to do?" Gideon asked amidst PPG shots.

Galen looked down. "Jump. Jump now."

---To Be Continued---

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star

[This message has been edited by BlackStar (edited October 23, 2001).]
I hope your thread survives..... Mine was located by Microsoft, it was horrible!! They jacked into Antony's server and messed it up!!

May Valen be with you.
Yes, I shall stick to TNT bashing only in my epic stories.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
Spoo have hands????

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Gideon found himself on a metallic table <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't suppose he's naked, is he?

*goes off looking for an icon that looks both hopeful and lustful at the same time*

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Demon:
I don't suppose he's naked, is he?

Max wasn't... or at least we didn't get any hint that he was (or no one cared!), so don't get your hopes too up, Demon.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Visit Kribu's Lounge - now completely ad-free!
Stay tuned for the next episode. Demon, you shall not be disappointed.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlackStar:
Demon, you shall not be disappointed.


Ahh!!! But what about me?!?!

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Visit Kribu's Lounge - now completely ad-free!
Kribu...I can't explain, really. You shouldn't be too disappointed.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
Oh. Good. **Biting fingernails in anticipation of the next installment**

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Visit Kribu's Lounge - now completely ad-free!
Max wasn't... or at least we didn't get any hint that he was (or no one cared!), so don't get your hopes too up, Demon. /QUOTE]

You can hope that Max is naked if you like, I'll just go on hoping the Captain is

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Demon, you shall not be disappointed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*makes little mewling noises and continues search for suitable icon...*

I shall complete the next installment tonight:

"And All my Dreams, Torn Asunder".

A dramatic name for an epic story.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star